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Introducing myself

Migrated topic.


High there? I am! Advocate for the integration of ethnobotanicals back into the diet and culture of the western mind... Daily user of cannabis, and hyper-dimensional explorer... I've used used mushrooms for study, and heard about DMT years ago... After several months of research (scouring the nexus), I decided to go for it! My first breakthrough ( And we have blast off... Finally! - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus ) came after numerous "failed" attempts,but I learned from each of them. I've been studying here for some time, and look forward to gaining and sharing insight into these plants and realms with the lot.
Welcome to the Nexus!
I enjoyed your report, I'll read your next one. :)
My favorite activity on here is reading the plethora of articles, and learn as much as possible.
What is more fun than learning?
Astonish said:
Welcome to the Nexus!
I enjoyed your report, I'll read your next one. :)
My favorite activity on here is reading the plethora of articles, and learn as much as possible.
What is more fun than learning?
Oh I agree wholeheartedly! The intensity, depth, and personability of the sight is matched only in the experience itself. Looking forward!
Welcome I!

Glad you made it...

You might want to spell "ethnobotanicals" correctly if you're going to call yourself an advocate for them...lol :lol:

It's all good 😉... I can tell that you are very enthusiastic about all this and that's cool.

Just want to help you make the best impression possible. :thumb_up:
Doc Buxin said:
Welcome I!

Glad you made it...

You might want to spell "ethnobotanicals" correctly if you're going to call yourself an advocate for them...lol :lol:

It's all good 😉... I can tell that you are very enthusiastic about all this and that's cool.

Just want to help you make the best impression possible. :thumb_up:
Lmmfao, I KNEW that didn't look right! I must've been stoned, couldn't for the life of me... and I don't take offense; I'd rather know what I was trailing about (or at minimum, seem as though)
I said:
Doc Buxin said:
Welcome I!

Glad you made it...

You might want to spell "ethnobotanicals" correctly if you're going to call yourself an advocate for them...lol :lol:

It's all good 😉... I can tell that you are very enthusiastic about all this and that's cool.

Just want to help you make the best impression possible. :thumb_up:
Lmmfao, I KNEW that didn't look right! I must've been stoned, couldn't for the life of me... and I don't take offense; I'd rather know what I was talking about (or at minimum, seem as though)
I am grateful that you didn't take offense.

I liked you right from the get-go, thus the friendly help.

Those that I don't resonate with I just ignore.

Keep on keeping on I! 😉
Doc Buxin said:
I am grateful that you didn't take offense.

I liked you right from the get-go, thus the friendly help.

Those that I don't resonate with I just ignore.

Keep on keeping on I! 😉
Awesome! I really enjoy the camaraderie here, you guys seem tight knit... Genuine care for others... You'd think it a common trait amongst the psychedelic communities, but not always the case
Cactus Man said:
you seem cool! thanks for sharing!:thumb_up:
Well I appreciate it, it's a shame there's not like an annual event or something... (wait... is there an annual event or something? ) lol
I said:
High there? I am! Advocate for the integration of ethnobotanicals back into the diet and culture of the western mind... Daily user of cannabis, and hyper-dimensional explorer... I've used used mushrooms for study, and heard about DMT years ago... After several months of research (scouring the nexus), I decided to go for it! My first breakthrough ( And we have blast off... Finally! - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus ) came after numerous "failed" attempts,but I learned from each of them. I've been studying here for some time, and look forward to gaining and sharing insight into these plants and realms with the lot.

MJ and mushrooms, you are definitely winning me over with that combination. Entheogens are a natural part of our human existence and their often taboo nature is not something I can agree with in any culture. There are many people to learn from in these forums and to be sure... I find myself learning any time I look at these forums in earnest. Albeit, sometimes I simply want to cut loose and have a little fun. For me, nothing brings me peace like simply walking in nature.

Walk in peace my friend
Wakinyan said:
I said:
High there? I am! Advocate for the integration of ethnobotanicals back into the diet and culture of the western mind... Daily user of cannabis, and hyper-dimensional explorer... I've used used mushrooms for study, and heard about DMT years ago... After several months of research (scouring the nexus), I decided to go for it! My first breakthrough ( And we have blast off... Finally! - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus ) came after numerous "failed" attempts,but I learned from each of them. I've been studying here for some time, and look forward to gaining and sharing insight into these plants and realms with the lot.

MJ and mushrooms, you are definitely winning me over with that combination. Entheogens are a natural part of our human existence and their often taboo nature is not something I can agree with in any culture. There are many people to learn from in these forums and to be sure... I find myself learning any time I look at these forums in earnest. Albeit, sometimes I simply want to cut loose and have a little fun. For me, nothing brings me peace like simply walking in nature.

Walk in peace my friend
Gotta have my flowers and fungi! Nature is definitely a winner, love to amp in the field outback, eat a quarter of mushkies and hit the joint... then, when it's nice and dark, and the peak sets in, put a little changa in the bonga!
I think having a relationship with these entheogenic ethnobotanicals is critical for a mass transformation in human consciousness. I think many of our diseases and mental illnesses and addictions in the western world stem from a subconscious desire to reintegrate these psychedelic plants like cannabis or mushrooms back into our lives. Our ancestors have consumed them since antiquity. I believe the evidence for this is that we coevolved with these lifeforms. Our neurological sensitivity to these drugs is evidence of this as well as the archeological record. It's really unfortunate that it is taboo but hopefully this will change. Keep smoking the herb! :)
Hector said:
Keep smoking the herb! :)
" you best believe "

Totally agreed about the plants: even use the word "relationship"myself when describing them to friends and family... recently got into this too


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