So I've done some research but want to make sure of some final details. If SWIM is going to do this then they plan on doing the Lazyman's Tek due to its simplicity and quick time. Now the process seems simple after reading a bunch of STB extractions and threads but I wanted to double-check on the sodium carbonate wash...
Now I've read it's not really necessary but if you want you can do it. Since it's a must to do multiple pulls and you already have a final product how would you wash it with the sodium carbonate. From what I read you can redissolve it into the solvent and throw some sodium carbonate and re-evap it and voila its clean w/o reducing yield (as with ammonia)
So just to clarify the washing process, once all pulls are finished you dissolve the crystals into a small amount of naptha(or the naptha that was separated from your last pull) and add it to a
mixture of 100 ml water & up to 10 grams of sodium carbonate.... mix/shake for 3-5 mins and then just separate and re-evap in the same manner of making the original product. From what I understand this will provide you with a clean amount of spice without losing any. Did I mess this up somewhere or are there any suggestions?
Now I've read it's not really necessary but if you want you can do it. Since it's a must to do multiple pulls and you already have a final product how would you wash it with the sodium carbonate. From what I read you can redissolve it into the solvent and throw some sodium carbonate and re-evap it and voila its clean w/o reducing yield (as with ammonia)
So just to clarify the washing process, once all pulls are finished you dissolve the crystals into a small amount of naptha(or the naptha that was separated from your last pull) and add it to a
mixture of 100 ml water & up to 10 grams of sodium carbonate.... mix/shake for 3-5 mins and then just separate and re-evap in the same manner of making the original product. From what I understand this will provide you with a clean amount of spice without losing any. Did I mess this up somewhere or are there any suggestions?