staresatwalls said:
if you had to define godhead, or give an example of it, what would you say?
the only example i have to give, b/c i can't define it (hence the post), is when i broke through on smoked dmt and i got to a point where i understood E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
well anyway i saw a web connecting all the minds conscious of me and my state (everyone present) and it was beautiful.
that instance of god head was quite different than the other. is it possible for us to settle on a "definition" of god head?
I honestly feel that our species can settle on very, very few consensuses. Our world's history is largely woven from misunderstanding, division, disharmony, warfare and social chaos. Sigh... something's really gotta freakin' change! Thankfully, we are imbued with an equally positive side and there is encouraging hope for our organism's survival.
Like most of the words we use linguistically, to describe deeply spiritual experiences,
"Godhead" is one of the trickiest to define in specific, concrete terms. Largely this is because we all have such different views of just exactly what Divinity actually is... and how oneself fits into the grand scheme of things.
"Hey, why do I exist? What caused me to exist in the first place, was it God? I don't recall God asking me. OK... I am that I am. Why must I die, then? Is my existence even real if it is only a temporary state? Am I not more than transience? Is this all an illusion or a dream? What and where exactly is God, what is Heaven (Hell I've been acquainted with, for sure)? How then, do I awaken?"
We are all pilgrims upon a journey, a path of awakening. All paths lead to the summit of experience, the level of cosmic unity. Yet, each road we embark upon may not look to go to the very same intended destination, nor move at the same exact pace. That being said, there are remarkable symmetries, parallels and striking similarities in our impressions of such revelatory trance states. So sure, while it's the most intrinsically subjective idea we can possibly conceive of, we all arrive at the same epicenter, deep within ourselves, where we all naturally merge into a singular, indivisible being (eventually). Surely what we have been always, but now it is immanent, palpable and self evident!
With this interphase comes a knowledge of sorts, and this special Gnosis is what I feel the term Godhead refers directly to. The dawning of the blinding white Light of the insubstantial Void stops our cognition of self-containment and so, all differences vanish. This triggers a remembrance and we are returned to our understanding of our very own cause, and we are THAT cause, unborn and undying.
Yet, something remains aware of existing! What watches through the windows of our eyes? Who witness all of the vistas? Must this awareness create us to see itself? The Omniverse vibrates in perfect tune with all of creation but remains itself, untouched by any form or limitation.
RebornInSmoke said:
for me, what it means to me i would say is....
The infinite infinite, the Omniverse ॐ, the supreme hologram that is "reality" and every subjectively individual concscious awareness persona that inhabits it, all that is, ever was and will be; {everything and anything all at once but never}
...the true, divine, inner infinite self.
Agreed and you said it so simply, poetically and beautifully. Bravissimo! Paradoxically, it is something we all share in distinctly unique ways. We each perceive of this Brahman through the color of the lens we look out through. We are myriad eyes seeing our own mirages. We dream ourselves into being, even as Brahman does (through us), for we are all God particles, Sacred strings. We play the music of the Omniversal Heavenly Balance, even when we are unconscious of doing so. And we are echoes and reflections of the One becoming the Many.
Allegorically, we are like vast multiples of spokes interconnecting in the very same hub of being. All string united together. And I would go one step further and say that we are all truly one limitless being, experiencing existence from myriad subjective reference points and near infinite degrees of uniquely individual perceptions.
As only psychonauts, those who have nearly died and those who are inclined towards mysticism can attest... our interrelationship is often that of a high-energy fusion of our
"normal" or relative state of mind, with such an expanded state of mind, it can only be labeled as
"Absolute Being". It can only exist in eternal proportions and infinite potentiality. Still, it exists inside of each of us and likewise, outside each of us. Yin & Yang spinning endlessly, an eternity in the making.
Through direct immersion, whereby our very subjectivity is dissolved into the totality, we die as mortal ego-selves (albeit temporarily). This epiphany ignites a rebirth of sorts and we are suddenly aware of ALWAYS having been the initial cause of our own being. This occurs when one's mind and heart are wide open and wholly consciously-aware of being inter-merged within the Grid of the Sacred Unity of Oneness. The inter-meshing pattern of the many strings, united as one fabric, a Web and Sacred design. One supreme reality shines radiantly within all of the myriad threads.
And all of this experience surely seems to take place centered within our own fully blown minds, witnessed by a self which is totally familiar and simultaneously not subject to the confines of any single perceptual field. But be that as it may, the Godhead is palpably seated deep inside of our little monkey heads (to us). At the same moment in timelessness, it is wholly unbound by any headset or fixation.
So in essence, it really does make a lot of sense to refer to the one's epiphanies as eclipsing with the Godhead, that indefinable overlapping with the Higher Self within all sentient or non-sentient beings. And while it is pretty self-descriptive a term on the surface, it is also somewhat of a paradoxical term. That is, it is born of circular logic. When the single, isolated person freely immerses their own single-pointed awareness upon the web of the Unified Field of Being, and observes carefully enough... the same concentration and discernment will eventually expand perception exponentially, blooming far beyond all lines of division, transcending all self-created distinctions or thought-forms.
In so doing, the Holiest state of existence is perceived as emanating from within oneself, a newly birthed self, that is seemingly existent in all forms and yet, remains untouched by the time-space-continuum. I prefer to call this revelation,
"The Awakening of the Omniself". Mind, idea, self, witness, soul, The Void... they are all the same thing. And so too, they are no-thing we can name or reasonably quantify.
For when the isolated mind and I am awareness of the human being is shifted into a frequency far, far higher and to a level of consciousness, beyond the boundaries of the subjective viewpoint... the witness of it's own conscious-awareness is undone by the force of the redefinition of all that was once familiar reality and factual. Nothing is real when seen through this lens.
Even so, until we are paralyzed by the full-blown whiteout experience, the bloom of understanding, we are still subjectively observing existence as the counterpoint of subject and object... the dance of the multiverse at play. I believe, for I have seen that there is just a single universal current flowing throughout all that is. It is the Tao, it is God. It originates from the immaterial realm; it is unnameable, it is indescribable, as are we in our core of being and truest sense of self.
Magikally, we instantly and completely KNOW the cause exists... or we ourselves would not exist. And we also KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is what we all truly are, we are God stuff. One harmonious tone ringing throughout eternity! We are each and all of us, this same spiritual force dancing freely as it will. Hallelujah folks, this is it! :thumb_up: