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Ketamine + DMT = Insanely Profound Reawakening

Migrated topic.


Multi Dimensional Entity
So the other night i had a .6 of k and i thought hey thets have a line and stick the new alien film on so i did and when the room started shifting around my tv and i felt like i was on a roller coasted sinking through my bed then sticking to the ceiling... i knew it was time to load the bong with some DMT

Any way bowl loaded Sandwich method it put 50mg in the bowl anyway i took 2 big hits and remember laying back in my chair and staring directly into my light next thing you know i was absorbed by the light and CATAPULTED into hyperspace this is the quickest its ever come over me all i remember is taking the 2nd hit ...and it felt like a giant had picked me up and i was in his palm and this energy was staring at me through a microscope, i was staring right at this thing i remember it just being made of orange hexagons and yellow circles there wasn't really an out line of it you could just see it crafted in the patterns (sounds weird i know proper geometric head fuck, i found the K really sort of froze the visuals it wasn't so erratic ) ..anyway this thing was showing me, well looked to me like the evolution chart and it was like it was telling me

"Your not finished yet, your not finished yet look your not finished"

Like it was saying we still need to finish evolving

And it was pointing to then end of the chart

Well this is all going on i can still hear the 2 synthetics in alien convenient speaking to each other talking about xenomorph, humanity and that also added to the sure realness off it (took me awhile to work out where the fuck this epic speech was coming from)

Anyway i was then shot back through the light into my body (This is when i really notices the k doing its thing) when i came round the bong was on the floor where i didn't even make it to putting it down and it took me 5 minutes to work out was real and was not the after glow was amazing all these colors dancing in front of me but instead of flying around all over the place they were very tame like the energy was still there but they sort of were contained cant really explain it) the K defiantly make its 100% easier to breakthrough IMO i think as your ego is already sort of there. this is deffo the most vivid breakthrough i have had and how quick it sent me there was amazing... BUT BE WARNED HAVE SOMEONE TO TAKE THE BONG OFF YOU as you just dont have time to react

I swear it lasted a bit longer as well like even when i came back and got into bed i had to pause the film and stare at the pretty patterns, try and reflect, process and get my bearings work out if i was still alive or dead, what was reality and what was the trip what the fuck just happened to me xD the feeling after was as if i just been born again proper amazing when i got back to my body like i had been sun kissed by god as silly as that sounds xD

im going to be trying this combo again next weekend! as i think im in love

There is more im trying to put into words i will keep updating
Hey Clife777!

Great report man, loved reading it. Sounds like you had an intense experience.

Just a warning though, ketamine can be addictive. I haven't tried it, so I wouldn't know, but this is what I've heard from quite a few people on this forum. I'm sure you're being careful, just wanted to give a friendly warning.😁

Oh and by the way, welcome to the forum brotha!:thumb_up:
JustAnotherHuman said:
Hey Clife777!

Great report man, loved reading it. Sounds like you had an intense experience.

Just a warning though, ketamine can be addictive. I haven't tried it, so I wouldn't know, but this is what I've heard from quite a few people on this forum. I'm sure you're being careful, just wanted to give a friendly warning.😁

Oh and by the way, welcome to the forum brotha!:thumb_up:

Hi Bud thank you for reading :), Yeah Ketamine has had me in its grips before, your tolerance builds So so quickly its a bitch of a drug, this actually the first time ive dabbled in it for about 3 months as takes me like half a gram just to K hole now so i gave up on it :(. Main reason i got it was because i wanted to combine these two i think after this bag of it is gone i will leave it alone for a a while

burnt said:
Nice report. I've combined these two before but only low doses of each. Felt like K potentiated the DMT more then the DMT potentiated the K. Felt like DMT was slowed down. I enjoy combining more N2O if I were to compare with another dissociative.

Yes i agree with you the K is defiantly the sidekick in the combination makes the DMT take over completely as your at its mercy, love it! xD... Hmmm thats interesting combo might have to try that , whats it like compared to K?
xD yeah that is bit of a chore on the lungs, bet your head was floating off your shoulders like a deflating balloon, fair play to ya i might give this combo a bash when i get my hand on some N20
burnt said:
Well they key is to fill the balloon with nitrous take a big hit of dmt, breathe in the nitrous, then exhale both back into the balloon, take a breathe of fresh air, and then suck it all in.

Yes mate! i just ordered some N20 i want to try this madness
anon_003 said:
I find that ketamine is a much more valuable substance to combine with DMT.

*coming from a recovering nitrous addict*

Nitrous is a wonderful substance. As long as you don't use a mask or seal yourself in a confined space with a tank, it is almost impossible to die from nitrous oxide. It combines well with almost any substance. It is easily obtainable and comfortable (if not downright pleasurable) to consume.

But because of its short-acting and compulsive nature, it is too distracting for a DMT experience. I find that I am thinking about cracking another charger more than the actual content of the trip.

Don't get me wrong - Nitrous is more than capable of delivering experiences as deep as any other entheogen, when used properly. I have had white light/void totality experiences, tactile hyperspace flights, and every other hallmark experience under the sun using only nitrous.

I find that as far as nitrous goes, LSD is your best bet. Mushrooms are great with nitrous too, but LSD is a seamless combination, They are ultra-synergistic, and the ultimate way to experience either. It is an experience of absolute chaos. Nitrous chargers are like miniature big bangs going off in your head. The divine spark of random that started it all. A surreal flash-bang of NOTHING and your consciousness is yanked in every durection it wasn't before.

Ketamine has the duration necessary to really work with DMT. I also definitely find that it slows down the visuals - it gives you the absolute luxury of being able to partially digest the DMT experience as its happening. This is invaluable, as I always seem to find that as soon as I focus on the details of the DMT flash, the experience comes to a screeching halt. K is just so much better ehen it is "colored" by a psychedelic drug.

I also love how the K nullifies the pre-smoalk anxiety. The machine like characteristics of the K provides the perfect hi-fi lens with which to analyze the DMT experience.

My practice is as follows. Depending on tolerance, One (1) or Two (2) 80 mg Intramuscular injections of K, in immediate succession. After the second shot, hit a pre-loaded vapor genie with ~25-30 mg spice. The K will peak about 2-3 minutes after the first shot, giving you the perfect window of time to consume the DMT. Be mindful of your doses, the K potentiates the livin crap out of the spice.

I love how the carrier wave of DMT gets totally digitized even more with K. It sounds like I am a bit of computer data that is evaporating in a puddle of water. That is an apt description of the experience in general. It is an experience of the Tao ; your perception changes so quickly and totally that you see your experience of reality for what it is - a regurgitation of your subconscious. This experience feels like watching your brain throw up unprocessed data from a randomly selected perceptual lens. The "themes" change so quickly you are left convinced that you are betweeen all themes.

There is no combination that will take you further than K + DMT. Use common sense here, people. I tend to err on the side of more K, less DMT.

I could not agree with you more buddy, and i done LSD + MDMA + DMT camping the weekend BEST TRIP OF MY LIFE the breakthrough was just surreal my favorite one yet close to the K Breakthrough, will be doing K and DMT again 100% though as it blew my socks off!
I spent most of my teens and young adult life addicted to dissociatives, primarily this combination with DMT. Chasing it for years.

Sure its really cool and feels awesome, certainly no doubt about that. But so does heroin. And if you think your going to 'get' anything out of it, don't delude yourself into thinking it's any different than thinking your going to 'get' something out of using heroin. Even psychedelics alone, DMT, can abused if you 'put your mind to it' (there is great irony there:grin: ) but its definitely way easier when you take away all the fear with ketamine.

I'm not saying 'dont do it' , im just offering my experience years later after 'falling in love' with this combination. and it was an unimaginable amount of suffering and isolation and complete helplessness:d

i have had beautiful, amazing experiences too. Coming out of the hole or (whole) is a lot like coming out of the womb (another hole hehe), being reborn into reality. Condensing down the universe into a one dimensional point, its incredible stuff. But what is it really? What does it really offer what you don't already have, what isn't already here? Its an illusion, don't forget that. DMT won't let you forget that easily, itll slap you. Ketamine on the other hand, happy to wrap you in a warm blanket and set you on your way...

I've gone into further detail of my own experience in this thread Abstention - my experience of 4 months of sobriety - Health and Lifestyle - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus , as well as elsewhere on the forum if your interested.
burnt said:
I should have had disclaimer that nitrous + dmt was used in more of party hedonistic atmosphere and mindset. I wouldn't expect to get anything meaningful except fun out of it. K I could see going way deeper.

Okay bud still worth a crack i love the recreational side to it aswell as the deep spiritual ones...is it bad that i love every aspect of DMT xD

K Was very deep and meaningful to the point where i had amnesia when i came back from hyperspace for a good 3 minutes i honestly didnt know where i was what i was doing...and i was just in my bedroom sat down xD
burnt said:
Okay bud still worth a crack i love the recreational side to it aswell as the deep spiritual ones...is it bad that i love every aspect of DMT xD

Nope, not imo anyway. :d Just be smart have a sitter with these combos since you tend to fall over.

Ill make sure i have someone to catch me bud xD guide my fall into the sofa
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