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In light of hyperspace, what is the purpose of life on earth?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
If hyperspace represents "real" life, and is orders of magnitude more extreme in every aspect: color, distance, emotion, complexity, etc., what is the purpose of living on Earth? Is life in consensus reality just some sort of "larval" state?
I have no words to discuss this right now, but I offer this picture

Props to Ilene Meyer for this work of beauty


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Maybe to see what will be so it uses human consciousness to find out through us. Evolution wants to find out and have people like you pose these questions so that people like me and others can respond. I know "they" are reading. Time just doesn't know until said time takes place and our biological clocks make us go through this life so that it can see. Omg!
Ugarit said:
If hyperspace represents "real" life, and is orders of magnitude more extreme in every aspect: color, distance, emotion, complexity, etc., what is the purpose of living on Earth? Is life in consensus reality just some sort of "larval" state?
What kind of answer are you actually expecting, someone saying "It's like that!" BAM case closed?
It's the deliberate can of worms OP imho, what are you actually heading to?
I suggest more fruitful approaches, like "Did dmt changed your attitude towards life?" and about that there are plenty of threads already in the philosophy sector of nexus.

I can only suggest to be more pragmatic than another blanco can of worms:
- What is your expectation and/or experience with spice, share your point of view on this matter, do you have an issue with it (yes/no?) and what do you want others to input regarding to your said stance.
- Share why you would consider hyperspace to represent real life, and what definition of real-life are you actually handling. We don't know what you are pointing at and then ask for a discussion? Or do you not consider hyperspace to represent real-life, why is that? Why starting the OP with IF?

I really don't want to smart *ss on you, but the way you represent the OP style has never been very educative in the past. I'm no mod but only suggest a more discuss-able format, those showed to be producing more interesting threads, and I presume that is also your preference. Get off posting with some handle on things first, hypothetically or not, instead of short sentenced evasive wallowing thoughts?
My 2 cents only, sorry if it strikes against hairs, that was certainly not my intention :oops:
I've heard it compared to going on a rollercoaster. Once we're here we get to experience the ride of not knowing anything other than here and being thrown around by something we can't control. When it's over we might see it from a new perspective where time works differently and it's like it happened in an instant. If hyperspace is higher dimensions (that's actually the official definition) then what we perceive as time could be viewed that way and they'd be a higher dimension that consciousness perceives as time.
To Rain: people come back usually with more questions than ever, but learn to live with that, which is in itself a huge lesson, to deal with the unknown. This concept of "higher" to know more (more control), hmm, doesn't work for many. For me the ability to change perception (although it result in more questions unanswered) is like soul-yoga, stretching the muscles of being.


Ugarit maybe you don't support my suggestions that I gave to you and maybe you like it short and superficial, well that's cool, but all I wanted to say is what sparks good threads around here. And what kind of threads die easily as internet pulp, I just wanted to help.

If you want to keep it the way you put it, for me personally to engage in such a thread, I would at least like to know where you're coming from.
Did you encounter something in Hyperspace that pondered you about the item?
Maybe you have an integrating problem of existential nature?
This is a corner about first steps in Hyperspace after all.
Or just some wondering thoughts without special gravity?
Some more background WHY you posted the question would inspire me to engage, and many, that I know.
From my very limited experience I think this stuff actually holds real answers. I think the way forward is to model what's really going on.

The concept of higher dimensions is something that I found fascinating long before I heard of DMT. Time would be perceived all at once from the perspective of higher dimensions.

One way that an inner journey of tripping could actually take you out into the universe is through fractal geometry because in a fractal every point contains all the geometry of the whole. I strongly believe this is how it works, as above, so below.
Rain said:
From my very limited experience I think this stuff actually holds real answers.

Such as...?

Personally, I think it best to approach these compounds not expecting answers, but only more questions. Even if there are "answers" to be found, any answer would de facto propagate a litany of additional questions.

In the context of therapeutic applications, sure, you may find insights or "answers"...but then comes the actual work of putting those insights into practice, integrating the knowledge, etc.
I guess I was looking for a "quick and dirty" answer. This is a question that has been pondered for all history, and we don't have an answer. I've also read lengthy threads that arrive at different conclusions. I just wanted a survey of opinion. I appreciate the constructive criticism of my post. I'm pleasantly surprised that this forum doesn't seem as adversarial as others.

I have no experience with the spice. As I'd mentioned in my other thread, I am trying to determine the safety of the experience. As a result of synchronicities, it is my belief that some aspect of who we are influences the external world. I don't know the nature of this influence, however. It may be that our thoughts/intentions can affect change directly. Somewhat differently, it might be that our thoughts/intentions (or some other aspect of our beings entirely) can prompt some sort of other intelligence ("God", etc.) to affect changes in consensus reality.

It's difficult to discuss this subject since many will disagree with the premise laid in the previous paragraph. I have heard of information being obtained while under the influence of the spice that has been independently confirmed. The nature of these experiences is people finding out details of the lives of loved ones that are verified with third parties, and two different people describing having experienced the same journey while using the spice together. These sorts of experiences seem to point to a reality of spice experience that extends, in the setting of consensus reality, beyond the confines of our bodies. Having never experienced this sort of thing myself, I can think of only two explanations for these accounts: that they are objectively real within the understanding of consensus reality, or that they are lies. Based upon my experience with synchronicity, I entertain the possibility that these experiences are objectively real within the understanding of consensus reality.

Accepting that these experiences are objectively real within the understanding of consensus reality (and I'm not sure that I do), I would be inclined to give more credence to the suppositions of those that view reality based upon this premise than I otherwise might. I'll admit, it is a leap of faith to state that hyperspace, if external to the experience of those that are under its influence, is a realm to which we will journey after death. IF (and this is a big IF) hyperspace is an "afterlife" of sorts, then I wonder why we would exist here rather than there. Personally, as I alluded, I think that if this is the case, this life represents a larval stage. This is all conjecture, though.

To back up a moment, again, my acceptance that hyperspace might represent a reality beyond what is within us is based upon synchronicity experienced in other realms of life. I could be very wrong, though. It could be that hyperspace exists only within the mind of the user. I find this view fascinating as well, since it's a conclusion that's counter to the one that I'm leaning toward, and carries with it far different implications.
Thank you for elaborating Ugarit, great that you like the discourse.

Yes there are indications of relationship with sober 'real' life (like fractals that seem to be an important corner stone of how things are often build up in nature), then again there are also indications of not-so (like too weird things never to be found in consensus reality as we know it by now).

In general I believe in usually obscured interconnecting mechanics (explainable ones yet without a firm explanation obtained so far) and the potential that some of these might slip into the 'special states', like your mentioned simultaneous experiences. I've had of my own.

I believe that the trips might be a mixed bag of many things, making it difficult to draw a hard line. Imho the contingent folks that visit the 'enhanced' states frequently however, do not seem to be privileged of verifiable consistent access to 'upper' databanks, at best there is that odd anecdote (you mention a few) indicating exactly what? Moreover the purpose-of-life getting an even larger question mark than before. So here is my opinion, a recurrent one as it seems.

The relationship DMT and death-experience is active in recent debates here at nexus, where dmt is getting a hard competition form another molecule (5meo) that seems to fit the bill better, experience wise and also more scientific bio-chemical wise, see here: David Nichols - DMT And The Pineal Gland: Facts vs Fantasy.

Blessed be 😉
You want the quick and dirty answer?
To Experience; to learn; to grow. The hyperspace experience is so intense and happens so fast that I feel you are not able to take it all in fully, or at least is the case for me. The human experience is slower so that we can experience the processes of life.

I am curious though, what exactly do you mean when you said "if hyperspace represents 'real' life". Do you mean from the sense of if the experience is real? Or something different?

I ask because I have seen channeled entities (in this case Bashar) talk about psychedelic experiences as a way of experiencing different planes of reality, with the DMT experience said to be the most similar to the dimension our 'true soles' exist in. This is what first came to mind when I read your post.
Zilsk said:
I am curious though, what exactly do you mean when you said "if hyperspace represents 'real' life". Do you mean from the sense of if the experience is real?


Zilsk said:
I ask because I have seen channeled entities (in this case Bashar) talk about psychedelic experiences as a way of experiencing different planes of reality, with the DMT experience said to be the most similar to the dimension our 'true soles' exist in. This is what first came to mind when I read your post.

Yeah, this is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. This is another interesting explanation, actually. I was looking at things from the perspective that we live on Earth, die, and go elsewhere. Perhaps, as I've heard others mention, we are simultaneously elsewhere and on Earth. If this is the case, then Earth is unlikely to be a larval stage, and more likely to serve some other purpose (classroom, dimension that needs tidying up, etc.).
Well, I would say the experience is as real as any other experience I've had. I guess this brings up the question 'what is real?'.

Yeah, this is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. This is another interesting explanation, actually. I was looking at things from the perspective that we live on Earth, die, and go elsewhere. Perhaps, as I've heard others mention, we are simultaneously elsewhere and on Earth. If this is the case, then Earth is unlikely to be a larval stage, and more likely to serve some other purpose (classroom, dimension that needs tidying up, etc.).

I saw a video of another channeled entity Theo, who talked about earth as a classroom to learn about emotion. I agree that Earth is a classroom, but personally I'd say we're hear to learn a whole lot more than emotions.
Ugarit said:
... I am trying to determine the safety of the experience ...

Sometimes the things that are best for us are not 100% safe. I have over 100 skydives under my belt, and I truly think I am better for it. Jumping out of a plane is crazy. These two statements are not necessarily in conflict.
nonononono said:
Ugarit said:
... I am trying to determine the safety of the experience ...
Sometimes the things that are best for us are not 100% safe...
Good point there. Then comes the question: when to add another 'non 100% safe' thing in life?

My personal rule is: you feel it 'calling' this particular thing your considering. If you don't understand what that means then you are not called imho. Quite simple.
Same goes for marrying, ordering a travel trip, buying a motorbike, etc..
I mean the things you have a fairly free choice over. Going to work for example can have more complex drives to it than only consulting your intuition.
The fact that most go in with a scared feeling (except the first time 😁 ) already illustrates the power of being 'invited' or 'called' or steered by intuition, you name it.

Ugarit, what do you feel?
What are you doing here? Why? Being bored, I don't think so.
This doesn't automatically mean that you should, though.
Good starting point for consideration: Why you should NOT take DMT
Thanks for the further replies. They are really insightful, and are giving me a lot to think about.
This is from recent readings I had... I try to summarize as best as I can here.

A realm, which is beyond time and space, is not possible to experience the separation. As all knowledge is know in the realm above 3D (time and space) but not in experiential way. So the soul has to project a portion to 3D world, and this Earth to experience all that in the perspective of separation. Because only in separation where space and time manifest.

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