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It completely took over

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I’ve done it several times in the past to where I could only experience it with my eyes closed. But this time I smoked it until it completely took over with my eyes open and wow did it. The usual joker like being turned my windows into curtains of pure purple energy. Another being in the left corner of my room standing as still and straight like a guard holding a sword. And the last was in my bed to my right and what seemed like half of a face sticking out filled with this amazing flowing energy. I was gone like the people interview in the “Spirit Molecule” for the first time. I could hardly control my body. It’s as if matter was flowing out of my mouth and ears and my body didn’t know how to handle it or it was so good that my body was a little shocked. The first visuals were so intense I can’t even remember most of it but eventually I was able to close my eyes and see a machine giving off a green, red, purple and yellow like electricity. I then saw a gear like machine made up of the same thing and my body was still reacting in an ecstatic way to the beauty in front of me. I was constantly moaning and it was almost as if I was having an orgasm x1000 without my penis being involved. The view of my room definitely affected what I saw and I’m now very curious about fully breaking through in different places for the first time. I can only guess that nature would be the most ideal, beautiful and bring out even more. The routine in my worldy life will continue unchanged and I will do my best to make it a happy and fruitful one. But I will also continue to explore the different realms on the side and hopefully learn a little of what it all means.

Happy travels my friends.
UniversalEyes said:
I’ve done it several times in the past to where I could only experience it with my eyes closed. But this time I smoked it until it completely took over with my eyes open and wow did it. The usual joker like being turned my windows into curtains of pure purple energy. Another being in the left corner of my room standing as still and straight like a guard holding a sword. And the last was in my bed to my right and what seemed like half of a face sticking out filled with this amazing flowing energy. I was gone like the people interview in the “Spirit Molecule” for the first time. I could hardly control my body. It’s as if matter was flowing out of my mouth and ears and my body didn’t know how to handle it or it was so good that my body was a little shocked. The first visuals were so intense I can’t even remember most of it but eventually I was able to close my eyes and see a machine giving off a green, red, purple and yellow like electricity. I then saw a gear like machine made up of the same thing and my body was still reacting in an ecstatic way to the beauty in front of me. I was constantly moaning and it was almost as if I was having an orgasm x1000 without my penis being involved. The view of my room definitely affected what I saw and I’m now very curious about fully breaking through in different places for the first time. I can only guess that nature would be the most ideal, beautiful and bring out even more. The routine in my worldy life will continue unchanged and I will do my best to make it a happy and fruitful one. But I will also continue to explore the different realms on the side and hopefully learn a little of what it all means.

Happy travels my friends.

Nice!:) Seems like it should be...!;)

Its impressive how this molecule can transform your completely open eyes into pure darkness/blindness, and how it can do it the opposite way as well.. transform a dark room into a disco haha

Yeah, dmt can definitely replace your entire reality, 100%, you can become blinded by the experience, the intensity (literally), not many of my experiences over the years were like this, only a few. The visions become so strong that body, life, you, reality, ..all gone. You become all of what you're seeing/experiencing.
I believe this is what 100mg looks like. It was really intense and I was actually scared a little for the first time doing it but eventually i felt fine. At this point I’m really just a little anxious as to whether it’s somehow going to make me bored of my normal life but I don’t think so. It made me realize that this world is really about relationships and to continue working on them. Whether with yourself, nature or with loved ones.
I get many visuals and even experiance a color [shade] change in my room and along with this i feel this emotional feeling that is much like what ive felt many years ago as a child....

All this from some rue tea with a moderate dose of vaped dmt i also find that my ability to think clearer and more medatativly DMT and rue combo helps!

[Example] durring straight normal thought one can blame others easily for their problems...

On dmt.. one can see things from booth sides of the table and realize that other people are also fighting a daily stress to live also..

But..thinking on low to moderate dose DMT.. opens up the corradors of of clearer thinking and this stuff might help people with mental thinking problems..like sctzoprenia?
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