i havnt tried barolotine low oder spirit. But i have tried b&q white spirit, which is a turpintine substitue. Its a heavy form of naptha. Its troublesome after freeze precipitation, which iave had no problem with. The first 2 pulls of 150ml left the bottom and sides of my collection jar complelty covered in crystal.
After pouring off all the solvent, enough remained on the crystals that once it warmed up it would disolve the dmt again and you'd have to evaporate the rest. Evaporating white spirit takes ages.
I improved slightly by draining of as much of the solvent, then putting it back in the freezer for 12 hours to get more solvent away from the crystals then once out leaving it upside for a few hours. then turning it right way up to evap the rest away.
I dont know if the low oder stuff is any easier to evap. If you have a fan, use it as that should help evap the white spirit quicker.
With my pulls i didnt evap any of the solvent, just straight into the freezer and 12 hours later, jar full of crystals. The colder the better, ive seen the best results with very very cold. 1 person on another forum reported upto 2% yeild of pretty clean crystals usijng a freezer that was -20c.