[USER=56839]@Subtlevibrations[/USER] thank you very very much and I am very glad that you enjoyed them. While I still have a few sections to complete that trial run, I've also started rewriting it in its entirety in order to make it more concise and direct and flow better.
And I like that quote. It makes me think about Wittgenstein's quote about what can't be said we must pass over in silence. This topic is one where we are forced to dance broadly around for our language will never touch it's event horizon.
Impulse Experience:
I'm using this thread as a mode of encouragement to smoalk moar.
Another one that wasn't particularly special, but the general act is meaningful.
That said, I'm not under any pressure of inclination to try to remember specifics from it. I remember what needs to be remembered. I took one moderate sized hit, set the pipe down, and attempted to get comfortable. There was an adjustment period because as I tried to slide my hips down to lay back, I bunched up the covers, and I like them unbunched when I can feel them, and knew that would annoy me throughout. As a result, I didn't hold the hit in quite as long a I wanted.
Anyway, it was a relaxing and blissful experience. For a while, it was a bit of corrective thinking of regular thought patterns. But there were other points that I was so caught up in my thoughts, and my being in general, viewing this subtle energetic field in flux, I would forget where I was. I had to re-remember that I was laying on my bed in my room.
My intention was to just be, and that's exactly what I got. The phenomenology of such an experience through its span of time is so much more that the simplicity of the statement of being, its description is elusive.
One love