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Importance of Defatting

Migrated topic.
siras- i think you'l find a plethora of teks on this forum that do not require defat for mimosa....they work wonderfully according a to a beetle i know. you should familiarize yourself with as many teks as possible, but for starters i would read Noman's tek and the DMT Quicktek by Vortex...both straight to base.
thank you for your answer. i read the methods you suggested. they are extremly similar to the tech i found on erowid. But because the erowid tutorial has a lot of graphics, i'd preffer sticking with that one. It will be easier for my first extraction. Because i haven't read much about defatting on other extracthing teks, i believe it's really not that necesarely, so i guess i will just skip it. Now - i have another question. How important is the solvent type i use? I can't find VM&P Naphta here, which seems to be pretty popular in the extraction techs. Instead, i can found a lot of fast evaporating solvents. Can i use any of them? It says on most of the boxes that it can be used for disolving fat, and to dillute varnish and paint. Should i pick one of those, instead of the famous VM&P Naphta?
hmmmm- you can't find naptha?? almost every hardware store has it. if youcant find that, Ronsonol lighter fluid will work (it's naptha) otherwise, I don't know enough about NP solvents to advise you, someone else want to weigh in here?
The thing is that i dont know the equivalent of "naphta" in my langauge... so i dont know what to look for. On wikipedia, there are many equivalent terms for Naphta.. but if i translate them, they mean completly different things. Even the translation of naphta points to many petroleuum-based products, which are really not the same thing.. It seems i can find th e"Ronsonol" fuel around here, i found it on some online shops in my country. I will look for it tomorrow, hopfully i'll find some.
Call me crazy, but the first thing I would do is NOT say things like this... "I am planning to extract DMT from Mimosa Hostilis using this tech". But thats just me, maybe you live somewhere in the Antarctic. The only problem I have with people throwing all of their love into mimosa and only mimosa is this... If/when the day comes that Mimosa is not so readily available to us any longer, nobody will have a clue as to the intricacy of extracting from other plant sources that are more engaging, that require excessive defatting and are exceedingly frustrating. My advice is to first learn thoroughly how to do A/B extractions on MHRB and then move on to practice extractions from other plant sources that require defatting... preferably plant sources that can be grown where you live.
yea, like if i said "i have a friend that wants to do it", it would have been safer. dont you think that it's SO obvious what we are doing here? :) It's clear why we are all here, what we did, what we like, what we love, what we will do again.. Plus, it's not like we make cocaine or heroine. We are magink a few grams of white crystals.. which can be easily disposed if an emergency occurs.. but i doubt. Anyway, Thanks for the tips, i agree with you. But, again, it's my first extraction, and i want to succed. I will make things more complicate with each attempt.
If you say so dude... but look at any current court cases and you'll see that emails, computer data and even text messages on cell phones are holding up in court these days. Why risk it? And another thing... it IS the same as making heroin or cocaine in their eyes! DMT is Schedule I or the equivalent thereof in almost every country!
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