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Just started the extraction, wish SWIM luck

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Alright, SWIM just started his first to be successful (hopefully) extraction. 50g of lye was added to 750ml of water. Then 50 g of shredded bark was added as of 9:00. SWIM will let it sit for two hours till 11:00, and then start doing the pulls. SWIM will keep me updated, wish him luck
Alright SWIM just added 50ml of naphtha to the jar. He will agitate on and off for 30-40min and then let separate. He will do 3 pulls
Here's a picture of SWIM's first pull. To conserve time SWIM will shorten the duration of the pulls. The first pull went well. Almost all of the solvent was pulled, thanks to the sweet syringe he got.


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Those are some spots, but SWIM thinks they are to miniscule to get out. When SWIM tilts the container, they just stay stuck to the bottom.
Your SWIM pulled other things along with the naphtha. The crystals will be extremely yellow and very harsh on the lungs. My SWIM allowed that to happen once... but never again. It was painful to smoke.
SWIM removed the lye spots. He is very gitty because there is maybe 10ml or so of solvent left to evaporate. He is hoping to se some crystals by tonight or tomorrow. Man the suspence is killing SWIM.
Your SWIM might consider freeze precipitating your 10ml. He can put it into a freezer and after several hours pour off the naptha and have some fairly clean crystals.
If he goes ahead and evaporates all the naptha he will have to deal with any impurities that were dissolved along with the spice. After the freeze precipitation he could
go ahead and evap the naptha and see the difference.
Fuck Fuck Fuck (again) SWIM evaporated his naphtha and was left with a clean dish with a bit of sparkle. When scraped for kicks, maybe 5-10mg was recovered. SWIM just doesn't get it. The source for his bark sells other products that he has used, and they were good quality. Was it that the bark was poorly shredded. Even so, the bark was soaking in the lye water for over 3 hours by the time his second and third pulls were taking place. SWIM is very seriously considering a drytek for the remainder of his bark. Any advice?
No it was room temp. SWIM now knows. What he did wrong was he just broke the bark by hand, therefore making it impossible to get the DMT out. Why can't SWIM think of these things before he starts?
You still have many more extraction attempts before you stop telling yourself "I should of done that instead".

In regards to the bark.. using some sort of cutting device chop the bark into 1 inch pieces, then look for a decent blender which will brake the pieces down, then put your mass of broken up bark through the blender around 3 more times for decent results.
HappyCamper said:
Alright, SWIM just started his first to be successful (hopefully) extraction... Then 50 g of shredded bark was added as of 9:00.

HappyCamper said:
No it was room temp. SWIM now knows. What he did wrong was he just broke the bark by hand, therefore making it impossible to get the DMT out. Why can't SWIM think of these things before he starts?
You told us that it was shredded, in my mind, that means it's been through a blender.
Don't give up on that bark! There's absolutely nothing wrong with reusing it properly. Don't need to go onto the other 100 grams, use this up first.
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