The Infinite Abyss
Rising Star
hello all....
i want to get a feel for the people on this forum
and the for that matter, in the psychedelic community
please answer the following questions in as brief a fashion as possible....
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
6.Your diet and exercise regiments
7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
feel free to only answer some of these questions if you feel uncomfortable.
i want to get a feel for the people on this forum
and the for that matter, in the psychedelic community
please answer the following questions in as brief a fashion as possible....
1.Are you a writer, artist, musician, dancer, partake in any other art form.
2.why might one use psycho active substances (i know, but try to keep it brief)
3.Current occupation and/or occupation to which you'd like to aspire...
4.religious affiliations(christianity,islam, scientology)
5.Do you meditate, practice yoga, etc..
6.Your diet and exercise regiments
7.married, single, children?, homosexual, trans gender, that jazz
8.Do you believe in something divine, are you an atheist, or do you believe this is all some kind of trick... etc
9.can human science explain everything in the universe,hyperspace, and beyond?
10.age, ethnicity, male, female, etc
feel free to only answer some of these questions if you feel uncomfortable.