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Letting the NN-Dimethyltryptamine cat out of the bag

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
To preface, this isn't an inquiry regarding pontification of the DMT/psychedelic experience to others. Instead, I'm here to discuss with an objective lense the many avenues that foster mass propogation of awareness. In other words the question is "In what way could the DMT/mystical psychedelic experience be known by hundreds of millions - billions of humam beings?" I'm gemuinely curious as to what minor and major factors could influence this anomally into a meme. Let's set a benchmark degree of awareness being that: individuals acknowledge that DMT has serious mystical properties, something of great existential power. For instance, even though lil Suzy has never partaken she at least knows along with most others that there is a peculiarly relevant mystery, and that the household family collectively admits to its being.

Yes there are numerous minute to macro variables that influence a benchmark awareness and if anyone wants to articulate benchmarks go for it. NOW, the avenues I speak of may include: artistic depictions of pure hyperspatial appearance to metaphor (painting, digital works, sculpture), Terence McKenna-esque workshops, informational leaks into mainstream media like NBC, FOX (lol), online news/television.. etc. The potential pop cultural awareness of such a mental bomb intrigues the hell out of me. Has anyone pondered hypotheses?

(remember this is an objective dive into mechanical forces of meme-ing DMT, your moral consideration of the consequences of mainstream DMT is outside of my scope wonderment atm)
Here are my thought's, and this very well may come from a sort of bias type background.

The knowledge is all here. The Spirit Molecule docu is on Netflix, right now. The knowledge of dmt is all over the place. There's even a rumor someone made a website strictly relating to it.

So if one is curious and can pick up q's, then they can put in footwork. I'd be concerned if everything got handed out to people walking by, so to speak. That's always been trouble. For right now, there is a good balance, in my eyes.

My bias part is when salvia became common knowledge. I knew immediatly salvia was going to catch a bullet when I found out it was being sold in head shops. I knew people were going to "mess" everything up. One dumb idiot gets the spotlight for holding onto an M80 and blowing off his pinky = now nobody is smart enough to have firecrackers. That's just the way this dumb society structure works. It rewards the wrong things, in my eyes.

So, that said, I feel the knowledge is all there if you're willing to look and put in work. It's all here. But just because F-117 Nighthawks are "doap af" doesnt mean we should highlight it to all the people of the world. The internet...is playing a role right now. Let's not get all wildfire and hit the hornet nest before we have an idea of where the pond we're gonna have to run to is located.

You know what I mean? Perhaps I misread your question. But that's where I personally am at with this thing. Over exposure could be very bad right now. And truth be told, this thing is not for everyone.
Asher7 said:
The knowledge is all here. The Spirit Molecule docu is on Netflix, right now. The knowledge of dmt is all over the place. There's even a rumor someone made a website strictly relating to it.

Check this one, it's great Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

Honestly, I think, as Asher7 said, that mass awareness of DMT could just lead to salvia-similar developments. The good point is that it's unlikely, since it requires particular (and druggie-like) devices to smoke, and this keep people away. Also ayahuasca, which have got already too much popularity imho, somehow repels people thanks to the vomiting&puking part.

I also see no scenario in which it could be known buy most of the population, and talked about, but used by less people. It would at most become something on the same level of psychotherapy in term of informational spread: some would attend, most would know about it but they won't find it interesting enough to dedicate it more than a few chat-filling words here and there.
(Of course I'm not comparing psychotherapy and DMT in terms of experience)

A more sci-fi scenario would be it become a sort of global religion (pass me the term). I mean, DMT is a certain path to feel the mystery, if anything else, and that's something no faith on Earth can claim. This could potentially cease out most creationists and set down the Church.
That would be a really pleasing development imho, but I'm probably over-fantasizing.
Hypothetical here: Why not instead, we get together and create a valid religion dedicated to exploring inner consciousness with the aid of psychedelics such as but not limited to dmt and its variants? I somehow feel that could be a better idea if somehow we could get the world to accept it. I feel it would have to have an open membership policy and stress that while not for everyone, those who seek it could do so and be among others who are experienced and could aid in the journeys to come. These substances have serious potential and I personally feel that big pharma is holding us back the most. Why would they want something out there that can work better than their expensive designer drugs they have dumped billions into the R&D of. I do feel more people need made aware of all these great substances, however I also feel we would have a responsibility to ourselves and everyone else to legitimize them in the eyes of the world.
I just wish freedom of religion would also apply to personal spirituality. We shouldn't need a religion just to explore ourselves, learn, grow, and have spirituality.
An_Observer said:
Hypothetical here: Why not instead, we get together and create a valid religion dedicated to exploring inner consciousness with the aid of psychedelics such as but not limited to dmt and its variants?

Santo Daime and União do Vegetal both incorporate aya into a religious setting. I think the trouble is that for decades now people have been pummelled with the 'Drugs are Evil' rhetoric, and most people believe what those in authority tell them. Why would you not trust the opinions of doctors who have treated you all your life when the medical concencus tells you they are dangerous and may kill you.

There's good work being done now with cannabis, ketamine, mushrooms, DMT and MDMA (off the top of my head - maybe there's more) that hopefully will allow people to reassess their views on what they had previously been told was a danger to them and show a therapeutic aspect to these substances, but it will be hard to change the minds of people who have lived all their lives with a particular view of any subject. It takes a very open person who is willing to change a lifelong outlook, despite new evidence.

I think things will change, but it will take decades, not years, and research into those substances will help to separate them in people's minds from a collected view of 'illegal drugs'. More than a few people in my life regard all drugs as bad - doesn't matter that they drink alcohol, coffee, take painkillers and accept whatever prescription they're given, but I understand why when the information they've been given all their lives points them a certain way. Hopefully minds can change though when previously demonised substances are shown to have positive impacts on people and make positive change in their lives.

Interesting. I have heard of UDV before and was intrigued. And yes, I agree that people follow what authorities say with second thought. From past experience, I feel that prescription meds like antidepressants are far worse than many of the substances we enjoy which come from nature. I have completely stopped taking even caffeine after a rather long session with changa and that is one of the most addictive and widely accepted psychoactive substances in the world. Gotta love how noone thinks twice about caffeine but mention lsd to them and they act like it will end the world.
Asher7 said:
So, that said, I feel the knowledge is all there if you're willing to look and put in work. It's all here. But just because F-117 Nighthawks are "doap af" doesnt mean we should highlight it to all the people of the world. The internet...is playing a role right now. Let's not get all wildfire and hit the hornet nest before we have an idea of where the pond we're gonna have to run to is located.

You know what I mean? Perhaps I misread your question. But that's where I personally am at with this thing. Over exposure could be very bad right now. And truth be told, this thing is not for everyone.
Your point definitely covers the rational apprehension approach. I definitely agree, however as I mentioned I'm less fascinated by the moral ramifications and more about the lubricants of propagation.. like you referenced the internet as a fostering agent. The sociological transfer avenues are so fascinsting.
Naut said:
I'm less fascinated by the moral ramifications and more about the lubricants of propagation.
You don't get to have one without the other. Or rather, the attitude of this community doesn't allow for that, as this isn't some theoretical abstraction. We've seen the real-world fallout from the explosion in attention and use DMT has gotten in the past decade as a result of simple/straightforward methodologies that came out of the Nexus. This has resulted in everything from the decimation of certain acacia patches to a pressing need for harm reduction as people who have no clue what DMT is have found it readily accessible.

To focus on propagation without consideration of the implications is reckless, imo. Honestly, as it currently stands, and as you've framed it, I don't see any merit to discussion of this topic, especially as you are explicitly uninterested in the ramifications.
SnozzleBerry said:
Naut said:
I'm less fascinated by the moral ramifications and more about the lubricants of propagation.
You don't get to have one without the other. Or rather, the attitude of this community doesn't allow for that, as this isn't some theoretical abstraction. We've seen the real-world fallout from the explosion in attention and use DMT has gotten in the past decade as a result of simple/straightforward methodologies that came out of the Nexus. This has resulted in everything from the decimation of certain acacia patches to a pressing need for harm reduction as people who have no clue what DMT is have found it readily accessible.

To focus on propagation without consideration of the implications is reckless, imo. Honestly, as it currently stands, and as you've framed it, I don't see any merit to discussion of this topic, especially as you are explicitly uninterested in the ramifications.
How is discussion as such reckless? I get the real world scenario that has and may happen will include negative happening. I already acknowledged this. Away from this literal post and keyboard I do have the capacity to entertain and empathize toward ramification. BUT, that shouldn't be reason to squash an interesting topic. Theorizing is a classic delicacy of philosphical inquiry, no need for rain amigo!
What's the intention? Can you unpack your desire to explore "the lubricants of propagation" as you put it, divorced from their social landscape? The number of people familiar with some aspect of psychedelics appears to be continuing to increase, at a seemingly exponential rate, imo.

My point is that the "meme-ing" of DMT has already taken place. Given the relative nature of cultural transmission, DMT and the experiences it facilitates are already a meme compared to 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 years ago.

Given the developments that have accompanied this trajectory, I believe that if you want to have this conversation, you need to be able to provide some sort of rationale behind it. Given your explicit statement re: lacking interest in the consequences, I'm pressing you to justify the reasoning behind your desire to discuss mechanics.
In my humble opinion DMT should be kept as far away from the limelight as possible. Seekers and journeymen of psychedelics will find it in their own time, when the time is right.
Unlike other psychedelics I would not consider it something that everyone should try at least once in their lives, in fact quite the contrary, many would be better off never looking into the pool of endless questions. It has a high potential to damage the uninitiated psychologically, especially without competent supervision, and furthermore add a negative stigma to what others are doing with our lives. There are plenty of less potent lysergamides and tryptamines that would provide the necessary perception of "oneness" that's often lacking in modern society, without DMT needing to be mainstream.

I also think big pharma has little to nothing to fear from DMT, where other illegal substances like MDMA, MJ, LSD, etc pose a real threat for their profitability. It's still likely to get caught up in the whirlwind though.

"The Spirit Molecule" whilst being interesting provides a highly romanticised view of the effect of DMT which I also fear could lead the foolhardy into taking the medicine without fully realising the implications. I hope it gets struck from Netflix and buried in the abyss of their copyright library, never to be seen on air again.
Naut said:
...Theorizing is a classic delicacy of philosphical inquiry...
So it's a brain fart, but I admit your definition sounds much more legit ;)

* * *

"Let's trow it to the public for mass enlightenment." is not new, we are at this topic once more. A quote to one of your predecessors:
Jees said:
In many South American countries the molecules are legal and used for very long times. There, it has not worked out as in a "fixing-the-worlds" belief, quite on the contrary. It's our lab rats continent and our beloved medicine is not saving those societies. Do you perhaps believe (as many do) that DMT + vine has an agenda and all we have to do is to surrender to it's mystic agenda? DMT + plants is used for bad bad things there in SA, and the dmt element did not hinder any of that to happen.

Why did this observable experiment (South America) not reflect your believes that dmt fixes communities? Why would say USA be any different?

* * *

The experiment with orange sunshine LSD hoped what you propose in the OP to do with dmt. This experiment has evolved in front of our eyes, that it could not do what was supposed to happen. Yes a lot had a good time, a lot of ego's were temporally neutralized, but people went on in life becoming the bankers and ceo's building high tech in low cost countries, somewhat like everything that makes you pissed nowadays.

This is what Tim Scully says about the experimental period to hand over massive amounts of best quality consciousness improving lsd to lift up a general level, to save the world just like you want, but he actually did it, with friends, they believed so strongly being ready to sit jail for it:

Tim Scully said:
...I don't think I'd choose to scatter LSD to the 4 winds again. Although most people had good experiences, many used psychedelics in what I think of as relatively firvolous ways. There are enough negative experiences and people who were injured one way or another to leave me with regrets. If any positive social changes can be attributed to the work I did they weren't nearly as strong as I hoped they'd be and if you can attribute positive social effects then we also have to take the blame for some of the negative social changes that have happened. I wonder if people like Huxley and Al Hubbard had the right idea when they thought that it was better to turn society on from the top down instead of from the bottom up...
Seems Tim Scully was not able to obtain a level free of ramifications either, little did he know about the fine art of philosophical extractions of his own practices? Perhaps that's the big difference between philosophers and people who actually do something, the last one is in jail.

On a more direct answer to OP: if it is to 'better' the world, I think of dmt as not the first choice. I'd rather feed the mass harmalas so they learn to empty their bowls decently and experience an elevated serotonin level on a big scale and see from there. Just my 2 cents.
I think this is the typical approach always to find the fault in the others:
If only all the others would behave differently, the world would be better.

But honestly, why not first change yourself?

Or as someone once put it: If you try to change the world, you will fail. But if you change yourself, the world has changed.

Lol Sri Aurobindo said once something like this:
God gave the sense of sin, so that we could see our deficits and be able to change ourselves. But now instead people are only seeing the sins in others...
Naut I really like your quest into this particular topic. I recognize it from past experiences that I have had, so here is what I think at this moment:

Forums like this, as well as personal relationships look to me as two good ways to spread knowledge. That is because you need personal initiative and commitment to both read a forum and to know a person, and this will automatically put you in the mindset of changing yourself that Aum_Shanti was talking about.

While handing over knowledge to whoever is passing by and any other way that implies pushing knowledge toward people look to me as bad ways. This is because looking into the pool of endless questions is dangerous to do without Aum_Shanti's mindset. As Northerner points out, humans that are uninitiated to psychology are not equipped with the right tools to face heavy trips that completely shutter all their beliefs, cause that's gonna be traumatic!

So yeah, try and keep a good balance, the two extremes are: keeping your knowledge secret and shoving it down people's throats. The more in the center you are, the better and smoother life will be (the way of the Tao). This would be my advice as of now, hope it'll be inspiring
In the 50's this compound was barely on the radar, it was pretty much in the hands of a few researchers and William Burroughs.

In the 60's it pretty well stayed within a fairly tight knit circle of edge explorers, namely The League for Spiritual Discovery and The Pranksters, and the chemists and beatnicks who flitted between the two coasts.

It was much the same through the 70's and into the late 80's, remaining at the level of low whispers between inner circle heads, till this brilliant and eloquent fellow started popping up at various small workshops around the country preaching the gospel of elf machines and stirring up interest amongst the yuppies that could afford to attend such workshops.

The cat officially got let out of bag in the early to mid 90's with the Entheogen Review, the early alt. newsgroups, and the likes of Lycaeum/DMT World, Deoxy, and Erowid. This just happened to coincide with Of the Jungle and a handful of other small suppliers making the obscure botanicals mentioned in these publications and forums available to their subscribers. Still relegated to those who were "in the know", the tools and techniques to bring this experience to the people were now available to anyone dedicated enough to seek them out.

Even then, it didn't really begin to take hold of the public imagination till the early 2000's with the release of The Spirit Molecule book, the uploading of the Terence Mckenna lecture collection to the internet, and the visionary artwork of Alex Grey gracing the cover of Lateralus debuting at #1 on the billboard charts. That was the point where DMT really went mainstream and it became impossible to stuff the genie back into the bottle. From that point forward awareness has grown exponentially. By the mid 2000's you could smell the indole backbone throughout the art world; from the giant psychedelic villages and Dimethyltemples at Burning Man with their associated playalogues and podcasts, through the revived EDM and rave culture, across the literary spectrum and burgeoning visionary art movements, to setting the web fora abuzz with heretofore unknown terms like changa and ayahuasca.

Now it's right about here that an obscure little website called The DMT Nexus launches and starts openly and unapologetically offering up the goods in the form of a well indexed wiki full of extraction teks, plenty of troubleshooting advice and peer support from chemical experts, and a handy supplier section chock full of reviews and resources. This is when the spice went from a interesting curiosity to something actively being explored by thousands of people.

So we find ourselves a decade out from that pinnacle moment when the gift was bestowed on the masses and now you'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't at least of heard of DMT or ayahausca, having had some meme or other pop up in their newsfeed or seen a documentary or 3 at some point or another. Indole competing with the kush wafting on the breeze through the festival grounds, and the whole plethora of crystalline keys at the behest of anyone saavy enough to operate the onion router.

It's been quite a ride watching the hypermind invade the collective consciousness of the 21st century, and on the whole, as a global culture, I'd say we have been integrating it pretty darn well. The effort to mainstream psychedelics is still at it's infancy, but has thus far really been a sweeping success, and at this point it's got enough momentum that it can no longer be stopped. We are most assuredly moving toward a much moar fractal future. So stop worrying and embrace the shift. It's a beautiful thing. :love:

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