Rising Star
Swims last journey about a week ago,was the srangest dmt experience yet (not the strongest just the strangest).Most of his experiiences is w/ this long vein like of colors which mnifest's itself into a kind female entity but not humanly defined.It seems that she tries to seduce me into following her deeper into the realm in order to show swim thing's and swim has a lot further to go (never a full breakthrough,he's taking it slow).It is usually very spacious and lots of kaleidascope type imagery.The last journey swim saw a scene,which wasnt really pcychedelic in its imagery and it was very close in and not spacious,it was all happening very close to him.He saw these clearly defined beings that appeared to be jumpimg out of a diiferent realm and he would see half their body's when they were ripping or jumping out of that reality to where i could see them as a whole figure and they had a jester like appearence.They were doing this little tip toe dance and would duck down and dissapear into this little cave like structure and it would repeat itself like it was on a loop and they were very focussed on swim and looking at swim.Swim had spacetime continuum playing in the backround but didnt even notice the music.As all this was going on, there sounded to be like plastic wrapper being cumpled up behind swim.My notice started to get directed to this sound and it was a little irritating or bothersome because it was behind swim and he couldnt see it or knew what it was.As his attention was being taken off these beings they became a little taunting as if they were upset that he wasnt paying as much attention to them, at which point swim started to open his eyes.Swim has noticed and has heard from others that when you stop to think about something during a journey that might take your attention away from the molecule it tends to either taunt or even get a little mad that swim isnt fully paying attention.I realize that it is simply swims ego not completely "letting go" and getting distracted by a thought.Has anyone ever experienced this?Not just the dancing jester's but the molecule getting upset (for lack of a better term) that you are not 100% with it/her or it?