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Is DMT supposed to be harsh when vaporized/smoked?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
All the DMT I have pulled is generally pretty harsh, both when vaporized properly in a shit-pipe/oil burner and when smoked in a marijuana sandwhich.

Is this normal, or is this indicative of NaOH in the left over product, or is this just the taste of any small amounts of pulled plant material?

SWIM uses STB on MHRB to obtain his product.

If this is left over NaOH, how bad is it to be smoking this? I would assume pretty bad, but maybe it is not enough to do any harm.

Any way to make it less harsh?

smoke in a water bong, sandwiched between ashes.

a lot of people complain of these pipes and oil burners because the smoke reaches the mouth/throat too hot..

NAOH does not vaporize at temperatures you get from the lighter, but its possible that small solid particles from it may come with the other vapours, which could very well make the smoke harsh... That is why using a bong with water would prevent this from happening because, appart from cooling down the smoke, also any NAOH particles would end up in the water and not in your mouth/throat.

also sandwiching between ashes guarantees that the smoke will only come from the dmt and not from combustion of the weed, so one needs to inhale less.
i just put some on top of a tiny bit of weed. just enough to cover the hole. i never found my stuff to be that harsh... smelled harsh, but really didnt hurt my throat that much. a few people had trouble holding it in, but most found it to be relatively easy. idk, maybe we just have leatherlungs.
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