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Yes, those are my intentions.

And as far as time goes, that won't really be a problem since I'm going south to where she lives for the whole summer so I'll be seeing her a lot (I hope :) ) and as I said I had thought of taking her on a nice field trip (no pun intended) to actually pick the mushrooms with me. And as the season is around september to november, the earliest this is going to happen is in about 4 to 6 months.

That being said, this might have been a little premature as an idea, but I'd rather keep my glass half full than half empty about what the future holds in store :lol:

3rdI, I was thinking of a more shallow end of the pool kind of dose, something around 1,5 grams dried (tea or straight, not lemon-tekking it). My first dose of libs was 2 grams dried, and it was an ecstaticlly positive and very emotional experience, feeling that oneness and complete peace and carelessness with some CEVs (not too intense) and mild OEVs. I know you'll rather be safe than sorry, and sensitivity to entheogens vary greatly, but I wouldn't want it to be underwhelming either. Also, as far as my understanding goes, bad trips for first timers are relatively rare, at least if you're going in with a good set and setting and prepared (I don't mean to sound arrogant here by any means as there are of course exceptions to this).

Any suggestions regarding this dose? She is not petite (175 cm or 5'9).

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