SWIM did a STB MHRB extraction with naptha (coleman fuel, not VM&P). Oddly, it looks like there was some jungle spice that came out in the first pull. She was under the impression that the jungle spice could not be pulled with naptha, and is trying to figure out how this happened, or if it actually is jungle spice.
At first, the pull just looked like yellowish naptha. However, she did a partial evap before freeze precip, and that's when this redish oily stuff just appeared, like it precipitated our of nowhere and stuck to the bottom. After the freeze precip the naptha was removed and the redish goo was still stuck to the bottom. It was not soluble in naptha or in water, but was soluble in acetone, which was used to redisolve it. Is this actually jungle spice?
SWIM said that she read that naptha isn't naptha. That is to say that it's makeup varies depending on the source. Seems like most have used VM&P instead of Coleman, so this may have played a part. The only other thing she could think of was that the first pull was done hot. It actually got quite hot for awhile before separation (~140 to 160 deg F). Could jungle spice be somewhat soluble in hot naptha?
The second and third pulls were done warm, but not as hot as before. No jungle spice in those, nor in first pull from a second batch from the same MHRB source. Any ideas?
At first, the pull just looked like yellowish naptha. However, she did a partial evap before freeze precip, and that's when this redish oily stuff just appeared, like it precipitated our of nowhere and stuck to the bottom. After the freeze precip the naptha was removed and the redish goo was still stuck to the bottom. It was not soluble in naptha or in water, but was soluble in acetone, which was used to redisolve it. Is this actually jungle spice?
SWIM said that she read that naptha isn't naptha. That is to say that it's makeup varies depending on the source. Seems like most have used VM&P instead of Coleman, so this may have played a part. The only other thing she could think of was that the first pull was done hot. It actually got quite hot for awhile before separation (~140 to 160 deg F). Could jungle spice be somewhat soluble in hot naptha?
The second and third pulls were done warm, but not as hot as before. No jungle spice in those, nor in first pull from a second batch from the same MHRB source. Any ideas?