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Migrated topic.
SWIM and his Friends have tried it with doses between 25 - 100 mg .
They think it works very well , altough you don't come as deep into "dmt Land" (depending on dosage , smoking speed , and if shared or solo)
You lose some in the filter , through burning and so on .
A friend of mine likes it very much to smoke a 90-100mg joint without weed during the comedown of a mushroom trip in Nature.

I think this is a nice option to try . Also comes on fast , but doesnt hit you like a cannon
Yes lots!! I really like it this way. Its very extravegant, I wouldn't recomend it this way if you only have a little bit. But if you dont care about being frugal its great. I make one skin joints with either plain tobacco or more often with a mix half tobbaco half datura. I load maybe 150mg maybe more. You won't be using scales. There is an upper limit as to how much you can put in. DMT will ignite and burns furiously once lit. This will piss you off a bit. I had to loose a few joints before finding just how heavy I could load them and how to light them.

This is my prefered method, I like it more than my lightbulbs. I can go just as far and just as deep. You will loose lots and lots this way though.

My friends call it "The Cartoon Joint".
yeah dmt joints, i find, are a good way of introducing friends to it if they havent tried it before. it's not the "true" experience.. but good for a little taste. usually need quite a bit to pack a worthwhile j. be sure to use ciggy baccy, rather than rolling baccy which burns too slowly and can be quite "sickly".

shared a dmt j with some mates and they said it was the most "out there" experience they'd ever had..

"smoke it pure" i said!
I don't agree that its not the true experiance. Using a light bulb is probably the easyiest way to get out there, but don't be fooled into thinking you can't get there via a joint.
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