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Introducing someone special to entheogens

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone!

To start off I'd like to apologise in advance if someone already has a thread like this. I searched for one, and found some that were similar, but discussed specifically DMT or Ayahuasca. Also, I don't feel like the ones I found really answered my question, so once again I'm sorry if a very similar thread exists and I couldn't find it.

So for a little background information, I have met a person I like very much. As a matter of fact we had already met before 6 years ago on a vacation, but due to my severe shyness and social anxiety I failed to keep contact with her despite her efforts. Miraculously we have reconnected after all these years, and it is like we have been in contact all this time. We have been chatting almost daily for a few months now, but have only had the opportunity to meet up a couple of times due to living somewhat far from eachother. That has not really been an issue though, since we have great chemistry and I don't want to rush or force a relationship anyway. I think there is solid chance that we are going to develop something.

The first time I saw her I already tested the waters a little bit after a few hours of banter by asking her about her view on various substances. She has smoked cannabis, but that is it as far as her psychedelic explorations go. I asked her about mushrooms and she said she hasn't tried them, but is open to it.

This brings me to my question. I would really like to introduce her to mushrooms, as nothing brings me more joy than to share things that I find amazing with other people that I care about and feel a connection with. What I have been pondering about is if a person should hear the calling of these amazing substances before engaging. And alternatively, is it okay to introduce someone to entheogens? In this case that would be mushrooms. I have just last fall discovered a few Semilanceata fields, and I was thinking about taking her with me there to pick them, and then trip together on a low dose which I would match. I have some experience with mushrooms, and enough knowledge to be a good sitter. I would also encourage her to research them and ask me questions, dispelling any false rumours. I also want to stress entheogens are not by any means a recreational tool for me, and I only use them for spiritual growth and learning about myself and the world around us (I don't condone recreational use though, who am I to do that). She has no mental issues, and I would of course make sure that she doesn't have any pressing issues or stress on her hands, fasting with her for 24 hours, meditating and encouraging her to express her intentions regarding the experience. I would try to make it as light and cheerful as possible, having some good music and of course a relaxing and safe environment.

That being said I have never tripped with anyone else, so there is a first time in there for me as well. My intentions would be to share the beauty of the experience with her, and in addition to that, to bond with her on a deeper level. I want to create a connection with her on a spiritual level, and from experiences I've read, this is a possible way to do it.

So in conclusion: do you think it is okay to introduce a person to entheogens if the initiative isn't originally theirs? Is it just unnecessarily forcing the idea on someone, possibly meaning they're not ready?
On the flipside, we all get introduced to entheogens in one way or the other, are there right and wrong ways for that?
Maybe I'm just overthinking this, but still, it is not something I take lightly, nor have I ever done it before.

All opinions and criticism are welcome as always.

If, after informing and inviting your friend, she wants to try it, it is has become her own decision and her own initiative.

Most of all, make sure that your friend is comfortable with the situation on her terms. Don't go all out on the fasting and meditation if that is not her thing. Especially the fasting may make the experience more difficult than it needs to be. Also don't push too much spirituality and other dogma. If a person has a wonderful and liberating experience, that may be the best they can get for a first time on shrooms.

I have had good results with introducing people to mushrooms and my magic recipy is to take people to beautiful places in nature where I know the terrain and how it interacts with a trip. I want to take them away from the intruding busibodies of modern civilization, and to give them their own space in which to have the experience, with nobody and nothing in the way of their own experience. The experience is very overwhelming to someone new to it, so I try shut up as much as possible. I only guide in subtle ways, aiming mostly to steer the person clear from dangers and pitfalls and to keep them safe and comfortable.

When the effects start to wear off and the experience becomes less overwhelming, people will start to talk again and then it is okay to reconnect intellectually and to share experiences.

Taking your friend on a field trip to pick the fresh mushrooms and, if the place is suitable, consume the harvest is IMHO a great idea. If the fields where the shrooms grow are not a good place to trip, try to go to a place that is suitable while still in the mood set by picking the shrooms. Don't forget to dress warm!

Staying with a low dose (no more than 20 fresh semilanceatas) is also wise. Once people have tested the waters and know that they can float, there is always another time to dive into deeper waters.
pitubo said:
If, after informing and inviting your friend, she wants to try it, it is has become her own decision and her own initiative.

Most of all, make sure that your friend is comfortable with the situation on her terms. Don't go all out on the fasting and meditation if that is not her thing. Especially the fasting may make the experience more difficult than it needs to be. Also don't push too much spirituality and other dogma. If a person has a wonderful and liberating experience, that may be the best they can get for a first time on shrooms.

I have had good results with introducing people to mushrooms and my magic recipy is to take people to beautiful places in nature where I know the terrain and how it interacts with a trip. I want to take them away from the intruding busibodies of modern civilization, and to give them their own space in which to have the experience, with nobody and nothing in the way of their own experience. The experience is very overwhelming to someone new to it, so I try shut up as much as possible. I only guide in subtle ways, aiming mostly to steer the person clear from dangers and pitfalls and to keep them safe and comfortable.

When the effects start to wear off and the experience becomes less overwhelming, people will start to talk again and then it is okay to reconnect intellectually and to share experiences.

Taking your friend on a field trip to pick the fresh mushrooms and, if the place is suitable, consume the harvest is IMHO a great idea. If the fields where the shrooms grow are not a good place to trip, try to go to a place that is suitable while still in the mood set by picking the shrooms. Don't forget to dress warm!

Staying with a low dose (no more than 20 fresh semilanceatas) is also wise. Once people have tested the waters and know that they can float, there is always another time to dive into deeper waters.
These are great points. I definitely want to let her have an as undisturbed first time as I can, and I'm very appreciative of silence and just feeling instead so I definitely wouldn't babble during the experience.

It's also good you bring up this notion about spirituality and dogma, that is something I would not necessarily have come to think of. I'm conflicted about the amount of preparation for a first time mushroom experience. I ended up reading so many trip reports among other things that I wish in hindsight I would have concentrated more on just harm reduction because I ended up going into my first mushroom trip with way too much expectations. Not to say I didn't have a great experience but still.
Another thing I was thinking about is whether it is just egoistic to trip with her for her first time, because from what I've understood other people present affect the persons experience. Then again maybe that also goes for just sitters in general. She is an extremely social person, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean anything when talking about an experience like this.
Do you have intentions of pursuing a serious relationship with this person?

If so, then I would advise you to wait a bit and meet up at least a few more times before going on a psychedelic journey. If something happens and she has a bad trip, major strain can be put on the relationship you do have. If she has never indulged in mushrooms before, there is a possibility she will go super deep, become incredibly paranoid, or even have an existential crisis.

While of course we all want her to have a fun, giggling trip with you, you must also be prepared if things go awry.
Illuminated, what dose were you thinking of giving her?

i would stay away from a fully immersive dose.
RAM said:
Do you have intentions of pursuing a serious relationship with this person?

If so, then I would advise you to wait a bit and meet up at least a few more times before going on a psychedelic journey. If something happens and she has a bad trip, major strain can be put on the relationship you do have. If she has never indulged in mushrooms before, there is a possibility she will go super deep, become incredibly paranoid, or even have an existential crisis.

While of course we all want her to have a fun, giggling trip with you, you must also be prepared if things go awry.

Yes, those are my intentions.
And as far as time goes, that won't really be a problem since I'm going south to where she lives for the whole summer so I'll be seeing her a lot (I hope :) ) and as I said I had thought of taking her on a nice field trip (no pun intended) to actually pick the mushrooms with me. And as the season is around september to november, the earliest this is going to happen is in about 4 to 6 months.

That being said, this might have been a little premature as an idea, but I'd rather keep my glass half full than half empty about what the future holds in store :lol:

3rdI, I was thinking of a more shallow end of the pool kind of dose, something around 1,5 grams dried (tea or straight, not lemon-tekking it). My first dose of libs was 2 grams dried, and it was an ecstaticlly positive and very emotional experience, feeling that oneness and complete peace and carelessness with some CEVs (not too intense) and mild OEVs. I know you'll rather be safe than sorry, and sensitivity to entheogens vary greatly, but I wouldn't want it to be underwhelming either. Also, as far as my understanding goes, bad trips for first timers are relatively rare, at least if you're going in with a good set and setting and prepared (I don't mean to sound arrogant here by any means as there are of course exceptions to this).
Any suggestions regarding this dose? She is not petite (175 cm or 5'9).
Illuminated said:
Any suggestions regarding this dose? She is not petite (175 cm or 5'9).

Hmm, while only having tried liberty caps once, that dose of 1.5g was maybe like 3g of cubensis.
My first mushroom trip was maybe 1.5 g cubensis and it was quite immersive. The way I see it, those shrooms do what they want anyway, and you never know how strong a dose will feel.
In my humble opinion I would say 1g of liberty caps should be enough for a first timer.

Otherwise good luck with your thing, psychedelics can be great for bonding :)
Whichever way you do go about this possibly beautiful, beneficial, or even terrifying, painful endeavor.. no matter what happens, whether you've already been through it or not.. trust.

Sincere travels. :)
woogyboogy said:
Illuminated said:
Any suggestions regarding this dose? She is not petite (175 cm or 5'9).

Hmm, while only having tried liberty caps once, that dose of 1.5g was maybe like 3g of cubensis.
My first mushroom trip was maybe 1.5 g cubensis and it was quite immersive. The way I see it, those shrooms do what they want anyway, and you never know how strong a dose will feel.
In my humble opinion I would say 1g of liberty caps should be enough for a first timer.

Otherwise good luck with your thing, psychedelics can be great for bonding :)
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. And my first trip was on 3 grams cubensis, and I didn't even have any visuals, just the emotional aspect and a feeling of profound happiness.. I'm guessing they were ecxeptionally weak or very old, or both.
It is true that it greatly varies how a dose feels, so I will keep it at 1-1.5 grams :)

Cognitive Heart, thank you :) I do always try to just surrender to the experience to the best of my abilities, and will try to convey the notion of just going with the flow to her also, if she decides this is something she wants to go trough with.

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