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Low dose LSD and diarrhea

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
When ever I dose anything below 25ug I always get diarhhea.I have tried with 60ug ,100ug, 200 ug and have no signs of diarrhea. Is this common? Is this any sign that the LSD i have has gone bad?
Perhaps it just a coincidence.

A friend of mine usually complained "when I do acid, I always have a massive urge to take a shit.". So we did an experiment, I said we have a couple of day off, nowhere to be why don't you just drop acid after you do your business instead of before?

Needless to say, he didn't have to this time. Taking in account that it takes a while to kick in, another while to fully peak, and a while to wear off.

Considering LSD is usually a 12h experience until you can say you're back on baseline, that lead me to believe that due its stimulating nature it can stimulate the bowels but shouldn't make too much of an impact. Also because of its long duration, that might be ordinary bowel movement you just over-think it and over-analyze.

Even at doses low as 25ug I personally tend to make connections that I wouldn't normally do stone cold sober. That's what psychedelics do, it doesn't always have to be true or make sense at all.

LSD is by no means a laxative, so I would personally examine what I ate that day that contributed to the diarrhea.
Since you only get this effect on low doses, I would say it has to be something else. If it actually did cause this effect, by raising the dose it would get worse or at the very least cause the same level of effect. There has to be something else at play here.

...that is if it actually is LSD and not some new research chemical that is poorly understood as of yet
In that case all bets are off and anything is possible.
Sore said:
How long have you had it for? Are you sure it is LSD? Do you have any trouble with reflux or stomach acid?

More info more answers mate.

I have it with me for like 3 months. I am almost sure it is LSD. It's compeltely tasteless and the review of the same product is good in reddit. Anyway not tested with Ehrlich or anything by me though.
hector77 said:
Sore said:
How long have you had it for? Are you sure it is LSD? Do you have any trouble with reflux or stomach acid?

More info more answers mate.

I have it with me for like 3 months. I am almost sure it is LSD. It's compeltely tasteless and the review of the same product is good in reddit. Anyway not tested with Ehrlich or anything by me though.

If you are really worried or got in bulk for the sake of it I would go out of the way to test, and just because it is tasteless doesn't mean it is LSD, apparently the Ehrlich test can be faked with easily obtainable chemicals to give the appearance of an indole ring so it could be an RC I don't wanna scare you or anything but it is a possibility.

Double check the dosage, weigh yourself and dose according to your weight then get some fibre in your diet for two weeks hombre, and have someone time the experience and get a written or verbal recollection of said experience.

Lastly, don't mention Reddit reviews mate sweet Shiva :!:

Sore said:
hector77 said:
Sore said:
How long have you had it for? Are you sure it is LSD? Do you have any trouble with reflux or stomach acid?

More info more answers mate.

I have it with me for like 3 months. I am almost sure it is LSD. It's compeltely tasteless and the review of the same product is good in reddit. Anyway not tested with Ehrlich or anything by me though.

If you are really worried or got in bulk for the sake of it I would go out of the way to test, and just because it is tasteless doesn't mean it is LSD, apparently the Ehrlich test can be faked with easily obtainable chemicals to give the appearance of an indole ring so it could be an RC I don't wanna scare you or anything but it is a possibility.

Double check the dosage, weigh yourself and dose according to your weight then get some fibre in your diet for two weeks hombre, and have someone time the experience and get a written or verbal recollection of said experience.

Lastly, don't mention Reddit reviews mate sweet Shiva :!:


Okay i will keep that in my mind.
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