Can’t help myself but chime back in here. Great question. In short - yes.
We all want our lives to feel significant, because we are significant. We are quite literally one with the infinite source of everything. However, most of us aren’t aware of that fact in a direct way while living most of our lives.
Most people seek meaning through accomplishments, or career, or talent, or progeny, or any other innumerable human pathways of action. Less materially driven people seek meaning in spirituality, religion, or entheogens…
In my own life, and in reading the experiences of others, I have noticed a difficult time. Maybe you feel like you are in this time yourself, maybe not;
We can feel ourselves between two worlds. Abiding in typical consciousness, it is easy to get lost in the manifest world and our human endeavors. Standing on the other foot, we know we are more than human, and start to feel a sort of emptiness pursuing typical human achievements like the ones listed above, being aware of the transient nature of the body and persisting nature of ourselves as consciousness. Not fully rooted in our identity as one with the whole, yet unsatisfied with identification with our manifest form… a tricky time. I struggled navigating between these two worlds for a few years. I’m not exactly sure what changed, probably a lot of things, and lots of experience in and out of the expanded state, and of course the factor of time….
Maybe this isn’t how you’re feeling at all, but I felt compelled to share.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy week