Rising Star
I discovered this site only a few weeks ago when my imaginary friend decided they wanted to extract and experiment with dmt. Although they have been interested in psychedelics for some time now, they have only realy started to explore over the last year, during that time they have tryed most things which have always interested them with positive results. But has not yet experienced the spice
They inform me that they will attempt an extraction in aproximately a months time, when they are in the correct setting and can obtain the ingredients necessary.
My friend has greatly enjoyed simple extractions in the past year, and looks forward to attempting a dmt tek (most likely nomans), they also greatly look forward to the learning which can be found in dmt. The chemical does scare them a little, and will probably scare them more once they have finally tryed it for themself, but this does not prevent their quest for learning. My friend has only experienced ego death once accidentally with LSD, and found the experience to be somewhat confusing but was certainly not put off by it.
Hopefully during my quests for learning i can help others along the way here. I usually remain a lurker and dont join forums, but this one seemed to be different
. I look forward to getting to know everyone, and hopefully receiving full membership.
Also if anyone living in the UK reads this i would realy apreciate any information on what sources you use for your supplies (cactus, LSA seeds etc, aswell as any dmt materials). Iv read the supply thread and can locate most things i need, but it would be nice to talk and compare with another member. Post here or PM me.
I discovered this site only a few weeks ago when my imaginary friend decided they wanted to extract and experiment with dmt. Although they have been interested in psychedelics for some time now, they have only realy started to explore over the last year, during that time they have tryed most things which have always interested them with positive results. But has not yet experienced the spice
They inform me that they will attempt an extraction in aproximately a months time, when they are in the correct setting and can obtain the ingredients necessary.
My friend has greatly enjoyed simple extractions in the past year, and looks forward to attempting a dmt tek (most likely nomans), they also greatly look forward to the learning which can be found in dmt. The chemical does scare them a little, and will probably scare them more once they have finally tryed it for themself, but this does not prevent their quest for learning. My friend has only experienced ego death once accidentally with LSD, and found the experience to be somewhat confusing but was certainly not put off by it.
Hopefully during my quests for learning i can help others along the way here. I usually remain a lurker and dont join forums, but this one seemed to be different
Also if anyone living in the UK reads this i would realy apreciate any information on what sources you use for your supplies (cactus, LSA seeds etc, aswell as any dmt materials). Iv read the supply thread and can locate most things i need, but it would be nice to talk and compare with another member. Post here or PM me.