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Insufflated DMT dosage?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello! Im new with the DMT. My only entheogenic experiences have been with Salvia (1 experience was with extract and other 10 experiences with chewed fresh and dried leaves).

The last week i have my first experience with smoked DMT, i had 0.5 grams but because i didnt follow the appropiated method for smoking, i wasted almost all., and i had an "interesting" experience, but i didnt Breakthrough. (MOD EDIT: NO DISCUSSION OF BUYING/SELLING) today i decided to use 80 mg insuflatted (i used a Kuripe for blowing de DMT into my nose) because i hate to smoke, but i just got some visual distorsions like that the room seems like its moving in a wave, or than an object is getting bigger or smaller. So i would like to ask you what dose would you recommend me for breakingthrough using this administration method, do think that it would be good duplicating the dose (so use 160 mg the next time)? Or how much should i use? I only have left 0.42 g of DMT.
DMT manifests of it's own accord. Money and DMT don't happen here, and other methods of acquiring it, or any other drug are not discussed on this forum so it would be a good idea to edit your post.

Sounds like you're wasting a lot of DMT. A good method of smoalking is with a GVG or the Machine. The idea is to get it to vaporize rather than combust. 20 mg can sometimes be enough for a breakthrough using an efficient method and some searching here or a visit to chat can give you many ideas of how to get there.
Wolfnippletip said:
DMT manifests of it's own accord. Money and DMT don't happen here, and other methods of acquiring it, or any other drug are not discussed on this forum so it would be a good idea to edit your post.

Sounds like you're wasting a lot of DMT. A good method of smoalking is with a GVG or the Machine. The idea is to get it to vaporize rather than combust. 20 mg can sometimes be enough for a breakthrough using an efficient method and some searching here or a visit to chat can give you many ideas of how to get there.
Sorry, i already edit it. More tan smoking ir vaporizing it, im interested in the snorted/insufflated administration of it because of the duration.
DMT Nexus Wiki - DMT Ingestion Methods A couple leads regarding snorting DMT here.

Ice House said:
I am hoping some of you who know a little more about chemistry chime in here and maybe offer some suggestions to this idea I have had for a while now.

I'm sorry if this sounds stupid.

I was wondering if there was some sort of buffering agent or cut that could be mixed into FB DMT that would be resonably safe and would lower the PH so that snorting would be a more reasonable method of administration.

I have found that 80mg is my ideal insnuffilated dose. It is a small ammount of powder when compared to the lines of other substances I have snorted in the past. I was thinking maye there was some PH down cut you could add that would lower the ph without endangering my health and would allow me to snort DMT more often.

Is there a weak acid you could dissolve FB in and then evap it leaving behind a more PH neutral powder?

I have found the come up and entry into hyperspace snorting spice to be absolute perfection. It is IME the best method of administratiion. I also find the duration to be perfect also.

I currently snort spice only once or twice a month because I am worried about damaging my nasal passages.

any ideas?
cubeananda said:
DMT Nexus Wiki - DMT Ingestion Methods A couple leads regarding snorting DMT here.

Ice House said:
I am hoping some of you who know a little more about chemistry chime in here and maybe offer some suggestions to this idea I have had for a while now.

I'm sorry if this sounds stupid.

I was wondering if there was some sort of buffering agent or cut that could be mixed into FB DMT that would be resonably safe and would lower the PH so that snorting would be a more reasonable method of administration.

I have found that 80mg is my ideal insnuffilated dose. It is a small ammount of powder when compared to the lines of other substances I have snorted in the past. I was thinking maye there was some PH down cut you could add that would lower the ph without endangering my health and would allow me to snort DMT more often.

Is there a weak acid you could dissolve FB in and then evap it leaving behind a more PH neutral powder?

I have found the come up and entry into hyperspace snorting spice to be absolute perfection. It is IME the best method of administratiion. I also find the duration to be perfect also.

I currently snort spice only once or twice a month because I am worried about damaging my nasal passages.

any ideas?
Thanks, but about the dosage? I read great experiences from people using 80mg while i got minimum effects, so how much should i take? Do you think that double that dose would be fine?
I have 0 experience with this ROA so take waht i offer with a grain of salt; it is merely inference from brief reading easily avaialable to you and perhaps you have read it already.

From brief reading it seems highly variable. All the same, as with smoalked dmt dosages, small increments can make a huge difference. No one with any experience is going to recommend you adjust dosage in any way but gradually and starting low.

Another is apparently the drip. If the drip occurs you can be guaranteed that any DMT which isnt absorbed in the nasal passages and is swallowed will probably never make it to your nervous system.

Hyperspace Fool seemed to be advocated mixture of heavy coconut cream with DMT Acetate for the purpose of having adhere well to the walls of the nasal cavity.

Finally, MAO exists everywhere in the body, this is why changa is extremely effective. There is the option (though dosage may change significantly this way and caution is advised) of predosing with oral harmalas or mixing Harmalas into a snuff with DMT.
So, I just had 100mg of harmine HCl and 52mg of DMT acetate (from 40mg freebase). The harmine was insufflated with a straw. The DMT acetate since waxy was mixed with saline solution and dropped into my nose 2-3 minutes later. I would have taken more, but the burn in my sinuses was getting a bit painful. There was a slight amount of nausea which I attribute to the drip. I seem to be very sensitive to this combination entering my stomach with previous pharmahuasca experiences.

If I try this again, I'll try to neutralize the pH of the DMT acetate with baking soda before mixing with saline solution and try to cut solution at least in half. I had converted 100mg freebase to acetate in saline solution of 10mL. I consumed 4mL but in retrospect, 3mL would have been a tenable volume.

If I had consumed the whole 10mL, it might have been a breakthrough. I would definitely not recommend insufflated DMT without an MAOI as it requires a large amount more and I would also not recommend snorting freebase DMT if it burns more than the acetate salt. Getting a full 100mg into the sinuses without some serious pain is going to be tricky no matter how it's done. The whole experience lasted about two hours. Peak was around 20-25 minutes and I was 80% back to baseline in one hour. The harmine seems to be sticking around though. It's about T+5 hours and I still faintly feel it.
For completeness, I woke up with a moderate hangover which has to be the ROA. I've had larger doses smoked and orally and never had this. The sinuses aren't too bad. I can tell that I put some stuff up my nose last night as I'm a bit congested and crusty, but no pain or discomfort otherwise which actually says a lot since allergies often make my nose hurt and/or bloody.
A while ago now, I insufflated 100mg DMT freebase after pre-dosing with some Syrian rue extract. The nasal burn was savage, but this ROA was very effective indeed, leaning towards a vapoursed experience in terms of intensity, but slowed down which was good...vocalising was a significant component of this experience and had an amazing effect of the visionary space. Nice afterglow the next day too.
I tried this route a few times some aeons ago; this renewed interest has me pondering possible improvements to the method. Emulating the way Amazonian snuffs are prepared, I would suggest intimately mixing the freebase with precipitated chalk (calcium carbonate powder), which is readily available as a brewing ingredient. While this increases the bulk, it also attenuates the burn a little. I would also want to test chalk mixed with fumarates. It'll dry up goo somewhat if nothing else.
Bancopuma said:
A while ago now, I insufflated 100mg DMT freebase after pre-dosing with some Syrian rue extract. The nasal burn was savage, but this ROA was very effective indeed, leaning towards a vapoursed experience in terms of intensity, but slowed down which was good...vocalising was a significant component of this experience and had an amazing effect of the visionary space. Nice afterglow the next day too.

hey I've been trying to find out if one can insufflate freebase.

and you just answered my question.
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