RebornInSmoke said:
for me, what it means to me i would say is.... Brahman... The infinite infinite, the Omniverse ॐ, the supreme hologram that is "reality" and every subjectively individual concscious awareness persona that inhabits it, all that is, ever was and will be; {everything and anything all at once but never}
...the true, divine, inner infinite self.
Yes, your view parallels my own. That should come as no surprise, really, because when we are free of the dream of sentient experience, there is really only one of us. Sure, there are an infinitude of forms dancing to the rhythm of the universal vibration but there is but one singular conscious-awareness glancing through each of the myriad windows of existential reality. Not just that "we are one" or we are all interconnected part of the whole... we ARE the whole of the Divine Field, each and every one of us, each life form, each seemingly inanimate object, every molecule, atom, electron and quark, etc...
Some may never shift into this modality of experience, some will touch it but once and change completely from it, some will taste it's ineffable nectar several times, fewer still will inter-phase over and over and over again. Even less will merge and never return to speak of it. So, who decides if our shift is fleeting or lasting? We do! We are free to embrace the emerging effulgence of the Sacred Light as our primary function to be. We are the Godhead, gazing at our own creation, retaining union with ॐ... seeing naught but unity, in rapturous wonder.
And beyond this thinnest of veils, even fewer pass through full immersion, bloom exponentially an become aware of being wholly Divine,
permanently. these great masters do return to our fleeting dreamscape of material life and share their awakening. Compassion dictates this miracle, so it naturally follows that the Godhead experience settles within the heart. Through the lens of love, we warmly and joyfully reflect each others Sacredness.
And as we are the same core awareness peeking through innumerable eyes, does it even matter? After all, this is a dance and a game we play within ourselves, which only appears to be outside of ourselves. So, I believe that when we release the concept of me and you, us and them, inside of self and outside of self... we come to that quiet realm of knowing directly our true identity. We are the formlessness creating our own forms.
Global said:
Today I came across a Hindu description of the godhead that I rather like. They describe the godhead as the manifest of the totally divine. I think it's simple, eloquent and adequate for summing it up in so few words.
Nice and simple. So true and so unencumbered by the inadequacies of human linguistics.
Manifestation is the key to this idea. So is
woman-ifestation, for that matter! :thumb_up:
There are no lasting divisions. As the Spirit exists in everything, always, with our without anyone taking particular notice, the manifestation is the pivotal principle in action here. It's the contact that God makes inside of us that joins the organic universe with the spiritual Omniverse. I have come to believe beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are that contact, becoming aware of the symbiosis.
jamie said:
Word. This is so true. For we cannot speak of the Infinite in finite terms, contemplate it's eternal essence in a transitory sequence birthed of our brief placement within the time-space-continuum, nor give voice to the nature of the Absolute in relative communication. But we try, we do want to discuss this epiphany. We attempt to name the nameless... yet it remains forever free of quantification. But there is value to our futile efforts, as we bring the highest aspects of our immersions back into our personal dreamscapes and this is a good thing, in terms of communication. Unless of course, we become dogmatic or too serious about our spirituality.
Definitely, The Divine is beyond words. We cannot simultaneously experience the Godhead and also observe it, as something related to a subject-object dichotomy. We cannot see ourselves gazing through the singular Eye of God. We do not exist as witness to the Divine, rather, we exist as Divinity actualized through the Omniself, as it appears gloriously as all selves interacting within the realm of the many. In a manner of speaking, that is, and there is no language refined enough to encapsulate
ॐ, save the linguistics of immeasurable love. And it is spoken with the heart and heard/felt/touched by other sympathetic hearts. God is love.
BoyPony said:
Some like to categorize experiences of "oneness" or "presence of" as "Godhead experiences".
From my personal experiences...... When IT happens.... I AM GOD. Not talking to or close to....but the Big Kahuna.
Exactly! Few dare to utter these words but it's nice to hear them declared with such fearless commitment. Knowledge is power and knowing yourself to such a degree is something that takes years and years to integrate with normal, ordinary life. I feel that this is our greatest challenge as individuals, to awaken to our true nature and express it in small ways, through kindness and human compassion, as we are able to on a daily basis. And it's so great to have you back amongst us,
BoyPony! Every clubhouse ought to have the Avatar as a team member.