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Is it still there ?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi my friends,

swim did a STB extraction of 1000g mhrb. The yield was very low ( about 6g ). The naphta ( Shelsol-T) and basified solution is still there. So swim thinks that the dmt must still be somewhere in the solution or in the naphta. Is this right ? is there a hope to get more spice out of swim material ?

swim used 1300 ml of naphta, 900g of NaOh and about 6 litres of destilled water for 1000g MHRB shredded bark. It's the third pull in 10 days...

TO swim or not to swim ...
you could use a special tense, like a hypothetical one. Like " What if I would add lye to my solution ? Not that I would ever do that, but I mean, in theory .. " lol
Sorry I am not into this digital board behavior... I just wanted to do it right. In my opinion it's stupid to use words like swim ... but I used it because i don't want to break any rules. But could someone help me out with my problem, please ?

It never hurts to check out the forum rules and customs beforehand.

Did you use freeze precipitation on the naphtha? 1300 ml of naphtha sound like a lot. Some of the product may still be dissolved in the naphtha. You should try a few more pulls, reusing the same naphtha between freeze precipitations.

Warm the basic soup to 40 degrees celsius in a warm water bath before pulling and try to keep it at that temperature during the pull. Adding a lot of table salt is also recommendable. Too much too dissolve is not a problem, as the undissolved salt will help mixing the two phases.

It is important to mix the two phases thoroughly, but I imagine that is not so easy with the quantity that you are processing at once. Vigorously shaking almost 10 kilograms of weight is not an easy task for most people. Perhaps you should have cut the extraction into four or more separate batches...
These qualities sound huge, keep in mind that you don't always scale up all the other chems the same amount as the bark.

1300ml of naphtha sounds far too much, even 50-60ml can hold up to few grams of spice. If you use this much you risk not getting a saturated enough solution after pulling to have the DMT precipitate out in the freezer.
downwardsfromzero said:
That's a really big extraction. Can anyone realistically use 10 grams of DMT??? About 200 stiff doses (if you know what you're doing)...

Have you read this?

My vendor is only selling MHRB in large quantities... And there are no alternatives in my country :(
Phantast said:
My vendor is only selling MHRB in large quantities... And there are no alternatives in my country :(
Uhmmm, but does your vendor also force you to extract it in one go? You could just do several extractions on a smaller scale. It works a lot easier that way.
pitubo said:
Phantast said:
My vendor is only selling MHRB in large quantities... And there are no alternatives in my country :(
Uhmmm, but does your vendor also force you to extract it in one go? You could just do several extractions on a smaller scale. It works a lot easier that way.

Yes my vendor is forcing me to extract it in one go ... I'm already looking for a new one.
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