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introduction/dmt entity attached to me, haunts me at night, please help!

Migrated topic.
you give these things whatever power they have over you, whatever level of "reality" they may exist as..doesnt matter. Im dead serious. Dont let things like this do this to you.
I second fractal enchantment's advice (and the others who said similar things)!

I had a very unpleasant experience once when I had a lucid dream that my consciousness was being taken over by some kind of malevolent entity. I forced myself to wake up to escape from it's takeover, only to realise that I hadn't woken up and it was creeping into me again...after a while I did manage to wake up, and was too terrified to go back to sleep. Fortunately it only happened once; I'm sure if it was a regular occurrence I would find it very debilitating - not least because lack of sleep completely messes me up emotionally.

Whatever these things are; sleep paralysis, evil entities...? In the material realm they can only have the power that you give them - and they will try to trick or frighten you into letting them use/feed on your energy, but ultimately you do have the power to resist :)

Good luck with dealing with this :)
ocelot said:
I second fractal enchantment's advice (and the others who said similar things)!

Whatever these things are; sleep paralysis, evil entities...? In the material realm they can only have the power that you give them - and they will try to trick or frighten you into letting them use/feed on your energy, but ultimately you do have the power to resist :)

Good luck with dealing with this :)

Hmm I partially disagree with this advice. If OP is indeed being attacked by something from the non-material realm, then it would make sense to use a similar protection device against it. An entity made of "mind-stuff" cannot be countered with physical stuff, only with other "mind-stuff". SWIM has had good results using the Bible against these sorts of entities (specifically evil "spirits" haunting a place), calling upon Christ and all that stuff. Even though the Bible has been used to justify all sorts of bad actions, inquisitions, etc., there's still a lot of light and a lot of power in it.

Also, from what I know about shamanic traditions, they typically advise people to go to an MD first, before consulting the wizard, but if the Western route fails they then send the person to the shaman. Hope this helps, good luck.
What I'm trying to say is that you can use your mind to resist the tricks and fear of what appears to be a malevolent entity. It's not pleasant to endure their company but it's possible to stay strong within yourself and not give in to panic etc.

If you like using the Bible to do this, then fair enough...Personally I like to think about my loved ones :) Whatever works for you.
They created you of course they are attached to you

nothing you can do about it just live the life thats been given to you and enjoy it while you can
lysergify said:
ocelot said:
I second fractal enchantment's advice (and the others who said similar things)!

Whatever these things are; sleep paralysis, evil entities...? In the material realm they can only have the power that you give them - and they will try to trick or frighten you into letting them use/feed on your energy, but ultimately you do have the power to resist :)

Good luck with dealing with this :)

Hmm I partially disagree with this advice. If OP is indeed being attacked by something from the non-material realm, then it would make sense to use a similar protection device against it. An entity made of "mind-stuff" cannot be countered with physical stuff, only with other "mind-stuff". SWIM has had good results using the Bible against these sorts of entities (specifically evil "spirits" haunting a place), calling upon Christ and all that stuff. Even though the Bible has been used to justify all sorts of bad actions, inquisitions, etc., there's still a lot of light and a lot of power in it.

Also, from what I know about shamanic traditions, they typically advise people to go to an MD first, before consulting the wizard, but if the Western route fails they then send the person to the shaman. Hope this helps, good luck.

I dont think the bible has any light whatsoever in it that doesnt come from you. You relate to the bibe as a thing of light..you give the bible any power that it has. The bible is just bunch of paper and ink. Nothing more. Without a human to make sense of the symbols and relate to them, they are completey meaningless.
fractal enchantment said:
I dont think the bible has any light whatsoever in it that doesnt come from you. You relate to the bibe as a thing of light..you give the bible any power that it has. The bible is just bunch of paper and ink. Nothing more. Without a human to make sense of the symbols and relate to them, they are completey meaningless.

Perhaps you're right, at least to a large degree, since most people I know who are into the people seem quite ignorant. On the other hand there are tales of "holy men" and "healings" and "angels" and the like for periods spanning thousands of years, and it's been used in holy practices for equally long. Also, as Jung showed, the Bible is sort of a repository/psychological metaphor for the development and maturation of the Western Psyche, from the Old Testament God days to the God of Love. To use Rupert Sheldrake's idea of Morphic Resonance, the Bible seems to have worn a deep runnel into our collective psyche, and when I say that it (to me) is a book of great power and light, I mean this on a personal and collective/archetypal level. That's why people keep being drawn back to it. Hope this isn't rambling I'm in a rush, cheers.
hey everyone,
thank you for your continued support and suggestions, it really makes a difference for me,

just to update, the last 2 days i have not heard the wasp buzz scare before i fall asleep, as i continue the white light exercise 30 min before bed every night, thank god, but
i fear something stranger is now going on, the last 2 days i wake at 5am right when sunlight comes up,
and i cant go back to sleep because it feels like it is trying to infuse with my being, i felt like
it was making some weird noises through me, like snoring through me in an unusual manner even though i sleep on my stomach, i know it is
this entity continuing to do whatever to me and this is pretty scary as well as you can imagine, i hear noise
coming from me but i dont believe im making it but that its being made through me, i know this sounds insane
and you probably think im crazy or mental but trust me this is very real, its also said "how are you" in
the same energetic voice to me twice from inside my head with a seemingly caring/compassionate tone, but i really dont think that its concerned for my well
being, so anyways the attempted infused snore sounds lasts a second or 2 till i jolt or turn sides, then a minute
later it happens again, this happened last night and the night before like 5 or 6 times each before i finally fell
back to sleep again, its almost like it wants to take over my body or take it for itself but it is unable to
but getting closer than before, my god, maybe a group meditation would be strong enough to make it depart from me, or
group prayer and laying of hands or something? i also like
the idea of having a bible and a cross close by, i know there is spiritual power in that somehow, even if its just by
the morphic field theory shared in an earlier post, i will continue to keep you all updated and would appreciate
your continued feedback,
Im still a bit troubled by the fact that you dont even consider the fact that this might be your own creation, your own beliefs, that you might have a part in all of this. Im not saying that necessarily this is not real, who knows... but I think its important to be critical about our experiences and consider different possibilities. There are countless examples of how our perceptual apparatus, of how our subjective experiences and interpretations can very much be mistaken. So who's to say this is not the case now, even if you feel very much it is "real"

The fact that you continually express that it is real, outside and independent of yourself, disempowers you in this process. Again, continue doing what you feel is helping but I think you should let the seed of doubt germinate itself inside your own world view, so that you stop being a victim of what is happening and start taking control of your situation as much as possible.

good luck
i do take responsibility and realized that i must have attracted this to me on some subconscious level because of perhaps unresolved negativ emotions/energys, negative beleifs and vibrations of feeling bad, guilt, shame, past hurts, etc. and that the universe is allowing
it as a learning experience and as growth for the soul perhaps, perceptual apparatus and subjective interpretations, i dont think so my friend, we are all well aware that their is a whole other universe of realitys and beings, spirits, angels, demons, etc and im sure that most of us here can easily enough distinguish between this other reality and our own dreams, dillusions and hallucinations,

it is real and independant of my Self and that fact does not disempower me, as you can see i am taking appropriate action and seeking the guidance and support of enrolling my fellow man to assist me in this, i am refusing to be a victim and i am taking as much action on the pysical level as i possible can, but thanks anyway
avatar said:
...it is real and independant of my Self and that fact does not disempower me, as you can see i am taking appropriate action and seeking the guidance and support of enrolling my fellow man to assist me in this, i am refusing to be a victim and i am taking as much action on the pysical level as i possible can, but thanks anyway
Your certainty that what you are experiencing is not possibly a product of your mind is troubling. I’m not even convinced that my everyday reality is indeed “real”, and here you are insisting that these subjective phenomena are real!

Please consider that these phenomena are symptoms of a real problem in the real world, and that you can take real action to overcome them.
Its interesting... There are some people in the world that have spiritualist belief systems. These folks like avatar here have these sorts of experiences all the time... entire nations of people. Jesus go to brazil sometime! These experiences and Avatars beliefs are extremely common there.

Avatar, your working from a fear based relationship with this entity. Has it really done anything to frighten you? Or are you just frightened of it? Things just like your experiencing happened to me constantly for years, until I started to learn they where lessons of a sort. I have heard you report it has been trying to make contact with you for a while now, nothing more then that. the feeling of it coming into you, this is what it feels like during embodyment practices or what some call possession, mediumship or channeling... personally i call it embodyment, because from a transpersonal view point we are one with all that is, all is that white light you visualize, and you cannot channel, be possessed by or be a medium for that which you already are, but you can shift awareness and BE that which you are, and embodyment is what they call this phenomena in buddhism. If your visualizing this white light then you do not know yet that thats what you are, and if you are frightened of these beings then you also do not know yet that you ARE these beings and vice versa.
Has it occurred to you that this "entity" could very well be a tutelary being/spirit? Many are event he wrathful scary "negative ones". In many shamanic societies Shamans are contacted by tutelary or teacher spirits that teach them to communicate with the "spirit world". It seems that all this spirit wishes is to communicate. Many time when one is hearing spirits speak they hear it in their own self talk, in side the mind so to speak, but it is perceived as other or from another source. It is also often times followed by a high pitched noise, buzz or whine, which could be a change in blood pressure honestly as one relaxes into an altered state in your case pre-sleep.

its also interesting to me that your connecting this to your room mates DMT experiences. Many of the "entities" that people meet in what some call hyperspace, using "the parlance of our times" (lol) are helpful, tutilary spirits, that give guidence and assistance and teach people a great number of things, which is why i think people are so attracted to that sort of experience. Maybe it does have something to do with your room mate, or maybe it is more or less that his stories and your associations brought about a series of experiences that have been trying to teach you some things.

I do not think your mentally ill, But it is true that many pre-psychotic people or people diagnosed with psychosis NOS even when medicated have many of their hallucinations and voices occur at bed time like your describing. But because of your beliefs I do not think this is the case... they are also usually followed by delusional thinking which I have not read and can usually spot pretty quickly. And as I said many people around the world share the same beliefs and experiences you have.

Here is a simple and helpful suggestion, take it however you like. Talk to this "entity" know its a part of you just like everything else in this universe. Ask its name, what its intention is all while in active and receptive mediation when it next occurs. Be receptive and responsive. Ask then allow it to use your thoughts to respond, in other words listen to your thoughts do not think, so much. Enter into Dialog with it, see where it goes. See what happens, Its a person, just like any person.
Now if you or any one else thinks this is silly and that its all just a part of your own mind... well it is! In buddhism they have a saying, one mind many bodies. All is a manifestation of mind, but it is the mind of all that is. It has no bounderies as Ken Wilber points out, which is a rather panpsychism approach.

Secondly, spend some time developing your intuitive/receptive abilities a bit more. Perhaps find some local spiritualist or medium or psychic development groups in your area working on intuative development with out a lot of belief systems brought into the mix, and balance that out with some very serious transpersonal psychology books. Not the light fluffy stuff you find in the new age section of barnes and noble, but some books that are not focused on one belief system and that challenge and develop your rational mind and intuitive side.
some good books might be to start with,
paths beyond ego
opening to inner light or what is now reprinted by ralph metzner as the unfolding self
becoming psychic by stanley krippner
Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums, and Other Extraordinary People by krippner again
and then move onto some harder stuff like
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth by Ken Wilber
The Simple Feeling of Being: Embracing Your True Nature by Ken Wilber
Dream time and inner space and shamans healers and medicine men by Holger kalwiet

Just some thoughts

if things do start getting really strange in your life and you start to feel very lost and confused and uncentered seek some professional help from a mental health professional.
Talk to this "entity" know its a part of you just like everything else in this universe. Ask its name, what its intention is all while in active and receptive mediation when it next occurs. Be receptive and responsive. Ask then allow it to use your thoughts to respond, in other words listen to your thoughts do not think, so much. Enter into Dialog with it, see where it goes. See what happens, Its a person, just like any person.

I really can not agree enough. Be curious. Irrespective of what IT is you need avoid fear.

i really don't think that its concerned for my well
being, so anyways the attempted infused snore sounds lasts a second or 2 till i jolt or turn sides, then a minute
later it happens again, this happened last night and the night before like 5 or 6 times each before i finally fell
back to sleep again

If you can hear your self snore, your body is asleep while your mind is awake. Things can be really confusing in that state.
For example: In "Journeys out of body" Monroe tells that he once thought he was being harassed by sex craving male entity. Every night, in between wake and sleep, he would feel Someone close behind him breathing in his ear. Later he discovers that he was slightly out of phase and the thing behind him was his own body.

Point being, open up to it. It might seem like it's out to get you... but that's your fear.. has it really done anything to you? You are gonna be fine. Your body is safe.
gibran2 said:
Your certainty that what you are experiencing is not possibly a product of your mind is troubling. I’m not even convinced that my everyday reality is indeed “real”, and here you are insisting that these subjective phenomena are real!


Dorge said:
Its interesting... There are some people in the world that have spiritualist belief systems. These folks like avatar here have these sorts of experiences all the time... entire nations of people. Jesus go to brazil sometime! These experiences and Avatars beliefs are extremely common there.

Im sorry but the whole nation of brazil does not experience what Avatar experiences, this is a misleading opinion you are posting. Maybe you are talking about the spiritualist traditions such as umbanda and candomble? If so, then know that they are a minority in Brazil. Most brazilians are catholics, and this whole 'being possesed' story is not a part of the general belief system.

Most people here that I have met (the 'common' person) are actually pretty disconnected and generally skeptical of the 'spirit' world, even though funnily enough there seems to be quite some supersticious thoughts around (specially when its about what to do so that the football team wins :p ).

Dorge said:
I do not think your mentally ill, But it is true that many pre-psychotic people or people diagnosed with psychosis NOS even when medicated have many of their hallucinations and voices occur at bed time like your describing. But because of your beliefs I do not think this is the case... they are also usually followed by delusional thinking which I have not read and can usually spot pretty quickly. And as I said many people around the world share the same beliefs and experiences you have.

I think you should be careful offering such opinions. Nobody of us, even the health-related professionals, can make diagnostic over a couple of posts from someone on the internet, as our Health and Safety section clearly states. Also you cannot generalize his experience to what "many people around the world share", you just cant know if its the same or not (and as I said at least in the example of Brazil, its not true the whole country feels the same or even the majority of people). And even if whole countries believed so, its still a falacious appeal-to-belief kind of argument. Just because many people believe something doesnt make it more true or right or valid or of benefit.

What if he does have a serious mental issue (im not saying he does, but just consider the possibility for the moment), and you offer such advice and he avoids health treatment and then his situation worsens and maybe he puts himself and others at risk? Then what? I think if you want to say something like that, you should at least add a very clear disclaimer before doing so (I do realise you mentioned at the end of the post he should seek a health professional if he continues feeling confused but still, I want to reinforce the idea of safety here and of being careful with advices we give).

That being said, I think you said some reasonable and interesting things about how he could reconsider his negative spin to the situation and the fear-based relationship, and rather instead try to learn from it, try to deal with it more positively, integrate the experience.
Thanks for the critique i guess.
I did offer the disclaimer, which was my focus on safety.
I am not offering a diagnostic but just suggestions, which are different then recommendations. It does not sound as if he requires any health treatment based upon what he has said, and I do not feel its a health and safety issue.

I do not live in brazil but have studied brazlian belief systems in spiritualism which are pretty fantastic, excuse me for generalizing. As far as the world is considered western concepts of a materialistic highly rationalized world are actually in the minority. We live in a monophasic world view that embraces one mode of perception over all others. Many or most of the planets cultures (even catholics in latin america) have a polyphasic perspective on reality embracing multiple states of consciousness. I am not making an appeal to belief but stating the fact that this is so. Western society is in the minority here. Within polyphasic societies the experiences had in dreams or in altered states in general are given as much validity as the waking state and are not pathologized as they are in this society. There are members of our society who have a polyphasic value system that they place on altered states of awareness and hold that the experiences had within these states are as real and valued as the waking state as well.
Because some one believes in spirits does not make them a threat to others or gravely disabled.
A few years ago I started living with a girl I loved. I quit doing all drugs, quit smoking cigarettes, did very little drinking and began to seriously study different paths to realization. I was coming out of a time in my life when I was integrating a very powerful psychedelic experience and I was leaving behind a lot of bad mental and physical tendencies.

While falling asleep during this time, I would often feel dark powerful energies creeping across my body and I would have intense symbolic dreams that left me very confused. I would also occasionally feel vibrations originating in my lower back that, when focused on, would spread to my entire body and intensify exponentially. It would usually get so intense that I felt like I was moving at such incredible speed that i eventually passed out from the intensity.

During this time I decided to focus on the negative energy when it faced me. Maybe focus is the wrong word...I would hold my attention to it and not try to push it away. When i did this, the dread and massive expanse of this dark force became extremely intense. So threatening, hopeless, and sure, OK, evil. But now, instead of trying to wake myself up out of fear, I opened my heart to it with all the love I had and told it, "You are me", or something like that. Radical acceptance. Whatever would happen, possession, insanity, violence, sickness, death, whatever, I was going to accept it. My consciousness spread out into the dark abyss of death and dread and it/I changed, very subtly. The presence was still massive, infinite even. It was even still, very scary and incomprehensible and alive, but, it really was just me. And it was tender and loving, and I melted into it. And so I laughed and went to sleep and never had those experiences again.

So, buck up buddy. Possession is real, but its not what you think it is.

I wish you all the light and love there is.
To protect yourself from outside influences of any sort start by having a seasalt and bicarbonate of soda bath [ratio 1:1 and try 250g of each as a starting point; you need to stay in that bath at least 20 minutes or longer] Once you have been in this bath at least 20 minutes then visualize a golden ball of energy forming around you which will protect you from any negative influences and fix it in place [tie it to your centre will keep it in place; the shield should be impervious but not inflexible and you might want to intend the shield to transmute any negative energy into positive and feed it back into keeping the shield up]. Then when you are ready get out of the bath and step into the world once more knowing you are safe from all negative influences and see how it goes
In different parts of the world there are obviously many belief systems. It seems to me that the divider between spiritualism/realism is based upon wealth of the nation along with their educational standards. Humankind has always sought to understand the world--at first it was described as being made by Gods and Goddesses, thunder and lightning were signs of a troubled God ect... In western culture we now know this is obviously untrue, while many parts of the world (whom are considered to be underdeveloped) still believe this. In the dark ages schizophrenics were thought to be demon possessed, and someone who was bi-polar was a tool of the devil. So, while western cultures views may be in the minority, I faithfully put more stock into it's beliefs.
JasperRain said:
In different parts of the world there are obviously many belief systems. It seems to me that the divider between spiritualism/realism is based upon wealth of the nation along with their educational standards. Humankind has always sought to understand the world--at first it was described as being made by Gods and Goddesses, thunder and lightning were signs of a troubled God ect... In western culture we now know this is obviously untrue, while many parts of the world (whom are considered to be underdeveloped) still believe this. In the dark ages schizophrenics were thought to be demon possessed, and someone who was bi-polar was a tool of the devil. So, while western cultures views may be in the minority, I faithfully put more stock into it's beliefs.

You paint impoverished cultures that do not share your western perspective as ignorant.
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