Recently I'm finding more and more of the best music is being released on creative commons licensce. It just goes to show that when something is not done with the mind on the wallet something really magical happens. An art form that is purely expressive, experimental and entertaining in the true sense.
Just look what happens when making music is a means to money? It becomes a product, it becomes marketing, then before long, one size fits all. If you wear the same tight fitting cap all your life, then the chances are that your head will not grow as it should. The same goes for music. So many folk now are brought up to the sounds of these global conquering chart hits and although much of the money making music is quite entertaining, it's never going to be as pure as what is made as a labour of love. Even those that are not dominating the world of popular music, but still take part in it are not complete in the true sense as a musician.
Well I could rant for hours about this and probably just end up upsetting a few folk so I'm just going to get to the point.
This is my Creative commons appreciation thread, because true beauty costs nothing:
All this music can be downloaded for free I was going to post some individual artists, but as everyone likes something different and half the fun is exploring, I'm just going to give the adresses of the amazing labels that bring all this greatness together. My taste at the moment is mostly experimental electronica, but I'd be delighted if those in the know can add some CCL releases from many different styles... sure'd be swell of ya
test tube - a netlabel <---- They have a shop, but mostly great free music to be found here. <-------- awesome techno
Ektoplazm | Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel <------ A wide variety of great psy trance releases here.
If you like what you here those should take you a while. Sutemos was the first one I found so that's always got a special place in my heart, with the rest coming in close joint second, but if you just go to the links page on the test tube site, you'll see this is just the tip of the ice berg
Just look what happens when making music is a means to money? It becomes a product, it becomes marketing, then before long, one size fits all. If you wear the same tight fitting cap all your life, then the chances are that your head will not grow as it should. The same goes for music. So many folk now are brought up to the sounds of these global conquering chart hits and although much of the money making music is quite entertaining, it's never going to be as pure as what is made as a labour of love. Even those that are not dominating the world of popular music, but still take part in it are not complete in the true sense as a musician.
Well I could rant for hours about this and probably just end up upsetting a few folk so I'm just going to get to the point.
This is my Creative commons appreciation thread, because true beauty costs nothing:
All this music can be downloaded for free I was going to post some individual artists, but as everyone likes something different and half the fun is exploring, I'm just going to give the adresses of the amazing labels that bring all this greatness together. My taste at the moment is mostly experimental electronica, but I'd be delighted if those in the know can add some CCL releases from many different styles... sure'd be swell of ya
test tube - a netlabel <---- They have a shop, but mostly great free music to be found here.
Anime Mashiro no Oto Anime The Cockpit t3tsuo - 1 de Março de 2023 Livros Doce Tóquio... <-------- awesome techno
Ektoplazm | Free Music Portal and Psytrance Netlabel <------ A wide variety of great psy trance releases here.
If you like what you here those should take you a while. Sutemos was the first one I found so that's always got a special place in my heart, with the rest coming in close joint second, but if you just go to the links page on the test tube site, you'll see this is just the tip of the ice berg