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local Mimosa root bark

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Is it possible (in the USA) to find mimosa root bark in local shops such as the same ones one might expect to find salvia divinorum and the like? The experience sounds absolutely amazing but ordering through the internet is something that is not desired.

Not asking for specific sources but is this a likely way to find it? Or are there some kinds of restrictions or whatnot that prevent them from being able to do this?
Hmm, known about it for years - it's fascinating to know its relation with human consciousness...but it's not been yet experienced personally.

Anyways, just don't like the idea of ordering anything through the mail that may contain such a thing...would rather find it in a local setting where it didn't require ordering and putting a name on something. Sure that makes sense to some of you's.

So yeah. Question still stands anyone ever seen this bark around not on the 'net?
Thanks you helped so much guys </sarcasm> Some actual halfway decent information would have been nice but I guess that's too much to ask for...
diethyl said:
Thanks you helped so much guys </sarcasm> Some actual halfway decent information would have been nice but I guess that's too much to ask for...

Wow, I am incredibly surprised by your disrespectful attitude, what kind of responses exactly were you expecting?

Your question in the first place is about as vague as it gets, so let's see, is it POSSIBLE that stores sell bark in person? hmm lets see, yes

Is it possible a store would have it for sale so you don't need to give your name, umm yes, it is not illegal remember.

Is it possible we all here on these boards have no damn idea YOUR location, so all research into local shops would all have to be done on your side anyways so what the hell question are you actually asking and why ask it on the internet when you know we couldn't help you. (try doing some actual research on your own and call around local shops in YOUR area wherever that actually is)

If you are so damn scared to order something that is not illegal off the internet, you shouldn't be using this sacrament. Now, go crawl back to the hole in which you came from.
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