Rising Star
Thanks a lot for that bioassay, The Traveler! What supplier did your oil originate from? I'm wondering if the sedative effects are caused by elemicin itself or by some other compound(s) in the oil. My guess is that elemicin is a stimulant, whereas one or more other compounds are sedatives.
According to FV, one sample of elemi oil contained:
54.10% Limonene
15.10% alpha-Phellandrene
15.00% Elemol
3.50% Elemicin
2.50% 1,8-Cineole
2.40% Myrcene
1.50% para-Cymene
0.80% beta-Phellandrene
0.60% Terpinolene
0.40% gamma-Terpinene
0.40% alpha-Pinene
0.30% Methyl eugenol
0.20% Carvone
0.30% trans-p-Mentha-1(7),5-dien-2-ol
0.10% Carvotanacetone
I'm guessing one or more of these are sedatives. Elemol strike me as a possible sedative. Perhaps we should work out a tek to obtain more or less pure elemicin? Alpha-Phellandrene is also unwanted, in higher doses it may lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
By the way, FV's elemi oil is considerably cheaper now! Now it is really a great price even compared to the cheapest internet sources.
According to FV, one sample of elemi oil contained:
54.10% Limonene
15.10% alpha-Phellandrene
15.00% Elemol
3.50% Elemicin
2.50% 1,8-Cineole
2.40% Myrcene
1.50% para-Cymene
0.80% beta-Phellandrene
0.60% Terpinolene
0.40% gamma-Terpinene
0.40% alpha-Pinene
0.30% Methyl eugenol
0.20% Carvone
0.30% trans-p-Mentha-1(7),5-dien-2-ol
0.10% Carvotanacetone
I'm guessing one or more of these are sedatives. Elemol strike me as a possible sedative. Perhaps we should work out a tek to obtain more or less pure elemicin? Alpha-Phellandrene is also unwanted, in higher doses it may lead to vomiting and diarrhea.
By the way, FV's elemi oil is considerably cheaper now! Now it is really a great price even compared to the cheapest internet sources.