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Ketamine trip( best I've ever had)

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Rising Star
Ketamine for me in high doses is the best psychedelic I've ever had. The visuals are more defined than lsd, the feeling in the space is on par with shrooms and the experience is forgetting everything. I forgot I was human. Earlier in the night I had smoked dmt very unsuccessfully due to poor vaping. Got to around 12.30 and I'm like fuck it I'm getting some k. Ket arrived around 1. I took the 2 grams and just poured the lot on the table. Made 2 chunky lines for me and my friend, wasn't fucking about was disappointed about the dmt. I eyeballed the lines but when I weight the ket in the morning I had 0.7 left so they were chunky. I remember sniffing the line and after about 10-15 mins iI remember just looking at my friend and he looked to be moving away from me. I remember looking at him and then I was looking at myself from the other side of The room lying there I could see myself. Feeling so trippy and fucked i tried to get up (fuck knows why?) and just fell starlight back down cause I was so heavy. Then it happened my awareness of the surroundings the room everything went and I was immersed into a world of starlight imagination . Drifting through universes in my head with no concept of time or reality. It felt amazing. No troubles no body, no mind it was like I was a soul just drifting through the afterlife. No pain, no me, just drifting and floating through this colourful universe. Going up and down and all around on the most beautiful journey ones mind can ever go on. I thought I had died, I felt like god. Every now and again I'd here the music and again it synced with the trip bending and warping to the music. I was flying. It's so blissful cause you just forget you have even taken ketamine and it feels spiritual in The sense that it feels real to you in the moment like there is peace in your mind that death isn't something to fear. This is what death is I remember thinking. We don't know what life is let alone death and the fact I can be in this kind of headspace must mean there is something after. It's a nice feeling if not a little bit untrue. The ketamine trip for me is amazing because it removes you from the veichle you subscribe, removes you completely from the situation and just immerses you into a world of your own imagination. You don't identify as a body no more because your body is unfelt.
I just found out they’ve been subscribing K as an anti depressant therapy! I’ve always enjoyed K.Higher doses are “godly”.
Just be careful to not start enjoying that 'empty space' detachment too much; although it is not an addictive substance, tolerance build up easily and has been the end of many a nice person I know, in the sense they stop enjoying the now as it is easier in the cotton wool cocoon. Spice can offer similar respite from the real world, but ignoring (or worse trying to forget) it leads down a bad path.

Have you combined the two. I find they are hyper-compatible; K first of course as the old saying goes.

DMT before K - no way (want to prolong that hyperspace time)
K before DMT - works for me (pre-flight angst removal services are not always the best thing, but if its been a while can be called for)
SturdyPegs said:
although it is not an addictive substance,

Oh, it certainly is (all animals will self-administer). In my experience, it is the single most addictive substance, heroin or methamphetamine pale in comparison. It is because of exactly that experience which the OP described. That fearless spiritual feeling, making you feel like god, that is what activates the mesolimbic reward pathway.

Life isn't that easy, that feeling ketamine brings feels too good to be true because it is. To really experience those feelings in everyday life, it requires hard work. You can't have it without doing the work. If you chase it you'll pay for it with everything you have and then some.
Yes dissociatives are the most addictive category of drugs for me. I was severely addicted to DXM when I was a teenager, (when I was 14 I was taking around 2000mg doses multiple times a week)and now I haven't touched it in years. Every once in a while I am very tempted to go down that path again but I push it out of my mind immediately because it one of the hardest things to control and quickly leads to delusions and total break with conventional human functioning (wondering around in the winter= in flip flops, going to the bar lieing down on the pool table and lighting up a cigarette, picking random fights etc.)

DXM has its own bad side effects (seemingly mostly mental and probably brain destroying) but ketamine also has its own bad effects.

Be careful!:thumb_up:
Mindlusion said:
Life isn't that easy, that feeling ketamine brings feels too good to be true because it is. To really experience those feelings in everyday life, it requires hard work. You can't have it without doing the work. If you chase it you'll pay for it with everything you have and then some.
Indeed. Ketamine coincides precisely with a stage at which my life went seriously wrong, although in fairness things really had to change. Explore by all means, but beware of being fooled.
Mindlusion said:
SturdyPegs said:
although it is not an addictive substance,

Oh, it certainly is (all animals will self-administer). In my experience, it is the single most addictive substance, heroin or methamphetamine pale in comparison. It is because of exactly that experience which the OP described. That fearless spiritual feeling, making you feel like god, that is what activates the mesolimbic reward pathway.

I am too aware of it being one to chase, disassociates and depressants have had a hold over me multiple times, hence the warning Miundlusion. Physically, it is not addictive, psychologically of course, hell, people can get addicted to almost anything if it triggers an emotional/psychological effect they find fun/necessary. My friends associate K with depression when it comes to my taking of it, and multiple holes a night (when others were stimming) were not uncommon, due to a lack of want for day to day reality.

Stims I can take or leave oddly, I find meth a disgusting waste of time, freebase coke is merely a fun afternoon, but when a drug wraps you in cotton wool and also seems to teach you, and leaves you refreshed like it did me for a fair while (like a depression reset button) then indeed it is hard to stop. Becomes expensive in many a way and as I said, seen many a friend really fuck up on the stuff.
ketamine and all dissociatives provide there own wonders and problems with use. i would be very hesitant to consider these substances as psychedelics though, they effect the brain in a totally different way than any true psychedelics and should be treated and taken as what they are not confused with what they arent.
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