EC is an NGO project that delivers anonymous, confidential analysis for illegal substances aiming at harm reduction, taking anonymous payment as well. And as far as I know, no one will be making profit for that other than to invest and improve their services if feasible.
Obviously public funding does not cover here at all the money required for wages, communication, infrastructure, other activities performed by EC (such as attendance to festivals for harm reduction) and, on top of that, the custom analysis work.
It seems a little bold to judge and decide what should be charged or not without knowing the funding details of EC and ignoring the political reality. Should we have available an international reliable analysis service free of charge? Sure. Now let's gather public funds to keep the organization running and delivering with at most a symbolic shipping fee for every analysis requested, of course keeping the analysis anonymous, confidential and open to anyone. If you can provide that or know anyone who does, in the Netherlands, Spain or any other country, we'll be happy to know.