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Last Experience Was... Neutral??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all,

35 mg freebase, one big toke through GVG. I may have left 5 mg or so in the pipe, fearing I would cough if I didn't. Next time I plan to take two tokes instead of one.
Set and setting: alone in apartment, reasonably positive headspace.

My last experience was surprisingly devoid of emotional, inspirational, or exhilarating content. I had the similar experience I've had in the past with regard to the visuals. Everything was quickly changing and morphing. I want to say that it was sub-breakthrough, but not by much. I was definitely tripping hard. Very strange, I almost felt ignored in some way. It wasn't negative at all, but when the trip was over I was surprised that it wasn't very mind-blowing. I just took some notes, made dinner and went to bed. Almost like nothing ever happened.

Am I just getting used to the experience? Should I increase the dosage? I assume I should take a break and integrate, but I'd just like to get your thoughts on the matter.

I'm struck by how different each trip is. Sure, there are similarities, but each one has a distinct character.

That is how it goes sometimes, for any number of reasons, from vaping technique to purity of product, sometimes it is hard to pinpoint what is going on exactly. It is a mysterious molecule, indeed. A break would probably do some good, it usually does for me anyway. That or you could try adding some harmalas to the mix either orally, smoked, or sublingual.

Don't be too discouraged by the ignored feeling you received. I've had beings tell me to stay away before, so I took some time off for integration, and when I eventually came back to DMT everything was as beautiful and jaw dropping as it once was.
Thanks for the advice. I have been considering adding some harmalas, just haven't gotten around to it yet because I still want to dial in a sweet spot freebase dosage with the GVG.

And I think you're right about the break. Even though I don't do it very often, it's worth giving it a rest. After all, it's not going anywhere.

I have read on the nexus that someone reported good results with smoking straight caapi leaves, then smoking DMT right after. Is there any truth to this?

InAwe said:
I have read on the nexus that someone reported good results with smoking straight caapi leaves, then smoking DMT right after. Is there any truth to this?


Absolutely! Smoke a bowl or two of your caapi, then vape your DMT. I haven't worked with caapi much myself but I am very familiar with Syrian Rue and the harmalas it contains. I like to make sure that I can feel the harmalas working (which is pretty instantaneous with smoking, longer for oral or sublingual harmalas of course) and then puff on the DMT. It will all depend on the strength of your b. caapi.
Excellent, thanks for verifying that. I will definitely be giving it a try.

I have smoked the caapi before, about a bowl's worth amount, but I didn't feel anything at all. Regardless, I'll still give it a try prior to lift off.
Like I mentioned, it will depend on the strength of your b. caapi. If you suspect that it is low in alkaloids, you could always make 10x caapi by infusing 10g into 1g.

Part of the reason why I personally enjoy extracted harmalas over plant material, is that I know what dosage I need and can administer it with some degree of accuracy:

Oral harmalas - ~200mg
Smoked harmalas - 20-40mg
Sublingual harmalas - 15-30mg

The above are rough dosages that work for me. It is definitely something to look into if your caapi isn't giving the results you are looking for. Good luck!
I feel like my last few sessions with dmt have gone exactly the way you described. Since diving back into the spice pool ive had two really good visual trips and 4 lackluster mid experiences. I noticed something with the strong visual ones i always get a high pitched ringing in my ears like a frequency that blips and changes with flashed of light.. the 4 mid ones this noise never came dispit smoking larger and larger quantities of spice. Im wondering if im getting some sort of tolerance to it. Ive also extracted some harmalas from rue. Its currently in its fb form. How do yku guys prefer to smoke you fb harmalas ? I was planning on putting some in a joint or bowl. Since other then dmt the only i smoke is weed.
Sasquach2112 said:
I feel like my last few sessions with dmt have gone exactly the way you described. Since diving back into the spice pool ive had two really good visual trips and 4 lackluster mid experiences. I noticed something with the strong visual ones i always get a high pitched ringing in my ears like a frequency that blips and changes with flashed of light.. the 4 mid ones this noise never came dispit smoking larger and larger quantities of spice. Im wondering if im getting some sort of tolerance to it. Ive also extracted some harmalas from rue. Its currently in its fb form. How do yku guys prefer to smoke you fb harmalas ? I was planning on putting some in a joint or bowl. Since other then dmt the only i smoke is weed.

I like to smoke my harmalas between a sandwich of mullein. Mullein--> harmalas--> mullein, then smoke like you would normally out of a bong or bowl. But you can use whatever smokable herb you prefer, it doesn't have to be mullein. I prefer mullein because it is inert, smooth on the lungs, and it won't alter the DMT experience in anyway.
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