Sometimes I wonder coatl where you get your info? I took your advice and looked on other sites. I found a link to an article showing that grafting makes no difference in alkaloid content just as I expected. So there grafting does not matter at all, it has no effect on alkaloid content and allows the plants to grow faster. This also shows that stress may not be as big of a deal as some would like to believe, GENETICS is the key.
Biokhimiia. 1978 Feb;43(2):246-51.Related Articles, Links
[Estimation of mescaline and pellotine in Lophophora coulter plants (Cactaceae) by means of the oscillographic polarography]
[Article in Russian]
Gabermann V.
Oscillographic polarography has been applied for the mescaline and pellotine estimation. These alkaloids produce in 0.5 N NaOH electrolyte a sharp peak within the cathode region of the oscillogram, each of them showing different potential. It makes possible to estimate them at a concentration of 5.10(-6) g/ml. All the forms of Lophophora williamsii were found to contain mescaline and lower content of pellothine, L. jourdaniana--to have equal content of both alkaloide, L. diffusa and L. fricii--to contain pellotine and only traces of mescaline. Plants grown in the greenhouse accumulated the same amount of alkaloids as native plants. Grafting on roodstock which does not produce essential amount of the alkaloids, does not affect the ability of Lophophora to synthesize mescaline and pellotine.