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i'm still shaking because of what happened today.

Migrated topic.


Staff member
Today something odd happened. I think the police mistook me for somebody else, because they started to chase me. They have been chasing me for over two whole long hours, so somebody who looks like me must have done something realy bad today.

But anyway, they didn't get me. So far...(the chase started shortly after i had been to the grocery store where i paid with plastic (how was i to know that something was about to happen a few minutes later?) so maybe they can trace me back to when i made that payment, and then they've got me).

But i'm still shaking with adrenalin, i must say.
Like dogs, they can only chase you if you run...

With any luck they'll have given up by now. Take a few calm, deep breaths and treat yourself to a calming cup of herb tea. Count yourself lucky that running has worked out for you this time, and that you're fit enough to give the cops the slip.

Would it have been a problem if the cops had caught up with you?
That sounds horrendous:shock: .
It might be wise to go to a police station and find out why they were targeting you. Take a lawyer with you if possible. It usually makes the Police more cautious about how they deal with you. As you already pointed out, they almost certainly have your details and it is only a matter of time before they come around to your house. Better clear the issue on your terms rather than have them break your front door down in an early morning raid. Good luck with getting it sorted.
antares said:
That sounds horrendous:shock: .
It might be wise to go to a police station and find out why they were targeting you. Take a lawyer with you if possible. It usually makes the Police more cautious about how they deal with you. As you already pointed out, they almost certainly have your details and it is only a matter of time before they come around to your house. Better clear the issue on your terms rather than have them break your front door down in an early morning raid. Good luck with getting it sorted.
Yeah, it was horrendous. But i can understand why some people turn to crime, just for the adrenalin rush now.

I was still pretty paranoïd when i posted this story yesterday, so i don't know how realistic it realy is that they'll be able to find me.
I don't think i want to spent the night in a police station or have my house searched over something that i didn't even do, so i'm not gonna pay them a visit.

But i'll sleep with my underpants on for the coming few weeks.
What do you mean by the police chasing you? Like on foot running? Car chase? Just lurking?

Lot's of police? Or just the same one's?
dragonrider said:
antares said:
That sounds horrendous:shock: .
I don't think i want to spent the night in a police station or have my house searched over something that i didn't even do, so i'm not gonna pay them a visit.

But i'll sleep with my underpants on for the coming few weeks.
I would imagine it's prudent to have a security review at home if you haven't already. Make sure all questionable materials are safe.

Avoid getting too bugged out - maintain appearances of normalcy, etc., etc.

If you did decide to pay the cops a visit, remember you don't have to tell them you're the guy they were chasing. It would be equally valid to tell them you were a witness to the chase.

But I wouldn't advise ever talking to the police :!:
downwardsfromzero said:
But I wouldn't advise ever talking to the police :!:
Excellent point. Never, ever, ever, EVER talk to the police.

Everything you say can be used against you, misconstrued and abused, nothing you say will ever be used to protect you.
fu.k them, never go there to talk to them. even if they come for you never talk to them. do not give them anything. once you open your mouth they will find something to get you on.
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