If, after informing and inviting your friend, she wants to try it, it is has become her own decision and her own initiative.
Most of all, make sure that your friend is comfortable with the situation on her terms. Don't go all out on the fasting and meditation if that is not her thing. Especially the fasting may make the experience more difficult than it needs to be. Also don't push too much spirituality and other dogma. If a person has a wonderful and liberating experience, that may be the best they can get for a first time on shrooms.
I have had good results with introducing people to mushrooms and my magic recipy is to take people to beautiful places in nature where I know the terrain and how it interacts with a trip. I want to take them away from the intruding busibodies of modern civilization, and to give them their own space in which to have the experience, with nobody and nothing in the way of their own experience. The experience is very overwhelming to someone new to it, so I try shut up as much as possible. I only guide in subtle ways, aiming mostly to steer the person clear from dangers and pitfalls and to keep them safe and comfortable.
When the effects start to wear off and the experience becomes less overwhelming, people will start to talk again and then it is okay to reconnect intellectually and to share experiences.
Taking your friend on a field trip to pick the fresh mushrooms and, if the place is suitable, consume the harvest is IMHO a great idea. If the fields where the shrooms grow are not a good place to trip, try to go to a place that is suitable while still in the mood set by picking the shrooms. Don't forget to dress warm!
Staying with a low dose (no more than 20 fresh semilanceatas) is also wise. Once people have tested the waters and know that they can float, there is always another time to dive into deeper waters.