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I might have differing views about this than most.

I went with a heroic dose for my first dose, barring my first taste which i don't count as a dose. I did 3 doses in one ceremony. 50mg, 100mg (this one had problems, i.e. pipe broke), and a whopping 200mg. This is goo, and i do not recommend doing any of these doses, unless you are truly comfortable with what it may impart on you (IME, the experience doesn't differ past the 90mg mark).

I was pursuing DMT for a year before this ceremony. I was on the Nexus the entire time. I became a full member rather quickly and i was very active in forums and in chat, and after a while, people would assume i've had a lot of experience with DMT, even though i didn't. I do now.

I think all of this passion in the pursuit of DMT was what led me to have amazing, breathtaking, magnificent, utterly divine, bla bla bla experiences. I extracted and failed. A LOT. Once i finally suceeded, my first 100-150 trips were as described previously. I was pursuing it for so long, that when i finally went to hyperspace, the entities were like "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE FINALLY HERE! We've been waiting for you for SOOOOO LOOOOOONG!!! YOU READY!? LET'S GOOOOOO!", and immediately took my hand and showed me everything. Literally everything, all of it. Every time i smoked, it had something amazing and new to show me. Hence, a prolific trip report output.

I love the feeling of dying. I love the sensation of skeletonising. Of warping into things real and unreal. I've had moments which felt like unrecoverable psychotic episodes, bordering on true pure enlightenment. Which i realised after was the sensation of feeling everything all at once. The brain isn't well equipped to handle such high loads. These feelings i have described, not everyone will feel comfortable with it, let alone enjoy it. What you may describe as a "not good DMT trip" may be the trips that i love having. It's hard to compare what people feel. Language can be rather limiting in this regard. Someone might say they broke through, even if they just saw pretty colours and lights. Perhaps, to them, they think that's the breakthrough. I've talked to people who have only done 10mg doses, and which point i say "Only?", and they say that it was the most amazing magical moments of their lives. They rave about it, just like people rave about it when they do proper doses, and have actual breakthroughs. Which leaves me a bit skeptical. I may sound very condescending here (i'm not trying to be), but children are often easily impressed (we're all children, really). Lower doses alter your perception of physical reality. Higher doses alter your perception of self, space and time. Lower doses, your walls may dance a little and make cool fractals. Higher doses, you cease exist entirely, melting into the oneness of the universe. You must be comfortable with the idea of non-existence in order to fully appreciate and delve into higher doses. Be comfortable with the self, and with the idea of your self dissolving into nothingness. The more you dive into yourself, the more you realise that it's just a shell. A protective weight that is discarded at the moment of death. Working on your self means that you are able to ease out of the protective shell, even for a moment. This is what meditation is. People who hold on to their ego's with death-like grips tend to have the hardest time letting go. DMT is all about surrendering. Letting go...

Again, i don't recommend high doses, but it's the only sort of dose that i do.

Also, on the point about recreational use. You'll be disciplined if you go too far with it. Too far may even be one use recreationally. Boy, did i get an arse kicking.

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