Just got my mg scale in the mail so I weighed out 50mg loaded it up in my DMT bong Master Chief ( a 13" mainly green bong we got the day Halo 3 came out. If you were wondering) and after preparing myself I took 3 big hits held in the last one and layed down with my eyes closed. The mandala thing appeared and started coming towards me as usual but it felt oppressive and the colors were different, a dark yellow and black mostly. It felt very powerful and was not friendly. thinking about it now it was almost as if this mandala itself was an entity. wondering why I was in it's space.
Almost as soon as I realized I may have have gotten myself in a bad place I started singing aloud the tones I heard per Mr. McKenna's advice and very quickly ended up in the very weird but at the same time very familiar place. Picture the most beautiful blue sky you have ever seen and that was the background. I was suspended in the void watching and somewhat pertisapating in uh well... There were beings made of colorful light that was gathered together in spheres and lines in an L shape. We were on the edge of a floating marble looking building. I think it may have had pillers to the ceiling too but it seemed obvious that the structure wasn't really important anyways and it was the very first thing to leave the scene when I started coming down. Well before any other part in fact. They were pouring a substance that was much like themselfs between eachother. From the top of one L being into the base of the other. It was very ovious to me that they were getting alot of joy and having fun from this and so was I. I wonder now if they were having "sex"? Sure could have been a version of it. If so then those L shaped dudes got it pretty good!
As I came down I left whatever was just going on very slowly. Nothing specific really stands out from this part besides I remember saying aloud "OK, I guess I have a body." Which I think is funny. But I meant it at the time. When I opened my eyes my dog was looking at me like she just saw a ghost and I told her thank you because I got the distinct impression that she had helped me though it somehow. Maybe I'm just nuts, anyways. Thats about it, I felt way messed up for a wile longer but I'm down now. I love this stuff! What do you think?