Rising Star
To preface, this isn't an inquiry regarding pontification of the DMT/psychedelic experience to others. Instead, I'm here to discuss with an objective lense the many avenues that foster mass propogation of awareness. In other words the question is "In what way could the DMT/mystical psychedelic experience be known by hundreds of millions - billions of humam beings?" I'm gemuinely curious as to what minor and major factors could influence this anomally into a meme. Let's set a benchmark degree of awareness being that: individuals acknowledge that DMT has serious mystical properties, something of great existential power. For instance, even though lil Suzy has never partaken she at least knows along with most others that there is a peculiarly relevant mystery, and that the household family collectively admits to its being.
Yes there are numerous minute to macro variables that influence a benchmark awareness and if anyone wants to articulate benchmarks go for it. NOW, the avenues I speak of may include: artistic depictions of pure hyperspatial appearance to metaphor (painting, digital works, sculpture), Terence McKenna-esque workshops, informational leaks into mainstream media like NBC, FOX (lol), online news/television.. etc. The potential pop cultural awareness of such a mental bomb intrigues the hell out of me. Has anyone pondered hypotheses?
(remember this is an objective dive into mechanical forces of meme-ing DMT, your moral consideration of the consequences of mainstream DMT is outside of my scope wonderment atm)
Yes there are numerous minute to macro variables that influence a benchmark awareness and if anyone wants to articulate benchmarks go for it. NOW, the avenues I speak of may include: artistic depictions of pure hyperspatial appearance to metaphor (painting, digital works, sculpture), Terence McKenna-esque workshops, informational leaks into mainstream media like NBC, FOX (lol), online news/television.. etc. The potential pop cultural awareness of such a mental bomb intrigues the hell out of me. Has anyone pondered hypotheses?
(remember this is an objective dive into mechanical forces of meme-ing DMT, your moral consideration of the consequences of mainstream DMT is outside of my scope wonderment atm)