Thanks to everyone who posted. Thanks Gibran2 that was a pretty extreme experience you related.
I've decided that I do want to make the effort to break through now "at least once in my life". However, realistically I think I'll still have to get it done in one hit as Soulfood suggested otherwise as I'll just change my mind "half way to eternity" as usual.
It seems I have two options if I want to break-through on vaped spice.
1) Buy a GVG
2) Adjust my technique with the vaporstar and bong to allow me to get a full breakthrough dose in one hit.
Option 1) doesn't require much discussion at this point in time, in all likelihood it will work. It will just cost me 100 euro.
Option 2) has the advantage that I already have everything I need to try it immediately so that seems the most appealing option right now.
With that in mind does anyone have any experience trying to break-through in one hit using the vaporstar? Is it achievable, if so how did you do it?
What I'm thinking I might try is a technique of toking continuously on the vaporstar and getting as much vapor into the bong as possible, while getting as little in my lungs as possible. This method should, I imagine, build up a nice thick white a cloud of vapor in the bong. I'll be unable to completely avoid inhaling some vapor of course so, when I start to lose co-ordination from the spice I'll remove my finger from the carb-hole and take the full of the bong of vapor in one mighty/desperate lungful. :lol:
Does this sound like a likely plan? I hope so because if it doesn't blast me to hyperspace in one go I doubt I'll have the gumption or the co-ordination to repeat the procedure for a second hit.
P.S Will whether or not there is water in the bong have any baring on how long the vapor stays suspended in the air before condensing on the sides or dissolving into the water? I figure the longer the vapor stays suspended in the bong the longer I have to build up a dense cloud for the hit.