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lifestyle of the psychonaut.............

Migrated topic.

The Infinite Abyss

Rising Star
hello all....

i want to get a feel for the people on this forum
and the for that matter, in the psychedelic community

please answer the following questions in as brief a fashion as possible....

1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..

6.Your diet and exercise regiments

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc

feel free to only answer some of these questions if you feel uncomfortable.
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I am writing a book now, Simply because I have a interesting story to tell, I tried to be a musician and quickly realized I suck profoundly at it
2.why do you use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
I dont anymore. I tried them because each experience especially the intense ones changes the psyche of the individual, you are not like you were when you were a child the lessons and experiences you have leearned since then have changed you.
3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Devout aitheist,
5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
I have meditated for 25 years.
6.Your diet and exercise regiments
I exercise 5 times a week and I eat very healthy
7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
Single, no children
8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
I am a spiritual person not a religious one
9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
Yes if we knew everything, the occult is nothing more than science unexplained.
10.age, ethnicity
37, honky
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
musician...... i also paint as a hobby

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
to speak to the divine, gain personal insight, and its damn fun

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
i am a chef..... but i make some income selling compositions.
i am a trained audio engineer and would like to work as a performing musician or composer for films.

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
no, not a fan of organized religion

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
i used to take yoga classes, but i'm short on cash and time these days

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
typically, i try not to eat refined products like sugar and flower. i also avoid dairy.
lots of fruits and veggies, root veg, berries, nuts, seeds.
i eat meat...... usually organic free range, and am considering cutting out red
i'm starting to look into raw food diet.

i run and lift weights regularly

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
i'm married with an infant son... hetero

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc

there is something beautifully inexplicable going on, and it has to do with the light in all of our hearts.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?

no.... i don't think so

10.age, ethnicity, male female other

22, mixed caucasion, male
1. I consider myself to be multimedia (mostly music, some visual) artist and writer (mostly philosophical prose). If I dance, it's more for recreation than art, though I tend to consider all aspects of life to be artform.

2. Personal enhancement, camaraderie, spiritual insight, inspiration.

3. Research chemist.

4. We are beast-gods, living out our own legends and singing our own myths.

5. I spend a good deal of time in deep thought and internal life. I practice martial-arts, though not under direct tutelage or within an institution.

6. I tend to cook or otherwise eat home-cooked food, if not, I like to eat well and avoid fast-food of any kind. I try to stay on supplement regimes when I can afford it. I walk or bike nearly everywhere, I enjoy hiking and swimming whenever possible, and focus most most of my physical training and activity toward becoming generally physically adept (fighting ability is my best measurement of this).

7. Happily married.

8. We are as divine as divine need be, yet our divinity is best accentuated by our dissatisfaction therein.

9. Science can only better express the constraints of collective understanding.

10. 24, male, American Euro-mutt.
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I do play guitar, sing, and execute the beat. This is my one true love.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
Substitute pleasure for purpose

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
Currently a vallet driver at a very fancy pants hotel, though aspiring pharmacy & pharmacology. I too became interested in recording as I've had jobs revolving around mixing, DJ, & studio work but my further interests came on due to moving around and slowly let the passion turn into hobby. This is undoubtedly a regret, but I feel so compelled to my individual interests which is inevitably making its way.

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Raised as a catholic, Chosen agnostic. I do believe proving the existence or non-existence of a spiritual belief is redundant in the act of living.

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
Meditation is key.

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Lifetime Fitness.

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
Single, child gone to the next.

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
I would advocate such a thing.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
Our intelligence is definitely a mystery. Why it was given to our species is beyond me.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
Age 20, German Filipino, male
1.i am a mechanic to me my work is art i repair cars by trade but can fix anything without knowing how or why i am able to.

2.knowledge, euphoria, bliss, the unknown...

3.mechanic, someday i hope to live in a cabin in the redwood forest and be self sufficient a recluse if you will...

4.the things i believe i cant even begin to fathom how to transcribe them with words...

5.i meditate all the time... self calming it also helps me sleep

6.meat, burgers, fried food... the things i shouldnt you know ;) as far as excersise in my line of work theres plenty of that

7.in a committed relationship... heterosexual male

8.i have been through each extreme my mind changes like the weather

9.hahahaha no fucking way...

10.21 caucasian? male
1: I sketch, paint and sculpt.
2: Psycotherapy
3: Struggling artist
4: None
5: I exercise.
6: Eat whatever I can and weight train.
7: Single, Straight
8: I think all living things have a interconnected lifeforce and that lifeforce acts as a collective conciousness. All acting independently and as one. But my opinion will change in a month. It always does. Especially since I dont see where that therory fits into the quantum universe.
9: Yes just takes time. I have great faith in the human race. Look how much we have advanced in the last 10k years. From primitive hunter/gatherer tribes to going into space. But everytime we let religion take over power we loose 1000 years of scientific advancements. And I cant help but seeing us going that route again.
10: 24, irish/german, male
1- learning to play the guitar, but def no musician. Love writing, specially essays, but I dont think its an art.

2- Looking at myself and the world from a different perspective, in order to improve myself. To understand about the mind, and also for spiritual insights, and for fun too.

3- Recently graduated psychologist, hopefully soon will get into a masters and then onto working with developing a new educational system

4- Most religions have some bottom of truth and good in them but they eventually became distorted/misinterpreted, so I dont follow any. I just try to be critical about each and learn what I can in comparative religious studies.

5- I think too much, could never meditate. Did practice yoga for sometime but now stopped it after moving.

6- Healthy eating habits. Vegetarian, no fast food, no hydrogenated fats, rarely add sugar or salt to anything, a lot of vegetables, fruits, raw food/sprouts, whole wheat everything, and so on. Also exercise constantly, either working in the land, planting trees, cutting grass, etc, and also love hiking and exploring places, and running too.. Nevertheless im a skinny person.

7- married

8- I am critical of the usual idea people have of the bearded angry god in the sky interfering with business down here, but I do know/feel that behind all multiplicity of existence there is some kind of unity, like all of the different cells in the body that seem individual but are part of one whole.

9- We can never explain everything because the ultimate level is a singularity, which cannot be probed in any way, but we can definitely still learn/explain a lot.

10- 24, caucasian Dreamlandian, male.
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I draw comix & play guitar.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
To see the big picture and get in touch with one's deepest feelings.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
Currently a programmer, aspiring to be a herbalist.

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Christian, I tend to be on the Gnostic side

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Veggie. No car, no TV.

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
married, no kids (so far)

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
see 4

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
well, with every advance in knowledge we only realize how ignorant we really are.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
male european in forties
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I am a 'creative'

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
SWIM believes it is essential to be able to view one's personal preception from other angles in order to become a self-actualised person. Most people cannot fully empathise unless they learn to see past their own perspective of reality, and if we all could fully empathise there would be no more war and no more hunger.
SWIM also enjoys them as catalysts for spiritual philosophising and experiencing of beauty and the divine.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
Creative (can't be more specific without compromising identity)

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
The Jurema Way

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
No. I do think a lot, but I don't count that as meditating.

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Healthy balanced diet of organic foods. No supplements, eat organic meat now but have been vegetarian in the past. I work out sometimes, twice weekly when not busy, and I walk a lot.

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
Currently single (hence the time for all this!), waiting for the right girl as feel ready to settle down for good, no children, heterosexual, sexually active every now and then.

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
I am an atheist, but I believe in something divine! The universe is divine. No beliefs as to what happens after death... I'll find out when it happens. I suspect loss of consciousness upon death, I fear infinite recurrence awakening it once again with no knowledge of before, while I hope that consciousness is not a trick but a separate dimension and that I will live on in that way.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
Yes. We are limited by the scope of our language to understand everything, but I believe that we can map and predict everything through mathematics. If we do not destroy our civilisation ourselves and the universe does not destroy us in some way either, then one day the human race will become a race of immortals.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
Age 30, 'white' (Angle/Saxon/Celtic/Viking/Briton mix), male.
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
i play guitar, some flute, didgeridoo, sax...i like writing music on my computer..and i also like drawing..on computer as well

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
first time i took mushrooms..i realize that the world is far more magical than the scientific community had lead me to believe..i am on a search of magic!

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
i currently live in the woods in a TINY cabin.. i spend most of my time delving deeper into the mystery and doing what tickles my fancy..but when the summer comes around i work my body for a living...i aspire to opening a magic/psychedelic workshop/store of experience..which wont be possible until this stupid drug war is over..i am very good at guiding people through magical experiences...i just wish i could make a living from it..without charging money! i think charging any sort of money is just WRONG...so people can pay me in food if they wish

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
i was brought up Quaker..but now..i believe whatever suits me at the time

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
sometimes im able to meditate...

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
im a hungry person..so i eat what i can..my line of work doesnt produce much money at all..but i manage to get by..i dont like working out all that much..climbing trees is fun though..im skinny as a rail

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
wonderful girlfriend

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
all of the above..we live in a paradox..so might as well believe in it all..while also believing none of it

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
absolutely (-blank-)!!!

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
23 male
1) Chemistry is an art form. I draw and paint as well.
2) Use psychoactives to explore the realms of human experience. To study the mind-brain problem. Self exploration. Insight into nature and life.
3) PHD graduate student
4) Religion - Science - the pursuit of truth.
5) I try to meditate hard to find time...
6) Diet -- Fungus, alkaloids
7) Girlfriend
8) The divine- I know that I can not possibly know. Although I do NOT believe in a watch maker god, as that is just well stupid. We are not special people...
9) Science can only explain things relatively. Science is limited (Heisenberg uncertainty principle) however the great majority of things can be understood relatively. But will science ever be complete ? No, every question answered, opens 10 more. But I think science can explain consciousness by studying the molecular effects of hallucinogens.
10) 23
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I play the drums, turntables, and a little keyboard

2.why might one use psycho active substances
To examine one's self from an unbiased standpoint, and see pretty colors

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
Skydiving instructor would be my dream job

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Evangelical Agnostic

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
Yoga daily, a little meditation hear and there.

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
I try to eat healthy, but nothing strict. And I also try to work out at least 3 times a week

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
Like most agnostics, I want to believe in a higher power, but with out empirical evidence I cannot.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
You can explain anything you want, but chances are it's not right.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
18, White, Male.
The Infinite Abyss said:
hello all....

i want to get a feel for the people on this forum
and the for that matter, in the psychedelic community

please answer the following questions in as brief a fashion as possible....

1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..

6.Your diet and exercise regiments

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc

feel free to only answer some of these questions if you feel uncomfortable.

I´ve got similar idea, but was bothered creating survey form.
Anyway, it led me to creating subdivision of anthropology, one called ,sociological´. It should research motivation of drug users, just like Your question no. 2.
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I draw and paint extensively and play the guitar and violin.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
For a glimpse at ones own presuppositions as well as a chance for insight into the inherent physical and chemical nature of conciousness.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
3rd year chemical engineering major. Either chemical research or a job involving chemical synthesis.

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Agnostic atheist (Ie, I lack belief in god in the same way I lack belief in anything else for which evidence does not exist (say the existence of a tea kettle in orbit just outside mars) but would belief upon the presentation of valid verifiable empirical evidence)

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
I run 3-4 times a week. Usually ~2-3 miles. Eat well, I think, mostly my own cooking.

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
Single, straight-leaning bisexual, no childeren.

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
Atheist. There is nothing to this world beyond the physical.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
20, Indian, male.
1. My ability to write is one of my strengths. I play the drums/hand drums, and would eventually like to compose, record, and release my own music 100% independently.

2.To invoke religious/mystical experiences which help achieve a greater understanding of the universe and everyone/thing's place inside of it.

3.Broke ass lazy ass college student bum

4.My religion is knowledge.

5.I meditate and do yoga, but not nearly enough

6.I'm a vegetarian, with an occasional exception for organic, free range, non tortured meat.

7.Straight, in a relationship for 1 year and 2 months

8.I believe in something divine. I also believe we share the same divine nature as the divine. We all have the same innate desire to create that our creator has.

9.Human science most certainly cannot explain everything.

10. 19, caucasion male of german/irish decent.
Fatcat said:
religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Evangelical Agnostic

What an excellent way of putting it, I'm stealing that, hope you don't mind...

1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I'm a fanatical writer, a some time musician, and I wish I could do any kind of drawing but I have exactly no ability to produce anything more than shaky stick men.

2.why might one use psycho active substances
To see things from a different perspective, and to learn about your self and its place in the world, and to have a cartoon implanted in the brain for a short while.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
self employed cfd trader

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
Evangelical Agnostic

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
Ashtanga yoga mainly, with the odd meditation, particularly before going swimming.

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Work out now and again but have largely embraced being tall and skinny. i eat as healthily as I can without being obsessive

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
in a relationship and will definitely get married to her when the time's right

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
I believe in the possibility of the divine, and felt completely sure that there is something divine that exists. However, there's no way I woudl ever embrace a doctrinal version of God. I live my life by my conscience and with the vague belief that one day I will have to account for the choices I've made.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
24, White, Male.

---> Vovin, are you writing about deep thought?
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I'm an switcher. I switch from doing one thing to the next and back. From music to arts and sports.

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
With these substances, SWIM reaches a state of mind, which lays revealed to the most. SWIM didn't try Spice so far, but he already reached places, that have become lifechanging for him. in a positive way. SWIM lives a normal life in no addiction, but he loves to visit the world behind his eyes from time to time. Just to know, that there is more, than only what we can see and touch.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
I'm a Student of journalism and communications, doing a stage atm. at a Television channel. I'm a Videojournalist

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
I believe... but to tell what i believe i'd need a whole lot more of time.

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
I don't medita or do anything like this

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Mhhh... honestly, pretty unhealthy. Lot of Pizza and meat. Sometimes salad to keep up a good consciousness :)

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
single, hetero

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
As i said before. I believe... i believe in a higher force... not god or anything manifested. It's invisible, but always present. it's not something that has power. It's just a spectator, looking at us and judging us by our doings. It's the measurement of my Karma. very very short version :)

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
human sience is what happens in our brains. we're human. some are rocket-scientists, some are biological-scientiests... many uf our friends are psychnoauts. We're able to explain everything in the right way in our brain. So yes, what we can see, feel, touch, smell, imagine.. we can explain it for ourself.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
24, male, white
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
I am somewhat of a musician. I don't believe I am very good, but sometime I can throw down some good shit. I play guitar, drums, didgeridoo, and have the knowledge of how to use recording equipment and Fruity Loops

2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
I originally started using them because I wanted to get fucked up and see cool things. After my first intense mushrooms trip that totally changed. I now take them for spiritual reasons and self exploration.

3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
I am currently working for Delphi Corp. building test cabling, parts, and fixutres for electronic power steering controllers. Im also attending university studying Electrical/Computer Engineer with a minor in physics.

4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
religion is bullshit in my eyes.

5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
I meditate when I feel I can. Most of the time i seem to be too tired so I fall asleep easily.

6.Your diet and exercise regiments
Currently working on fixing this. I am about 45lbs over weight and trying to get back down. I strength train mon-friday for one hour a day, and I run at least a mile every day. My diet is pretty much anything. But I am trying to pay more attention what goes into my body.

7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
Engaged with two children. One of them is from a previous girlfriend. My son is 6 months old and my daughter is 5 years old

8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
Because of psychedelics I do believe that there is something after our brief life here on earth. I just don't know what it is.

9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
Hellz no.

10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
23, white, male
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