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Just me or does this place seem inactive?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Maybe I'm crazy but lately seems most people are no longer coming here or they don't post like they used to.

Seems there's only a few posts a day I notice as where it used to be highly active.

Anyone else notice this
Sometimes even the chaotic nature of the universe can slow down to a halt. It is only natural that people will be doing their own thing, and this forum inactivity may just coincide with other people's cycles.
It generally comes in waves, I've found. Periods of high activity and low activity alternate.

As you spend more time here, you'll find that the conversations get sort of repetitive (extraction help, trip reports, philosophical ramblings, etc), and I think people sort of wash out after a while.

i post when needed.......

due to my highly controversial and complex life,
i limit the best of it.

kids, dont try anything i do routinely at home..........
waxing and waning is normal in.... just about anything

alive and well..... whatever well means. whatever alive means? yarrr
Nathanial.Dread said:
As you spend more time here, you'll find that the conversations get sort of repetitive (extraction help, trip reports, philosophical ramblings, etc), and I think people sort of wash out after a while.

This happened to me on r/psychonaut, which is what originally prompted me to move to the Nexus. However, I have found my forum home here; I participate in no other forums really and value the content here very highly.

However, sometimes I do not feel like it is appropriate to post. I am not the type who has to have an opinion about everything. Also my interests mainly lie in philosophy and the intersection of psychedelics and technology, so I have little to say about things like extractions and plants. I think this is similar to a good portion of members here, in that they have certain interests and do not frequently post about other things.

If you scroll to the bottom of the homepage you can check out the number of active users right now. It says 98 as I'm typing this which is definitely a lot, even compared to the all-time high of 366. But does this data really matter? I would think most of us prefer quality over quantity here any day.

You can find endless trip reports, opinions, rants, etc. in tons of places on the web, but it's not as easy to find legitimate, psychedelic philosophy and extremely rational drug users discussing these experiences in a quasi-academic setting. The Nexus is a really unique and special place, and it manages to continuously attract intelligent people, so I would not worry about a perceived dip in activity.
I think its just because of the holidays ppl are busy they have more to do and have less free time. I wouldnt worry Im sure things will get more active very soon. Happy holidays. :)
I think probably the universe is slowing down and as the Nexus is at the spearhead of conscious life on this planet it's noticeable first on this forum.
Maybe things slowed down because DMT lost its appeal--

Spice has lost its shine among the 'whoa dude, I'm tripping balls' college set
EDM is so oughts
The Mayan calendar is over (maybe the world's over too)
RCs are where it's at
No harmonic convergences any time soon
The Ayahuasca tourism market has been saturated

If that's the case, than YAAAY! 😁
were all cool.

the place is better off with quality thoughtful posts anyway.
as time passes we will be glad peeps post with thought,
rather than just fill. like some un named forums..........
nothing wrong with having a slow-er season!
Gives me time to catch up with older posts..
I take quality over quantity any day.
Like others folks here, I skip over the high traffic forums, as they are mostly full of crap...
endlessness said:
Speaking for myself, I've been extremely busy lately... But in a couple of weeks I'll be back with more posts :)

And yes, it definitely goes in cycles, dont worry, Nexus is alive and well :)

I second everything he said.
Like others have said, activity seems to come and go in waves. I've also been super busy the past few months and haven't had the opportunity to post much, but I've been making slow progress on a few projects related to the Nexus--so once things slow down a bit for me I hope to get back into the swing of things.

It seems like things around here usually slow down right as Fall comes 'round, and it stays slow through the Holidays. I have a sneaking suspicion that more than a few Nexians are involved with trim-work on the West Coast, which would explain why it gets so quiet around these parts this time of year.
If you push the limits on here, you will be banned or ostracized. Therefore there is less "pushing the limits" and the only "pushing the limits" occurs within certain boundaries. Therefore the current material gets old and stagnant and people eventually get tired or bored of it and quit. Make no mistake this forum has an agenda to be perceived by the mainstream community as a group of responsible spiritual drug takers and they wouldn't risk tarnishing their reputation in any way. They don't seem to be about challenging the norm, but rather accepting it and hopefully legalizing a few choice substances.

Anyway that's just what it looks like to me 8)

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