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Letting Go

Migrated topic.
I've found that letting go has been one of my biggest battles. Sometimes I have to work at it for hours during my spice work before I 'm able to break myself down enough to allow myself to fully let go. I have come face to face with my inability to just let go and not be held back. I am my biggest stumbling block sometimes. In most cases its not out of fear its some kind of strong part of my personality that won't allow myself to let go and enjoy. Its amazing how we can learn so much about ourselves from this kind of work. Sometimes its a comedy wresting match with my self: "ME vs. ME
a Fight to the ego death!!"
When the resistance finally gives way its the most liberating amazing feeling of all for me. I live for that moment. Thats when the real stuff begins. It seems to be about the flow, flowing flowing flowing.
The work starts days before I go. I try and button up all loose ends and prepare myself in all ways. Sometimes one small unresolved thing out of place can be enough to cause difficulty. I try to remove all ability for my mind to hold me back. No distractions at all. I have the ultimate natural wonderland as my launch point with numerous beautiful locations to choose from. I'm getting excited just writing about it.

I have been working diligently to overcome myself. It seems to take steady practiced work.
lots of great stuff in this thread.
thank you

now we are going to bring it all home, YOU were forged and born in the loving arms of the universe, you are made of star dust and believe you me, despite what you may led your self to believe and society has taught you, YOU ARE EVERLASTINGLY LOVED but it is up to you to participate in the dialog of life and love, it is up to you to remember/relearn how to communicate and connect with existence...

WOW! This is awesome! I need to remember this and embody this idea. What a great way to think about life and relate to all that is. Thanks.
fear is a joke. it is the big "secret" that makes this illusion have any ability to keep you from truly knowing yourself. there is NOTHING to fear!! you are infinite, so stop trying to hold on to finite definitions of yourself!!

That's quite a revelation I would like to experience.

and believe you me, despite what you may led your self to believe and society has taught you, YOU ARE EVERLASTINGLY LOVED but it is up to you to participate in the dialog of life and love, it is up to you to remember/relearn how to communicate and connect with existence...

I don't have to believe you, I know it. But it's quickly forgotten and other forces take over. SWIM would love to smoke more often to get to a point where it is impossible to emotionally forget this. I mean, the mind still knows it, but the feeling degrades ...because the forces around are extremely strong.
I am quite a beginner in this area. I managed to really let go only once in my life (first LSD experience). Analyzing myself, I came to the conclusion that the hindrance lies in my inability to accept that the present moment is enough. For some reason I became convinced that the Holy Grail I am constantly looking for cannot be "just here", it must be "out there somewhere" and I spend 99.9% of my energy hunting that "something out there", which makes me practically dead in the present moment, soul-wise. Which is quite ironic (becoming dead because of aggressively hunting life).

With my left brain I realize how stupid I am (it's quite clear that there is nothing else but the present moment), but still, something keeps up this projection of past-present-future in me and doesn't let it go away. A part of me seems to think that it is of utmost importance to keep things this way. (Of course this is easily identified as ego-defense, but rational thinking doesn't help to overcome it.)
i realize i've posted this before.....but for some reason it just seemed apropos....

watch this:

....now try to think about the silly things you cling to like "identity" and "reason"...

the immeasureably tiny amount of time we have in this place...this immeasureably tiny place...with the infinite enormity of all that is engulfing us until we are simply an indistinguishable part of that infinite wholeness....

it's worth sitting and pondering..."what do you think you are really holding on to anyways?" :shock:

hehe, by coincidence I posted that the other day as well antrocles! It does put things into perspective... It also blows me away that mankind has become capable of producing such a map.
This thread is awesome.

Truly, the path a Buddha follows is one of acceptance, awareness and surrender. "Letting go" is truly a great experience to go through, and what better way to experience this other than ...

dahn dahn dahnnn....

DMT!!! hahahahahahahahahahahhahahha. :lol:
Maybe it just me but, when im out in nature away from society, roads, cars, human noises, i find "letting go" sooooooo much easier. nature has a way of embracing and healing, teaching, reconnecting and smoothing out the distractions, and apon the return re-integration, nature for me is one of the best sights i could hope to be greeted with when i open my eyes...

If you guys are trippin' in your living rooms and having trouble, might i humbly suggest a little trip out to your local nature spot, take the long way walk out there, use this time to relax your mind, as your mind drifts and eyes drink in beauty that is nature you start to loose the stresses of the city life, as you walk you begin to feel the flow of the world, you reconnect to the eternal rhythms of nature, of life, of the cosmos, feel the resonance, the connection, walk till you find a little out of the way spot where you know you wont be interrupted, some where you find you feel comfortable, take a deep breath of that freash air, and exhale deeeeep pushing that stagnent air out, freash air in, feel that flow...

And NOW is the time to Goooooooo.....
Hit that spice good,
You know the rest,
Close those eyes,
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