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Introduction and purposes

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello DMT-Nexus,

I've been hanging around here for quite a long time, but now I want to get active in this forum as well. I like this forum, because I like the psychedelic and mind expanding informations someone can get here. The users are friendly and the topics are more serious, exploratory and informative than in some other forums.

Since I was about 15 years old, my curiosity about mind expanding practices or drugs was very high. Since then I've read a lot of stuff about different drugs, meditation forms, astral projection, lucid dreaming etc. but never really got in depth with it. My first psychedelic experience was about 2 years ago and I have participated in two hypnosis workshops the last year. Since then my point of view to reality changed very much. Questions arise like "What is my value in this world", "Who am I without my ego and how does ego death feels like?", "If reality can be influenced with hypnosis in such a big way, then is the sense of reality just a big mindset?". All my live I had the feeling, that there is "more" than just living regular live. I can't define what this "more" is, but I want to find it out. Most people don't understand my mission of exploring my true self/reality or spiritual and personal growth, but I don't understand their ignorance either.

So I hope I can find some answers for my questions and learn new interesting stufs :)
Hello and welcome!

Reality is subjective perception, free to be interpreted however we choose. And since no two people can be in the exact same space at the exact same time, no two perceptions are identical. I find that to be haunting and beautiful at the same time. The thing I love most about psychedelics is that they break down the usual interpretation(s) of the world allowing us to see and feel in different ways, expanding our thought processes.

You are not alone in your search for "more" or alone in your inability to define it. But perhaps the search and the questions are what it is truly all about. If we found all the answers what would we have or need to look for?


Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here and find what you are seeking!


-The Grateful One-
The thing I love most about psychedelics is that they break down the usual interpretation(s) of the world allowing us to see and feel in different ways, expanding our thought processes.

That's what I also love about it. Espacially if this change of thoughts make you realise the solution to some of your own problems 😁

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