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Is this phalaris

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
See this today looks for me like some kind of phalaris can anybody identifie this for me pls


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If you can manage to get at those rhizomes you can certainly attempt to give it a try.

It does contain gramine and likely other undesirable alkaloids.

I'd recommend just grabbing a live clone of a known phalaris strain and/or planting some acacia seeds if you want reliability.
dreamer042 said:
Pretty sure this is Phragmites australis.

If you can manage to get at those rhizomes you can certainly attempt to give it a try.

The best way to obtain Phragmites rhizomes is with the aid of a boat, in water at least 2m deep. Digging them up on dry land is a hiding to nothing (i.e. a strenuous waste of effort to no reward).
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