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Lion's Mane

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Lion's Mane is an amazing mushroom with many reported health benefits from nerve damage recovery, reduced anxiety, and other benefits.

After struggling to grow it, I have a way that works for me. If you are already using monotubs, then growing Lions Mane turns out to be simple.


1) Purchase polypropylene bags. Don't need to be anything fancy (thick bag with premade filters), a simple thin bag works fine (gusseted so it stands up nicely), just handle with care. I use 8 X 4 X 18 1.5MIL CLEAR GST POLYPROPYLENE BAGs that go for about $.10 each. This is the most expensive step, but I could not get this mushroom to fruit without using bags and I failed several times.
2) Get a Lions Mane liquid culture syringe (should come with a nice big gauge needle to be able to handle mycelium).
3) Soak grains overnight. Drain them well (important, you don't want a pool at the bottom of your bag later). Fill the bags about 2/3 full or less with
the drained grains, keep in mind there will be some expansion. Get a ball of polyfill and a rubber band and make a neck that can be used as an injection site for inoculation.
4) For future inoculations also prepare a couple of new liquid cultures (5% honey or Caro) in for example Mason jars with a polyfill stuffed injection port.
5) Pressure cook the grains (1h) and the liquid culture jars (15 min). Make sure the bag does not touch the pressure cooker walls and is not resting directly on the bottom (use crumpled Al foil or mason jar lids to elevate it)
6) After cooling, inoculate the bag(s) and new LC(s) through the polyfill. Grab on to the bag polyfill to help the rubber band keep it in place during inoculation.
7) Let the bag colonize. This can take awhile and is variable (temp, mycelium initial health and aptitude, etc).
8 ) Once colonized place the bag in a monotub. The kind that is set and forget with two rows of holes loosely stuffed with polyfill for good FAE.
9) Place a clean water source in the monotub such as a Tupperware containers with water that has just been microwaved.
10) Using a clean knife (e.g. blade wiped in IPA), cut a few X shaped holes on the side of the plastic about 1/3 from the top of the grains.
11) Close the lid. The Lions Mane will fruit at the holes. I think it likes the similarity of its situation to that of being in an upright log. This is the only way I have gotten nice compact solid fruits. There may be some attempts of fruiting inside the bag, no need to worry about that just ignore it, but it is a sign that you should move to the monotub if not there already.
12) Harvest when fruits are about grapefruit size. Keep an eye on them, if they blemish pick them immediately and cut out that part. A simple twist and they come off very easily.
13) After several fruitings the bag will slow down. Time to put it in your garden as compost.
14) Optional: older fruits can drop spores and you should be able to start the life cycle anew with them (but I have not done so). If going this way you can put Al foil under the bag to help collect the spores.

Bellow is a picture of a fruiting bag. If there are any questions I'll be happy to answer them. This procedure should be improvable and feedback is welcome.


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Great post, Loveall, thanks.

My dad is on an ad hoc version of the 'Stamets Protocol': Lion's Mane daily, with a 1g equivalent dose of cubensis every fourth day. It's greatly improved his mood (was previously withdrawn, anxious and prone to looping), and peripheral neuropathy symptoms. My mom can't believe the changes it's made to his mobility too, but I've had to tell her firmly that no, he can't have the cubensis dose every day...!

Any particular grains, in your experience so far?
This is great, Loveall!

I briefly looked into growing Lions Mane after spending quite a bit of money for some online. It's good to know it's achievable. I have also been helping a friend out on their oyster mushroom farm where they are using used coffee grounds and sawdust as substrate. I wonder if Lions Mane would take to it as well. Can't see why not.

Thanks :)
Thank you so much for sharing this! I've wanted to grow these for some time.

Is it necessary to have the tupperware in the mono for RH? I wonder if you could in stead put two colonized lion's mane bags in the same mono?
question here :
what's the best way to consume it ?
It's one of the best mushroom i ever tried (fried, better than any meat)

But, i also research the extraction, and it says to pressure cook it for like 12h (water extraction) and then do an alchool extraction too. Because the goodies are hard to get.
So, if i just eat the fresh mushroom, do i get as much benefits as an extract?
smoothmonkey said:
Thank you so much for sharing this! I've wanted to grow these for some time.

Is it necessary to have the tupperware in the mono for RH? I wonder if you could in stead put two colonized lion's mane bags in the same mono?

Tupperware containing water is there to keep RH high like you say. If you can fit a tall glass instead and have a big enough mono to fit a second bag that should work.

Without some kind of independent water source to keep RH high the fruits tend to dry too much as they leave the bag and if you spray them to recover they can get damaged (I've been there). I've also tried simply pouring water into the bottom of the monotub, but spores got in the water and the situation did not look as clean and tidy as when the water is kept separate and to the side.

1) Adding wood to the grain substrate improves the size of the fruits based on recent test. Without wood there are still fruits, just not as fluffy and big.

2) Scientists have reported that adding gibberellic acid seems to super-charge Lions mane. Gibberellic acid is a widely available plant hormone.
I really need to grow lion's mane. I have post concussion syndrome, and it might help. PCS sucks. I need to try that Stamets Protocol.

As a side note: I saw a post somewhere and a guy was doing Lin's Mane jars. He said he stopped even trying to fruit. He claimed that the colonized mycelium has all of the medicinal qualities of the fruit. He just slices it up and eats it. I'm sure it's not as yummy as the fruits, but if he's right, it could be helpful to people who need the benefits of Lion's Mane.
Mister_Niles said:
I really need to grow lion's mane. I have post concussion syndrome, and it might help. PCS sucks. I need to try that Stamets Protocol.

As a side note: I saw a post somewhere and a guy was doing Lin's Mane jars. He said he stopped even trying to fruit. He claimed that the colonized mycelium has all of the medicinal qualities of the fruit. He just slices it up and eats it. I'm sure it's not as yummy as the fruits, but if he's right, it could be helpful to people who need the benefits of Lion's Mane.

I don't know how close they compare to the fruit, but commercial supplements use mycelated rice to make pills and there are thousands of reviews out there saying the pills help people.

There is some info here. Conclusion as I understand it is that it is not clear which is better (mycelium or fruit), but both have medicinal compounds.

If you have a colonized jar (and don't want to colonize bags), you can try to open the jar lid and place it in a mushroom monotub that has glass cup of water in it (source of humidity). It is very likely that you will get a delicious fruit to pop out of the top of the jar (I think).
If you have a colonized jar (and don't want to colonize bags), you can try to open the jar lid and place it in a mushroom monotub that has glass cup of water in it (source of humidity). It is very likely that you will get a delicious fruit to pop out of the top of the jar (I think).
Is lions mane orientation sensitive? Would lying the jar on its side help fruitbody production if the mushroom prefers to grow sideways?
downwardsfromzero said:
If you have a colonized jar (and don't want to colonize bags), you can try to open the jar lid and place it in a mushroom monotub that has glass cup of water in it (source of humidity). It is very likely that you will get a delicious fruit to pop out of the top of the jar (I think).
Is lions mane orientation sensitive? Would lying the jar on its side help fruitbody production if the mushroom prefers to grow sideways?

Good question/suggestion. I don't know, but I think it is worth a try sideways if using jars since that is closer to how it grows naturally. Suggest to prop the jar up on a block so the fruit does not drag on the monotub floor and bruise.

I'll be sticking with the side holes in the bags. Seems to work fine :d .
Thanks for the effort on this post Loveall!!!

I still won't be growing my own Lion's Mane, however I can order capsules. I've asked the providers, and I have two options - one is cultivated in China, and the other in Japan. Both claim the highest standards and international requirements are met and the products are of high quality.

But I remember someone saying something about LM grown in China (maybe it was even Stamets himself) that wasn't of high enough quality etc.

Can someone please give me their opinion on this, should I order those types of LM, or should I throw more money in and order the USA stuff?

Much love! :love:
Thanks Nidex.

Yes I remember Paul S. warning about Chinese commercial mushrooms.

There is data out there that shows heavy metal issues in Chinese commercial mushrooms. Here is a link to a recent article from last year,

In conclusion, the mushrooms collected in China are a good source of minerals such as molybdenum and selenium but are badly contaminated with aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead.

I would suggest getting local fresh mushrooms at the farmers market. Some growers have an online presence in Facebook and the web in general.

As far as supplements go, even "US" companies may be just repakaging stuff from China to make a buck. One company I believe grows their own stuff is the one that Paul S. started (Host Defence).

Good luck bringing all these amazing mushrooms into your life. They truly are incredible things to be thankful for.
I see, thanks for the advice!

I can't seem to find this mushroom fresh locally, so I'll either have to grow my own, or supplement with capsules, and of the both only the latter seems convenient at the moment.

Also, no idea why but I trust Japan more than China when it comes to quality of products 😁

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