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I'm planning to take my first larger dose, any advice?

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Rising Star
Hi guys,

Im going to leave the country where I lived for the last 5 years at the end of this month, so I decided to eat most of the shrooms I have left in one session.

Because of the nice weather, I was thinking to do it during night time in the woods while laying down on my sleeping bag. Would it be a bad idea? I think being outdoor with no one around would give me a much better vibe than being locked in my bedroom.

The shrooms are a year old, so I was thinking to do a lemon juice extraction on 6g of them. Any comment about this?

Id like to say that I consider myself a quite experience psychonaut, so I think Im ready for an experience of this magnitude :twisted:
personally mushrooms tend to make me pretty nauseated so when I do really large doses of them I will stagger my dosage to alleviate the belly/body load troubles...

I generally take about a gram, wait for the stomach issues to pass and then I take my mega doses after that..the second dose tends to kick in very smoothly and rapidly compared to the first dose..

Take care....

And don't forget to smoke some DMT at some point :)
I say go for it.

If you're comfortable with your setting 100% you should have a good experience.

I'd do it anyways :) My last dose was 7g lemon tea style and it was quite something.
soulfood said:
I say go for it.

If you're comfortable with your setting 100% you should have a good experience.

I'd do it anyways :) My last dose was 7g lemon tea style and it was quite something.

I second this.
The effects can be extremely unpredictable so I -!STRONGLY!- recommend a sitter. It can't do any harm and it's good to know someones there if things get too intense and crazy. Safety first! I know people who have taken strong doses alone with past shroom experiences and they had incredibly bad experiences which could have been prevented by a sitter(I won't go into detail about this).

You might even thank me for this advice after the experience if you decide to do it and with a sitter. Tripping heavily and sometimes(often with high doses) uncontrollably for many hours can lead to very unexpected things(in negative manner) without a sitter, and this is true even to some of the very experienced users.

Eliyahu said:
And don't forget to smoke some DMT at some point :)

I don't like this advice, with high doses it can be already more intense than DMT by itself and adding it to the experience can be too much. Only if one is truely feeling like adding it to it one should do it
I changed the word 'heroic' to 'larger' in your subject.

This since the phrase 'heroic dose' is something we better leave out on the DMT-Nexus, just like 'moar'. On the DMT-Nexus we propagate responsible use of entheogens and for a large group of people 'heroic dose' sounds like something that is 'cool' and should be done regardless of the risks involved. ;)

I hope you understand.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Eliyahu wrote:
And don't forget to smoke some DMT at some point

Tele wrote-
I don't like this advice, with high doses it can be already more intense than DMT by itself and adding it to the experience can be too much. Only if one is truely feeling like adding it to it one should do it

I have smoked DMT on very high doses of LSD, mushrooms, cactus etc.. I have never had one even remotely negative experience doing so...of course I am sure results may vary from user to user but I also know of many people who would report similar positive effects from using DMT on high doses of Mushrooms...If anything it has been my experience that DMT adds a great deal of focus to any intense trip..

I understand that safety is important however I have never had the need for a sitter for any substances besides salvia or Datura personally speaking.

I believe the OP mentioned that he considered himself to be quite the experienced psychonaut based on that statement, I'm pretty sure they could handle DMT with mushrooms, especially if they waited until after the peak.

Either way I've read quite a few of their posts on the nexus since I have been a member here and based on what I have read thus far I am relatively certain that the OP in this case (Dante) is wise enough to make the judgement call..

I mean just look at Dante's avatar...if that isn't the avatar of a wise nexian then I don't know what is...:)
If you choose to do this high dose outside after dark, i recommend doing it in proximity of somewhere indoors - for several years i quite regularly did 5-7g dried cubensis and found it a necessity to have a "safe" place. Somewhere i could retreat to in the event it got too intense, which it often did. Tripping outdoors is great, but at higher doses i personally found the isolation of being outdoors with the inherent dangers of wildlife a biit much sometimes.

A safe place is reassuring going in, and can turn a trip around once you are in deep.

Good luck! And report back!

Eliyahu: Mushrooms normally don't give me any nausea, but I might use your method for this occasion. Thanks :thumb_up:

Oh and about the DMT, Ill definitely bring some with me in case Im not satisfied with the depth of the experience... I really love this combo!

soulfood and Jerzeecanuck: Thank you :)

tele: I totally understand where you are coming from, but I always take high doses alone. I actually think that having a sitter would make me feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, thank you for caring about my safety!

The Traveler: Sorry, I didn't really think about the macho thing. I should have used the quotation marks, because I was referring to McKenna's heroic dose.

jbark: The only thing I can do about that is bringing a tent with me, I hope it will be enough :? Thanks you!
Eliyahu said:
I mean just look at Dante's avatar...if that isn't the avatar of a wise nexian then I don't know what is...:)
You know what they say... "The cowl does not make the monk" :p
Dante, sounds like a good time. My piece of advice is to take them all at one time. Don't split up the dose. You'll be better off that way. Enjoy the sound of the crickets yo.
I am not a fan of sitters for myself personally..unless ealing with something like higher dose salvia or maybe ibogaine from what I hear.

Sitters make me paranoid. I dont like tripping and having sober people there, especially with mushrooms. That situation just makes me feel bad..for some people it might be better though, everyone is different.

I dont know how you guys can just eat 7g of cubes..really I dont..I would freak my face off for sure eating doses like that these days. I concider a large dose for me to be 3g of cubes..granted I do seem more sensitive to tryptamines than some people..and that has only increased over the years. I also notice that cubensis can take me to a dark place sometimes that DMT does not..I never really realized this until I had worked with DMT for some time and then came back to cubensis..mushrooms always end with me feeling healed though just like DMT..just there seems to be some cubensis alkaloid that makes the peak really rough at times.

I have eaten large doses of cubes around 5g many times in the past, and then for a time I was working with psilocybe cyanescens and the most I took was around 6g give or take..which should be like 12g cubes or more..but I cannot imagine any ammount of preperation of environment etc that would prepare me for that..at some point it just gets hectic and all you can do is hold on nd tell yourself it will end at some point and try not to completely panic because it really can feel like you are dying or already dead.

These days 2-3g cubes in a tea can often feel like what I remember 5g feeling like 7 years ago when I had my first 5g cubensis tea dose. I dont think I could take 5-7g cubes these day..

...but then again I have become somewhat of a tryptamine snob because of how much I love DMT..I prefer my really deep experience to be with oral DMT because I find that it is just so clear and crystaline and clean feeling on the body..and it comes on and goes faster than cubensis, a little bit more condensed so I am in and out within 2-3 hours usually.

Are you planning on taking cubensis or another species? I am very interested in copelandia cyanescens and psilocybe mexicana..I remember psilocybe cyans being very clean and clear as well but it's been years sinse I had them..I would really love a mushroom source of psilocybin/psilocin that is as clear as DMT.
7g of cubensis takes me to a level where reality becomes a lava lamp and features can get distorted to the point peoples mouths are placed on their foreheads. Psychological effects are mainly euphoric.

I've never really experimented with other species except one time I had 3g's psilo sem. not being educated enough to know about difference in potency. This dosage made inanimate objects appear to be alien beings i.e a corn field looked like loads of eyes on sticks. I was young and it was rather scarey.


Im wondering what strain of mushrooms you will be using and what's the highest dose you have done before? IME sometimes the age of the mushroom doesnt signify a loss in potency.
jamie said:
a little bit more condensed so I am in and out within 2-3 hours usually.
i prefer to make a night with it.
sometimes i will even re-dose about 4-6 hours into it.
different strokes, i suppose.

as far as prep goes, i like to grind with some acid (i prefer soda, but juice is fine) and some ethanol (about half a shot) for solubility.
let that sit for about 45-60 secs, maybe a little longer (i don't like to leave it too long, because i am paranoid about the delicacy of psilocin, and it keeps working in your stomach)

also, what i would do if i was taking 6g, would be to take 4 initially, and save 2 for re-dosing.
but your preference may be different.
dang....a 6gr cubensis journey would put me on the far moon of endor for an age. i have complete out of body breakthroughs on 2 1/2 grams of cubensis these days...

that being said, and all things relative, i wish you well on your journey dante. sounds like a brilliant one. take all the time in the world to do a proper ceremony before hand. have your tent made up as cozy as possible because you will very likely be spending a large portion of your journey in it. lots of blankets, pillows, etc. as amazing as nature is, i think it's part of our natural animal brain to want shelter in times of vulnerability. i have done many deep journeys in the outdoors and having a 'womb' to crawl into at times is...well....rapturous.

like everyone else, i would love to know what strain of fun guy you're going to be working with. regardless, please get back to us and let us know how it works out for you! i'm sending you big love and light!!

Pan Man and Parshvik Chintan: Im still not sure of how I'll dose them, I think Ill just follow my instinct. Thanks :)

jamie and soulfood: Im planning to take some Psilocybe Cubensis (Mexican strain) that I grew myself and that I took multiple times in the last year, so Im sure about their loss in potency. I took 3.5g of them in February and it felt more like 2.5g, therefore if I will take 6g it will be more like taking under 5g.

The most I ever took was 3.5g of this same batch when it was fresh and it was a pretty strong experience, but still manageable.

Once I took 35/40 Psilocybe Semilanceata, but it was nothing compared to the Cubes.

antrocles: I wish I could have similar effects with such small doses, it would be very convenient :roll:

I will definitely follow your suggestions about the den, it something that I didn't really think about before, but I now realize how important it is.

About the ceremony, I will definitely take all the time I need. I want it to be a special occasion!

Again, thanks everyone for the precious suggestions! Ill report back once the magic happens... In the meantime, let's pray for the rain to stop :(
I did my biggest does ever last night.....11.5 grams and it was fucking incredible...beyond words.

I'm not saying you should do 11 grams, but it definitely can be done. I have worked up to this over time. I basically never go under 7 anymore.
Lately 2g is putting my in a very intense vibe and 6g's would surely break me through.

Good luck though, only use a sitter if you feel like you really need one or are uncomfortable being alone. If alone just make sure the wildlife and maybe cliffs or rocks are out of your way, you'll be fine.
i advise eating them with a few grams of rue, that way you cant help but be SHOVED into hyperspace.

id rather be entirely in hyperspace than halfway between it and normalcy, i find thats when the terror really occurs, when you can be semi conscious of the insanity. that dose would obliterate me. i have no intention of eating that much mushrooms any time soon.

i would probably have a sitter or someone to come check on you intermittently, but not sit there and STARE AT THE CIRCUS FREAK

best of luck, be sure to report back
Thanks again guys :thumb_up:

mew said:
i advise eating them with a few grams of rue, that way you cant help but be SHOVED into hyperspace.

id rather be entirely in hyperspace than halfway between it and normalcy, i find thats when the terror really occurs, when you can be semi conscious of the insanity. that dose would obliterate me. i have no intention of eating that much mushrooms any time soon.
This makes a lot of sense to me, but i dont feel too safe about taking rue this time. Ill keep some spice next to me just in case I feel to sane :twisted:

Hopefully Ill do it very soon, the weather has been horrible for weeks...
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