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Just wanted to clarify

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I've done some research but want to make sure of some final details. If SWIM is going to do this then they plan on doing the Lazyman's Tek due to its simplicity and quick time. Now the process seems simple after reading a bunch of STB extractions and threads but I wanted to double-check on the sodium carbonate wash...

Now I've read it's not really necessary but if you want you can do it. Since it's a must to do multiple pulls and you already have a final product how would you wash it with the sodium carbonate. From what I read you can redissolve it into the solvent and throw some sodium carbonate and re-evap it and voila its clean w/o reducing yield (as with ammonia)

So just to clarify the washing process, once all pulls are finished you dissolve the crystals into a small amount of naptha(or the naptha that was separated from your last pull) and add it to a
mixture of 100 ml water & up to 10 grams of sodium carbonate.... mix/shake for 3-5 mins and then just separate and re-evap in the same manner of making the original product. From what I understand this will provide you with a clean amount of spice without losing any. Did I mess this up somewhere or are there any suggestions?
yes you got it pretty much correct.. but as you said yourself, if you want to do the wash, do it before freeze precipitation/evaporation, just after you separated the solvent from the rest of the basic mix. If you already have crystals that are/look impure for some reason, rather look into recrystallization, its very effective and will generally clean more than sodium carbonate.

Sodium carbonate is more if you think your separation was sloppy and some of the basic mimosa mix came through in your separation, and then you wash with sodium carbonate before evap/freeze...
thanks alot man that was exactly what I needed to know. I have plastic syringes(w/o needle) so I think i can use that for the solvent separation or just trying to pour carefully. SWIM is going to hit the 99c store to check out glass or pyrex flatpan and jars for the science experiment. SWIM is trying to keep it basic and time-friendly for now due to location but in the future recrystallization could be cool if the effects are worth it.
I dont know from experience, but heard reports on the internet that syringes can be a problem, something about the rubber that gets dry and becomes a problem to pull or something like that.. Also be careful that its HDPE plastic or dont use it, as solvent can dissolve some and you dont want to smoke/ingest plastic residues..

try to find a pippette or turkey baster, of glass or HDPE plastic.. Big cities always have chemical/lab supply stores and you can easily find some with google..
the pdf at the thread i posted used 1 gallon milk and a gatorade w/ twist top for a funnel...seemed to work out good SWIM would use those in combination with a glass tray...will any type of glass baking pan work and what's a recommended size for 1 lb of MHRB?
So upon reading more and more teks It seems more common to freeze precip as opposed to just evaping Naptha straight away...Any reasons why? I don't believe I have a freezer strong enough to do the freze precip...I thought I saw a temp of -20?(could be very mistaken) Just looking for some peoples feedback on why they prefer one method to another as SWIM want's to be able to receive the cleanest spice possible while extracting in the least amount of time.
lol thanks
naw not from jersey just over 2 over-priced bridges so not too far...just love the nets(I'm from their future home)

o also the reason SWIM don't want to do a freezer precip is cause the only freezer in SWIM's house that can turn ice cream hard is shared with parents who might get curious about strange mixtures and why he's making em so SWIM'S leaning towards evap but don't wanna get a shit product
well not far at all. In regards to your freezer, you could put it in late night, take it out early morning and you'll have crystals. Swim never did an evap, but he thinks you get better crystallization compared to crashing them out of the cold naptha. Correct swim if hes wrong. Also try to go with glass man, go grab some cheap pickles! youll have pickles for a few months lol, but youll have a nice glass jar to work with. Cant help you with the wash, swim just does a quick ammonia wash, you wont lose much product.
thanks for the reply, SWIM was actually planning on doing this midday with no relatives in the house and using Lazyman's tek due to short amount of time needed for first pull and probably do one pull per day in the given time frame....if SWIM's patient he could just set up the entire solution (lye/mhrb/water) 1 day and not do the first naptha pull til the next free time slot but would it be recommended to add the naptha right before the pull or to let sit with naptha for 12-24 hours and then do first pull and freeze precip?

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