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Lucid Dreaming (and the chemicals that make it happen!)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Lately, as a result of bordem, curiousity, and a lot of time to sleep... I've decided that I'd give some different chemicals a shot and see what I feel is the overall, best herbal sleep inducing chemical I can find. I've tried quite a few from local markets and stores, such as:

Vitamin B6
and Valerian

My personal favorite is melatonin and the body buzz that it gives me about 45 minutes after I take it. It seems to be the strongest (for me), out of everything that I've tried so far.

I have yet to order some of the sleep/dream inducing herbs over the web, so some reccomendations would be nice.

Eventually, if I remember some of my better dreams or write them down in a dream journal, I'll post them up and see how they differ from chemical to chemical, and from mixtures of different chemicals.

The thread is open for discussion for anything from the drugs, experiences, reactions, questions, reccomendations and so forth.😉
Calea Zacatachichi

drink a glass or two of tea from it, then smoke it until you get drowsy...

heads up, it was probably one of the harshest things I've smoked, but definitely made my dreams more vivid
I was taking Silene capensis for a couple weeks and got some very strong results.

It wasnt lucidity but very strong and meaningful dreams.

Actually i find that whenever i Blast off (once or twice a month),i will get amazing lucid dreams,the day of or after the day of the journey, where i'm completely aware and am able to do almost whatever i want and then i wake up.

I'm gonna start taking silene capensis again (i got lazy).

I've also lately been having "fringe" OBE's and i'm able to will it (not all the time). As i'm going to sleep, i focus on my third eye and ofcours my breathing and it's strange because i will get very faint dmt'ish CEV's and my body will start to vibrate (like when you just took that second hit)and it's like something is pushing my body up but then i become aware of it and i come back down.It only feels like i got a few inches off my bed. One time i felt a very strong presence but i'm not sure if that was my imagination.

It's very cool shit LD,OBE and RV.
I prepare the dream herb in ayahuasca analogues because i find the herb a little more smoother on the mind alongside a vine. Though I still have trouble finding a vendor for silene capensis. Ohiotraders ended up sending me a packet of dwarf pods... I don't know how you mix up the two, but I didn't even bother sending it back. . Just popped em open and planted a few. :p

but definitely all around good stuff
Silene Capensis works great for me to get very vivid dreams. Dwhitty76, may I ask how you prepare yours?

b.t.w. I got my Silene Capensis from Maya-ethnobotanicals, see the supplier thread.
ive tryed calea, Melatonin, 5-HTP, and Valerian, usually seperate, now ive just been using valerian to just sleep without dreams..

I didnt like calea, i smoked it the tea is bitter causes a smoach ache which leads to the need to pee in the middle of the night & other problems with dreams..
also i noticed it doesnt work when you smoke weed with it befor bed which i always do... maybe it was just me..

I still have a bag of the silene cap. root, been lazy to use it again.. the first time i ground up the root & made a cold water extracion, but only drank hours before bed.. i think u need to load up on this too.

so how does everyone else make theres?

i think it would interesting to try all of these together.. whoa.
I prepare my Silene Capensis like this:

1. First thing to do in the morning
2. Weigh 250mg of Silene Capensis and put it in a tea bag
3. Put the tea bag in a cup and add boiling water
4. Let it sit for half an hour
5. Drink on an empty stomach

This works really good for me.

Funny thing is that this tea also has as an anti-anxiety effect on me during the day.
The Traveler said:
I prepare my Silene Capensis like this:

1. First thing to do in the morning
2. Weigh 250mg of Silene Capensis and put it in a tea bag
3. Put the tea bag in a cup and add boiling water
4. Let it sit for half an hour
5. Drink on an empty stomach

This works really good for me.

Funny thing is that this tea also has as an anti-anxiety effect on me during the day.

At night i put it in a blender w/ water, which creates froth and then i drink the froth.

I initially was using the same method as you but i'm usually running late for work at dont have time in the A.M.

I never had any lucid drams as a result of the "african root bark" but definately much more vivid dreams.

I usually have very active dreams as it is but this definately enhances it.

I need to get back in the routine
DMT is the best lucid dreams enhancer that my friend ever tried because the DMT experience learned him how to concentrate on inner visuals.
Nicotin can be very effective also.
Melatonin and B6 did almost nothing on sleep nor dreams. Calea was effective for vivid dreams (but not lucid).
Garulfo said:
DMT is the best lucid dreams enhancer that my friend ever tried because the DMT experience learned him how to concentrate on inner visuals.
Nicotin can be very effective also.
Melatonin and B6 did almost nothing on sleep nor dreams. Calea was effective for vivid dreams (but not lucid).

I agree whole heartedly. Almost every time swim takes a spice journey, the next couple of night he will get lucid dreams (not alway's).

They're not necissarily psychedelic in respect to "hyperspace" but have woken up in dreams on other planets with friendly entities.

IT BLEW MY MIND! swim couldn't wait to go back to sleep the next night.

I just wish he could do it at will.
Just keep a notebook and pen under your pillow and write whatever you remember about your dreams as soon as you wake up.

legal commonly reported dream aids/potentiators:

Alpha-GPC (Choline)

Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris
Dream Herb - Calea zacatechichi
Blue Vervain - Verbena hastata (used by Pawnee Indians)
Wild Lettuce - Lactuca Virosa
Passionflower - Passiflora incarnata
Kava - Piper methysticum
Have never tried Silene Capensis, but will vouch for Calea Z.
Also, I don't find it to be a harsh smoke, and the smell is fantastic.

The only thing to note is

1) Make a strong tea and brew it down to a shot glass'es worth so you can drink it all in a onner.
2) Cuttings are more difficult to take than something like salvia.
So, use a hormone rooting gel (clonex) and keep the young plants (up to 2 months old) in a humidity tent / jar / plastic bag;
even long after they have rooted and been potted, otherwise they will just dry up and you'll be back to square one. Once the plants
are bigger, they can survive without the humidity tent.
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