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LSD in mainstream news

Migrated topic.
When I talked to my mom the other day she said she heard that psilocybin was included in some really mainstream list of top medical innovations, she is a registered nurse, and pays attention to medical news...

LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and microdosing have actually been receiving tons of good press lately, I can only hope that this continues, and that public perception of psychedelics will continue to shift in a positive direction which acknowledges their potential uses and benefits.

Seems to me that psychedelics just a better social stigma surrounding them. While this is good news too, I still doubt legalization will happen soon. LSD might actually never be legalized.

The government doesn't care at all about us, and that's not just on a specific region but everywhere. The reason behind it population control, and making as much money as possible with investing as little as possible.

Psychedelics tend to wake you up, and you bend or you can even be potentially dangerous to destroy the system you live in. Bottom line, you have something that tells you not to fall into the trick and make profit for someone else by unfollowing their mind-washing. The thing that tells you that doesn't need to tell you the same message over and over again so you eventually start thinking differently and behaving differently, in a way that nobody can lock you up since you don't do or say anything wrong but fundamentally true. As a single person there isn't much of a change but if everybody joined you that type of behavior would be very very problematic for the government hence the ban initially.

It is no secret that these drugs have a huge potential for various conditions, microdosing or otherwise. Legal, illegal, stigmatized or not, I'm glad I found them and I'm still going to take them regardless and I believe everybody that wants to should have the opportunity to do so.

At least if someone somewhere talks about them or there exist even the tiniest psychedelic community out there it will never be vanished from the face of the earth.
See, I'm not as pessimistic as you AwesomeUsername. The reason I feel this way is because of the organisations and individuals working on doing legit research and changing the public view on psychedelics, which in turn, influences legislation.

It's because of articles like these that I feel optimistic.

Besides, the War on Drugs has been definitively proven to be an abject failure. I think legalisation is inevitable. It will take a while, but I really think it will happen. Maybe I'm naive, but this is how I feel.😁
Wonderful! I shared this with a few friends. Although I will always be skeptical of media influence, it is still heartening when ideological apparatuses work to reinforce beliefs such as this that promote happiness and acceptance. I suppose you could argue it is troubling that we even need the media to be approving at all of something, but this is true whether or not we like it, especially for older people.

I also like to think that the younger generation will be far more accepting of psychedelic use going forward and that things will only get better for this particular problem. :)
Neither do i share AUN's view. I see a completely different view of psychedelic users being publicly perceived as ever before. Whereas before, users were seen as wild eyed, cosmic nonsense spouting turned on tuned out hippies, now, a typical user is older, professional and seeking something of personal and social benefit from them.

In recent weeks I've seen half a dozen mainstream reports, all on LSD micro dosing, from the ops article to a couple in other large outlets (I'll try to find links and edit them in) to a couple positive reviews of a recently published book on one person's experience with it called A Really Good Day-one on NPR's morning edition.

LSD micro dosing has been used as a creativity and productivity enhancing drug in silicon valley for some time and the secret has gotten out, now it's being pursued as a new hip and cool thing to do. In certain circles, if you aren't doing it, you're falling behind.

The promise that was hijacked by Leary and Haight Ashbury (or the CIA, or all of them, depending on who you listen to) is now back on course. Things like the phase III trials for FDA approval of MDMA in the US being underway, and the very real possibility of psilocybin following close behind, along with the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana reflect the changing attitude towards drug use (in America at least) that could very well see an extension into the lifting off prohibition on psychedelics if it's played right.

It's a long, hard slog of activism, bureaucracy eventual change and with perseverance we'll get there eventually. The question is how to best steward them and ensure that their therapeutic use isn't just the province of elite, high income individuals able to pay hundreds of dollars per session.
Why Power Women Are Micro-Dosing LSD at Work.

How LSD saved one woman's marriage

LSD saved more than my marriage, it saved my life.

Psychedelic drugs article...

Ugghh...but then there are still articles like THIS appearing as well...

Positive press on psychedelics is always nice to see, and legalization is definitely on it's way. MAPS 2021 target date for MDMA is fast approaching and psilocybin is right on it's heels, with LSD not lagging far behind.

I'm on the fence with this one, while it's great that the social attitude (read: wutever my TV tells me) about psychedelics is changing, something feels a bit nefarious about it. Microdosing 10 ug of LSD to "have a better day at work" is quite a bit different from eating 600 ug and dissolving into the godhead. This practice of integrating psychedelics into the capitalist, consumerist, destructivist culture and turning it into the new cup of coffee seems in some ways to be robbing them of their larger role in waking us up enough to dismantle that very culture. I don't want bulldozer drivers and fracking rig operators doing 10 mics every few days to find moar creative and novel ways to increase the devastation of our precious dwindling natural resources, I want these people blowing their heads wide open enough to recognize the interconnection of all life and to start rethinking their role in this cosmic game.

I guess one should to look to the example of cannabis, first the medicine, then the recreation. This is the foot in the door consciousness activists need to be able pry the damn thing open and attain our entheogenic liberty. Baby steps.

A part of me also feels this is reactionary, the fact that psychedelics are so easily available now with the deepweb and sites like shroomery, nexus, etc. It's much like what happened with the hippies growing the good cannabis and dethroning the cartel schwag, it's an environment of accept and adapt, or be overrun by the future, learn to swim or drown. This is why legalization is inevitable, you can't stuff the genie back in the bottle, and in 21st century cyber culture, the psychedelic genie is out for good.
years ago..When i could still get real pure leagle .. LSD 25 ..[orange sunshine].. the microdots..the pentagons..the blotter..not the trash they sell now a days ..

When I started dropping acid at age 18.. it instantly took me out of depression!.. and i quick;y noticed a more positive attitude on life.. and apreciated nature more.. and my life was full of wonder like a new born .. i was reborn and freed from the.. [hamster cage program] installed in my brain by society ..

Yes there is something in these drugs that has a positive effect on many people as long as they use it right...

LSD has shown to reduce the stress and fear of death in people who are dying of serious illnesses
remember huxley?

As good as Lsd is.. there is a small amount of people why cant handle it im not shure why..

Yes good press is always welcome but most research programs dont do micro dose tests but we need more research on the positive effects of these tye of drugs for betterment of humanity..!:thumb_up:
starway6 said:
years ago..When i could still get real pure leagle .. LSD 25 ..[orange sunshine].. the microdots..the pentagons..the blotter..not the trash they sell now a days ..

When I started dropping acid at age 18.. it instantly took me out of depression!.. and i quick;y noticed a more positive attitude on life.. and apreciated nature more.. and my life was full of wonder like a new born .. i was reborn and freed from the.. [hamster cage program] installed in my brain by society ..

Yes there is something in these drugs that has a positive effect on many people as long as they use it right...

LSD has shown to reduce the stress and fear of death in people who are dying of serious illnesses
remember huxley?

As good as Lsd is.. there is a small amount of people why cant handle it im not shure why..

Yes good press is always welcome but most research programs dont do micro dose tests but we need more research on the positive effects of these tye of drugs for betterment of humanity..!:thumb_up:

I think it's a fallacy that somehow the LSD of the past was of higher quality.


I think it's a fallacy that somehow the LSD of the past was of higher quality.

Ok i might feel a little over proud of ..[my generations drugs and it awesome music]..

But i still feel my generations LSD was the best and purest offered to the public then...

And maybe the acid of today is ok i wouldent know because i cant find any since its illeagle here..

Ive been to woodstock number two at the.. [gooselake music festival] the one and only and it was so cool over 400 thousand people had fun in the sun and listened to groups like.. Jethro tull ..mountain..and many other big names..and with this ocean of young people there was suprisingly no violence there..we even had bikers at the gates directing parking...

The michigan press was there.. along with many plain clothes police.. but they were powerless to interupt a gathering of this size.. tents were everywhere selling the drug of your choice..

you could look down and pick bags of pot and other drugs right off the ground where stoned people droped them..
I even remember finding a baggie of brown mescaline capsuls of which i took some of and while stoned went into a strangers parked car and played the tape player.. listening to a band called ..funkadelic..also frank zappas [suzie creamchees[ and [weasles riped my flesh] albums on tape..

Shure//that was a long time ago.. and my odomiter is getting high but my mind has stayed young for some reason..

I cant imagine these younger generations having a better time than mine did and i still say our music and some of our drugs especially LSD was the Best!

I think it was partly our music that made it the best...

Have a tast of my generations music below..Enjoy!

White Room - Cream
by Muerteaespartacus

Cream - Swlabr
by hfield07

Cream Born Under A Bad Sign
by Carlos Alberto Campos Castañeda

Cream Spoonful part1
by scissormetimbers8

Cream-Tales of Brave Ulysses
by SqueezeMyLemonBabe

Cream - Strange Brew
by MemphoTenn

Cream - I Feel Free (( New STEREO Mix ))
by Stratman '78
goose lake music fest...

Video of resident reaction to Goose Lake music fest and ... - YouTube
Video for goose lake music festival..youtube▶ 1:29
Aug 4, 2015 - Uploaded by MLive
Video of resident reaction and a response on the Goose Lake International Music Festival documentary.
starway6 said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
I think it's a fallacy that somehow the LSD of the past was of higher quality.
Ok i might feel a little over proud of ..[my generations drugs and it awesome music]..

But i still feel my generations LSD was the best and purest offered to the public then...

And maybe the acid of today is ok i wouldent know because i cant find any since its illeagle here..
Keep in mind those fine chemists who were pumping out the purest of the pure back in 1965 have had 50 years to perfect and pass on their art. With that knowledgebase and modern equipment, I'd wager it's the best it's ever been. 8)
I was at a discussion last month where psychologists and psychotherapists discussed their findings regarding psychedelics and treatment. They predicted LSD, Psilocybin, and MDMA would start to be used legally in therapy sessions within 6-8 years. Not sure how accurate that is or where they got that figure from, but fingers crossed!
Does anyone know what this peice of equipment is in video below ?

Im talking about the large ...[clear round glass vat]... that is bubbling and churning in the acid lab?

What is that peice of equipment called?

The Sunshine Makers Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Documentary - YouTube
Jan 9, 2017 - Directed by: Cosmo Feilding Mellen The Sunshine Makers Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Documentary A real-life "Breaking Bad" for the psychedelic ...
Isn't that a simple round-bottom flask, like always used, just a bit bigger in size?

About the quality of the LSD back then:
IMHO it's not the quality that makes the difference between back then and now, but the amount.
E.g. when Scully calculates how much acid is needed for 3/4 of a billion people, he assumed a dose of almost 300mics (if I still remembered correctly). Today's blotters have a mean of 70mics on them, here where I live. Hardly any go much higher than 100mics. Only a very very small percentage has more on it.
Actually AFAIR in the last tests here, really 50% of all the acid did have 70 or less mics on them...

I also think this is probably deliberately, as many people nowadays probably rather want to take LSD for fun at a party, and not for a deep trip.
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