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Incoming in hyperspace knowledge

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Dear Nexus Members,

With an happy feeling, i can introduce myself in this community.
As my native language is not English, i'll try to do my best for myspelling.

I'm above 30 years old human living on this fantastic planet.
As time goes by, the more i feel concerned about spirituality, conciousness, internet privacy, plants & herbs, nature. And the need is felt !!!

At the age of 20, we decided with my wife to change all our life. We get out of Europe to live in South Pacific region.
That was a real challenge for us, as everything we known about life way, cultural conception, economical system were everything, but not what we known in the past.

Above 10 years after of, working hard, life learning, learning people, we're in a sort of no way street... The same schem as before is reproduced in this "new" life, and the routine come and stay there, no way if i've a good job, nice social life, we want what we can't see ...

A few month ago a friend that know much about plants and endemic plant in our country, came home and started to spoke about LSA and the Hawaian Baby WoodRose that grow very nice here.
We tried 2 or 3 times the seeds, but for the moment i gonna let them here.
Somedays after,he come back and spoke about DMT. I've already heard about this substance but never tried. That's at this point i started looking around DMT.
For sure, dmt-nexus was always the best quality topics and i found a lot of information about.
It's the moment where my life take a turn.
In my country, there are many many Acacia Simplex (Simplicifolia), and we started looking around this tree and his compounds.
I saw on the nexus 2 threads, with people asking or telling us their extraction ith this tree.
At this poin DMT was unknown for me. I decided to find a pinch to give it a try.

----- !SURPRISING! -----

We waited with my friends for upping moon, when it was the upper and the day before it gets lower, to scrap some bark of Simplex. There were no rain during 4 month before
We started out our first extraction, we got a very high yield (above 1,8%).

Not confident with the molecule, cause of took only 1 time, 1st extraction... Some friends are confident with DMT and we decided to give some for testing purpose.....

---------- NUCLEAR BOMB, THEY SAID !! -----------

We decided to give it a try, surprisingly it seems to be good stuff, nice done.

That's the way i arrived on dmt-nexus.
Later I gonna post my extraction story, to share above simplex, that have a very poor documentation.

I'm really happy to share this essay with you as i'm proud to experience with this tree.
I hope this post have not a lot of fault in the word.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and knowing a bit about me.

Cheers Nexian
Hi it’s nice that you’ve found your way here , I look forward to hearing of your explorations.

I think I like your nickname. Feel free to tell us what it means, if anything.
pastanostra said:
Dear Nexus Members,

I'm really happy to share this essay with you as i'm proud to experience with this tree.
I hope this post have not a lot of fault in the word.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and knowing a bit about me.

Cheers Nexian

It must be beautiful in the South Pacific! That's quite a move. Are you open to sharing what precipitated such a major move and life-change?

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds have been among the most mentally healing plants I have ever encountered. . . :) They have a special place of honor in my world, as not even LSD has produced some of the magic possible with quality HBWR seeds, grown with love.
Hi there,

Thank you for your messages.

I'll (not too early) post my first extraction experience with simplex, just the time i "compile" the narrative plan :)

My Nickname has no meaning for me, it's a choosen word at an instant, to do another identity on the internet. It has been choosen with reflexion, looking for a sort of elegance in sound.
I ear sometimes after that there was an hip hop band named too.

For sure, there are places in South Pacific that are incredible, as in a lot of places on this earth, different meanings, past, sensation. Things we see, is based on energy, let's try to communicate with the energy and be everywhere ....

Many many times, LSD focused me on the present instant, the small or big thing acting in the whole matrix, my friend, me, a tree, a spider.. LSA,the few times i tried it, i was more open to the entire external world, i was more in the whole matrix, . In healing concern, LSA seems to be nice for us too, the few we experienced.

In Europe i was unemployed, my wife too. We didn't approved many things of governments, social & media, letting us thinking this can't be a reality for everybody. Wanted to exit scam this f**** system, we were revolted.
Today a little more appeased, we realize we evolved, but there is still small handbrake in our life, to get more appeased, full of knowledge, conciousness, not ego-oriented people, or way of life.
We crossed the dmt way, trying to know more about, to experience ourselves, to learn how to perfect us. This proposed us a new way of life, we're sure, but still roading it.
Maybe it'll lead us in the way of autonomy, nature oriented way of life, and probably more.

I believe the more we're concerned, the more we know, the less we judge.

Cheers Nexians
pastanostra said:
Hi there,

Thank you for your messages.

I'll (not too early) post my first extraction experience with simplex, just the time i "compile" the narrative plan :)

My Nickname has no meaning for me, it's a choosen word at an instant, to do another identity on the internet. It has been choosen with reflexion, looking for a sort of elegance in sound.
I ear sometimes after that there was an hip hop band named too.

For sure, there are places in South Pacific that are incredible, as in a lot of places on this earth, different meanings, past, sensation. Things we see, is based on energy, let's try to communicate with the energy and be everywhere ....

Many many times, LSD focused me on the present instant, the small or big thing acting in the whole matrix, my friend, me, a tree, a spider.. LSA,the few times i tried it, i was more open to the entire external world, i was more in the whole matrix, . In healing concern, LSA seems to be nice for us too, the few we experienced.

In Europe i was unemployed, my wife too. We didn't approved many things of governments, social & media, letting us thinking this can't be a reality for everybody. Wanted to exit scam this f**** system, we were revolted.
Today a little more appeased, we realize we evolved, but there is still small handbrake in our life, to get more appeased, full of knowledge, conciousness, not ego-oriented people, or way of life.
We crossed the dmt way, trying to know more about, to experience ourselves, to learn how to perfect us. This proposed us a new way of life, we're sure, but still roading it.
Maybe it'll lead us in the way of autonomy, nature oriented way of life, and probably more.

I believe the more we're concerned, the more we know, the less we judge.

Cheers Nexians

I wish you much love, insight, and enlightenment on your journey now. Like all of life, it's bound to be magical. Maybe see you on the "other side" of a DMT experience . . . :)
Hi Nexian,

Thanks for your interest.

I did a post here in the forum to tell a bit, I've no pics btw ..
We've done a ATB extraction with backsalting step, and a mini AB, for the first try.
All was done successfully, and yield was fantastic.
The limits today for me are that i'm really new to DMT (tried 4/5 times), so i've no experience with different DMT. tried one time one i found, and other was mine.
The other limit is my knowledge in chemistry. I 'can't tell you today, if with the process i followed, the white crystals are only DMT or, NMT + DMT + betacarboline ... My research let me think that the white crystals are only DMT (cause NMT seems to badly crystallize à freezer temp). The quantity of yellow (without mini AB) and white, are not so far with different extraction of same product ( NMT crystallized at freezer temp ?), I don't know what to think according to the data founded in the web, the tree health, upping moon and other environmental component..

Concerning the effects, for sure i was in a dream like state every times i smoked the yellow.
The white gave men ot the same effects i believe, but i need to try more. Yellow tasted me better.

Last time i tried the yellow, there was above 30mg, i took a very big hit, let the smoke in the lungs above 5s, during this time, a very big vibration entered my body an the sound was perfectly accorded to the music (DMT medidation music).
I tried to take another one, the whole room stretched while i was trying to put the lighter at the good point of the machine, I can't resist and i let the pipe and lighter above me, i fallen on the sofa, closing the eyes.
I got up, upper, and more upper, i saw a sort of room with above 2 or 4 entities.
A big heat invaded my body, entities told me a message that build trust.

As they said, they take care of me, i must continue what i do, what i do is a good thing.

So i don't know what to believe about this product, i'll try to do analysis next year ...

I'm curious to know how the environment can affect the tree, how the season, the hour of harvest (i saw some trees, that if you need more soap, harvest at the end of the night, before the sun), how many things....

Thank you MyceliumSporeDrive for your healthy words.

Intezam i saw you edited your post, i found the story interesting, i like the videos.
For sure in New Caledonia they have a lot of plants, and old plants. Many of them are endemic and other are common to pacific islands. They have a soil very special as there are heavy metals in the ground (nickel mining activity).

Cheers Nexian.
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