Id love to know how you get on FatCat as I have five khat seeds but just havent got round to trying to germinate them. At low doses kratom can be quite stimulating, but in my limited experience of it its very subtle, people do tend to use it more for the sedating effects, which I didnt like at all, think I may have took too much though, im not into opiates though.
Khat is a great plant which I used to use quite reguarly, had some on Sunday, that was the first time in a couple of months. It makes you really sociable and chatty and can be great for a night out or a night of chatting with friends, sometimes when ive been chewing during the day then Ill have a couple of drinks with my girlfriend I end up having these really deep conversations about things, isnt just the alcohol, great social plant and hopefully ill get off my bum and get some on the go this summer. Ive heard when its fresh it can be a mild psychedelic, good for people who arent into psychedelics, apparantly. I get it from the local somali Khat shop, cool dudes 8)