Rising Star
I am wondering if any of you more experienced folks have experienced any chronic or permanent alterations in the way your brain processes sensory information similar to HPPD as a result of frequently tripping on DMT. SWIM has not had any truly intense and transformative DMT experiences, but he has definitely noticed changes in his wiring. For example, ever since SWIM first partook of the spice, he has become acutely aware of hypnagogic imagery and can bring it into three dimensions by concentration. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, these are closed-eye distortions you will sometimes notice in your visual field right before falling asleep. SWIM has never noticed nor payed attention to these things before smoking DMT, but now he is able to consciously play around with them.
One session of such playing around abruptly produced a vivid, photographically realistic scene, as if dreaming. SWIM was so startled by this (since he was still completely awake) that the scene faded away almost immediately. He had not done DMT or any other psychoactive drugs for a long time when this happened.
Another long term effect has been on the presentation of mushroom trips. Prior to smoking DMT, SWIM has never noticed any visuals during mushroom trips; they have always been, as one trip report eloquently puts it, "a visceral apprehension of fundamental truths." Since DMT, however, SWIM can experience or dismiss mushroom visuals during his trips almost as a matter of choice.
One session of such playing around abruptly produced a vivid, photographically realistic scene, as if dreaming. SWIM was so startled by this (since he was still completely awake) that the scene faded away almost immediately. He had not done DMT or any other psychoactive drugs for a long time when this happened.
Another long term effect has been on the presentation of mushroom trips. Prior to smoking DMT, SWIM has never noticed any visuals during mushroom trips; they have always been, as one trip report eloquently puts it, "a visceral apprehension of fundamental truths." Since DMT, however, SWIM can experience or dismiss mushroom visuals during his trips almost as a matter of choice.